Whats left for millennial's?

Whats left for millennial's?




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Millenial's what?

Crashing this plane with no survivors.

go back to r*ddit y9ou fucking faggot

millenials, being trapped between selfish boomers, soulless x'ers and climate paranoid z'ers

Would you say the life progression of Gen Y was a good one?
Most are aged Mid 20 to late 30's
There time is running out

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>ask my grandparent why in the world she never thought to save up money and property for her kids

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>concern shill thinks Trump is a magic genie that can fix every societal problem by snapping his fingers

Day of the pillow soon

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More like opioid deaths linked as suicide, is there anyone who doesn't know at least one person connected with opioids anymore?

This boomers will get the Retirmemnt home treatment with all of the third world CNA's that will barely clean them as they shit their pants and lie in it for weeks.
Their day will come soon!

But Millennial's, its been almost 2 decades plus. When will we get the good life. We've dealt wtih one bad economy after another, saddled with debts, and using drugs to cope.
Why should we have to wait until we are in our 50's to start living the good life.

pic related cars boomers could afford when they were young

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To contrast
Cars Gen Y has to lease or finance to get

>Cheapest car out there

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Yeah, when life was set to tutorial mode.
Utter scum.

This is good for bitcoin

Im close to death. I abuse steroids and i do cocaine twice a week. Im going to have a heart attack soon. I also drink black coffee daily.

I called paramedics before as i thought i was going to die. I was angry at myself, i need to lose my fear of death and just embrace it

I reckon i have 6 months left at most.

Gen Y here. I haven't wanted to be alive for over half my life now. The last time I spoke to a peer was a decade ago. If you wanted to kill me, I would not be opposed to that.

>and then one day for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power

>Dad could support a family alone working in a fucking bakery.
>Worked his way up to managing bread factories, made the equivalent of $250k a year.
>Spent it all on stupid shit. Left me nothing.
Fucking sucks. But what's done is done. Now I can't even fucking afford to live. Currently looking for roomates in NYC who will allow couples.

You should also ask how much a house cost when they were young.

you either need to love life as in hedonistic pleasures
you need to find something that is bigger and more important than you: family, religion, ideology, nation, mission.

Used. With at LEAST 100,000 miles.

Dude take some DMT or a high dose of shrooms, it'll give you a new perspective and maybe even save your life.
Worst case it could take away your fear of passing on to the other side.

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Sad thing is most if not all Boomers actually believe this. Let's just ignore the economic boom that happened after WW2 and everything the WW2 generation left for them as they ate it up for themselves and left nothing for future generations.

I'm very interested by this. Why are you doing this to yourself? What motivates you to suicide, and why are you doing it in this slow way?

I know that feel user
My life is no where near what i thought my life would be right now. I have an assossicates in a STEM degree.
>Can't get a job in that position
>Can't find a internship
>McDonalds hasn't gotten back to me
>Neither have any of the other places that I applied too ever gotten back to me

I recently called a 24 hour fitness to work the graveyard shift. Told me they restructured and the pos I applied for was renamed and I would have to reapply. Do so. Now every time I call HR is "in a meeting". I look at the online profile and realize I applied to a similar position in 2017.
It enrages me any time I hear someone say
>There are jobs
>Its easy to get a job
I just turned 24 and I've only ever worked 5 years. Multiple jobs but all seasonal or dead end jobs.
Last year I made 7k and that is the most I've ever made according to taxes. Its fucking sicking.

kill a bunch of muslims before you die, faggot
>you won't do shit, nigger

>But men are not entirely to blame for the steep decline in marriage, Crouse pointed out. “A lot of women fear marriage. While feminism is a spent force, the ultimate consequences of that philosophy is a whole generation of women who don’t want any man to tell them what to do, and don’t really understand the give and take that is necessary for a marriage relationship.”

>while feminism is a spent force,
>while feminism is a spent force,
>while feminism is a spent force,
>while feminism is a spent force,
>But men are not entirely to blame for the steep decline in marriage, Crouse pointed out.
>But men are not entirely to blame for the steep decline in marriage, Crouse pointed out.
>But men are not entirely to blame for the steep decline in marriage, Crouse pointed out.

What's really sad is that getting the good life even at 50 years old is becoming increasing difficult as the years go on and the country dies a slow death.

The experiment generation. I'm one of them. I've almost given it all up but the kikes didn't get me. Praise Jesus.

