When concretes and plasters undergo curing, the chemical reaction is such where it can cause deep tissue burns. If the reports are true, members of Antifa effectively committed acid attacks. Well, basic attacks.
Antifa may have doped milkshakes with concrete mix
Other urls found in this thread:
Antifa = agents of the system of control
What going on at portlands is this a happening
Cement, rather. I always mix up concrete and cement.
what a day
Tim Pool called this shit out
The twitter liberals told me no one was going to start throwing bricks!
They're deniable regime goons, they get a wink and a bid from the legal system
Seems better to call them chemical weapons. Acid is a chemical weapon but not all chemical burns are acid.
Trump should respond to this, with force too.
implying the police aren’t aiding the facist
AHAHAHA the r*ghtoid fears the milkshake
This isn't milkshakes with cement in them where it's hardened. This is liquid cement mix. When it gets on you and starts curing it can cause rather severe and horrible burns.
Please lets just start shooting these faggots, get hit and then shoot them and claim you thought it had concrete mix in it
Wtf is the reasoning behind throwing milkshakes at people to begin with?
can also harden and basically be a milkshaped rocked
god dammit who set up the rally? i was following patriot prayer but they've cucked out of anything major and so i didn't know anything was going down today. I was there last year when the bombs and fights happened.
>ANYONE being surprised by this
Next stage is bleach/acid.
It's a simulated acid attack with plausible deniability.
It's something they can get away with that's practice for when they start throwing acid and flammable shit.
Someone did it somewhere, now all lefty faggots do it.
Monkey see, monkey do.
They'll fields you for defending yourself. You have to die before use of lethal force is justified these days.
Leftists want to maim people while saying to the public "lol its just