>inb4 Rabbi Yeshua there is no book besides mein kampf that is tough on the jews like the bible.

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concern shill thinks Trump is a demon that can destroy America by snapping his fingers


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I'm sure the parents of Boomers felt the same way.....right?....RIGHT?

Sorry dude, you got the persona-non-grata tag on your character sheet. Shit fucking sucks, just try to find your own way, buy & sell cars, shirts, drugs, whatever.

>roids and cocaine

bet your some britchad that banged a lot of women and seen every london bar. Your probably the anglo rich piana. You lived a full life already user.

I remember looking for a car on Craigslist.
Always hear people getting cars for 1500-3000 on there
>See a toyota corolla
>203k miles (City miles)
>Dent on the side
>3.5k I know what I have
It took me forever to find my galant with under 60k.
I see now why people my age go into debt for cars, because its better than having to deal with some of the lemons we have to over pay for online.
But then the new media
>Why don't millennials...
>Buy used cars
>throw away their bus pass
>Avoid debt for cars

I see it more dog-eat-dog as the years go by. If millenials are doing this bad, zoomers are fucked.

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Become a UI designer. Make 30-125/he from home. Take this course and then just make sketch prototypes of app ideas until you have enough work somebody would hire you on upwork.

Maybe 2 months and you’ll be good to go.


>living in NYC
Well I know one thing that can be fixed easily

I dunno if I can keep going....

The highest suicide rates are still for middle aged white males but white males in general are committing suicide by huge amounts.

At least admit what you did.

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>I see it more dog-eat-dog as the years go by. If millenials are doing this bad, zoomers are fucked.
Nah, corps would hire a 18-23 year old fresh out of school over a floundering millennial in his late 20s/early 30s every fucking time. You can research "Lost Generation" stuff, a lot of studies into in Japan. Graduate into a recession and you are fucked for life in the beast system.

Civil war

Giving in to despair is for faggots. There’s always a way out of a shitty situation or a shitty life, you simply need to be willing to change

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You're smart dude. Look up Dave Ramsey best financial advice ever, you just basically summed up his beliefs in one post

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>t. has never been in a shitty situation

I agree with this.

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Yes I have. I got stuck in the middle of the desert with no work and a life that was going nowhere, both cars I had crapped out and I was at the end of my rope. Then I became a truck driver

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Black dick

Walmart bro, where you at my nigga? How was yo day today famalam? Still making 15 an hour?

Myself and the world have changed too much.

Yeahman. Blown headgaskets are a son of a bitch.

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So hold on, are you saying capitalism sucks?

That’s sad. My mom just died and left me with 100000 dollars, her car and both her, and my grandfather’s Roth IRA. All in all 500000 in assets.

I’m 22 btw. It just sucks that I have no other family. I want to turn this relatively small amount of money into a family fortune.

Pretty much all of it is going into investments. I’m trying to pretend the money doesn’t exist.

There you is

I blame the Jews.

>Walmart bro, where you at my nigga?
I'm here. What's going on there, Skeeter?
>How was yo day today famalam?
It was a day.
>Still making 15 an hour?
I'll make $15/hr in 2 more years if things go ok.

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No sense in just wallowing around in self loathing about it though, there’s always a way out of a bad situation. Always.

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Been advised shrooms can cure depression, i would like to take them, i need to find a good supplier though.

A lot has been taken from me. I havent seen my son in 3 years, family court has decided i cant see him, 50% of salary goes to child support. Its enraging. Ive given up. If i die, i die.

Nice try glowie

Yeah ive lived life, ive loved many women and they loved me back. I met Rich Piana, before he was mega famous, RIP in peace

Overdose is really not a death of despair imo if anything it’s caused by having too much fun in the moment.. atleast in youths

Go out guns blazing! Kill muslims for the cause.

Ah dude, it sucks your mom and grandparents died, but at least they left you something to build a new on and you're still very young.

>middle aged white males

Men need a purpose. Plus most of you burgers have access to guns, you lucky bastards

Now a days you have to get into debt for a college degree and you MIGHT be able to afford yourself a middle class lifestyle. Forget about being a blue collar worker. Automation and 3rd world labor will take that away from you in no time. I think the longer we wait to crash this system the more inhumane it will get

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>corps would hire a 18-23 year old fresh out of school over a floundering millennial in his late 20s/early 30s every fucking time.

This. I graduated in 2015 aged 28. I still havent landed a well paying job yet

Good to hear from ya m8! I always enjoy the tidbits you post every now and then. Good luck with the grind man. I don't know how able bodied you are or if you're even anywhere near tx or okl but oil rigs are a thing man. if you're single and want to make more cash quick do it. Don't feel like you have to stick with the same thing forever buddy.

>you simply need to be willing to change

t. Firm handshake boomer

I don’t blame millennials that much. They were dealt a shit hand and had to be raised by boomers. Poor fuckers never had a chance

America is a piece of shit country where dreams go to die.
Fuck America.

That “firm handshake” bullshit got me nowhere. What actually did help was finding a better line of work in high demand in a field I was actually interested in.

Join the navy
Not joking, w li th an AS in a STEM field, you'll go in as an E4.
Depending on what discipline your degree is in will determine where you go;
S,T or M, you'll go operation, weapons, combat systems (crypto etc)
E will put you in engineering of construction
Engineering = electrical, welding, hvac, or main propulsion- diesel, steam, or gas turbines
Also CNC shop repair work

>Whats left for millennial's?
the draft

this but only the latter, the former is what is leading to despair and poverty.

Hope that works out for you, friend. I'm the last of my family name (such as it is my grandad totally alone with all his kids taking my grandmother's surname and my one uncle who destroyed himself on heroin) so I'll just try to live as best I can. Don't really have a head for maths so I might be fucked for STEM but I still want to fullfill at least some of my childhood dreams before I die alone.

i graduated in finance in '08 from college ive been underpaid for a decade

Only if it's a civil war.

trump's desperately trying to start ww3

Of these millenials who committed suicide, what were their political and spiritual beliefs?
I wonder if these pussies who killed themselves tended to lean a certain way?

Any companies offering better for your experience?

Millennials were raised by boomers.

Nuff said.

underrated post

Not anywhere near there. Not sure what that work entails, but I don't want to slow down anyones workflow. Maybe next life I can envision a career.

In the upcoming civil conflict, your skin color is your uniform.

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Nothing. They generally thought their bullshit would last forever but have now been consigned to the dustbin of history like all the other faggot generations.

your chink lost get over it

Heh unlucky, smack bang in the recession. Gotta get the kneepads out if you wanna be a 'good fit' at the office pal

>In the upcoming civil conflict, your skin color is your uniform.

I keep seeing this. Its a load of shit. So you're saying the cunts at CNN, BBC and sillicon valley are on my side? No, we need to be far more discriminating.

Also does that mean jews are on our side?

I was in high school at the time
The whole reason I couldn't get a job for so long was because of that recession.
I'm stuck in a perpetual childhood, living off what little my parents have. At my age, my parents had stable jobs, Traveled, and were making enough to make moves in life. I don't see myself getting there to that point in my life until I'm in my mid 30's. At that point who has time for kids when I was never a kid myself, or I can't take care of myself yet.

Its a life delayed

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I'm a zoomer and I'm not going to Iran. If police show up to my door they're going to eat my lead dick

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Yeah, minimalism. Where you stop paying for services to boomers.

Despair is truly evil and promoting it is akin to rape and murder.

Anyone spreading despair should be scalped.

Your going to the front lines user. Larp all you want, you'll be like cattle on a helipcopter.

Ever seen Edge of Tomorrow? Thats the zoomer future

Dab officially dead.

kill a bunch of jews before you die, faggot
>you won't do shit, nigger

exactly mu situation 35 now just starting a family...its sad

you won't do shit, you will die for your jew masters.

I hope the police are all fat. I wanna see an entire kiddy pool's worth of tomato sauce on the ground when they try to drag me away. The lardasses are going to brighten my day

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The dramatic spikes in suicides, drug overdoses, and unemployed or underemployed millennials is going to have some series ramifications over the next 15 years. Shit is fucked. The older generations failed us. Wouldn't surprise me if the death spiral just compounds on itself.

What are you faggots moping about? You had a fine millennial culture! Pic related is the apex of whites in the past two decades! How could anyone be upset with such a progressive and emasculating culture?!

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if the army force me to join ill sabotage my own side kek

fuck you zog

You know ZOG likes to programme the goyim through movies. Literally future warfare will be like Fallout or Gundam.

The only good thing is that women will be marched to the front lines too.

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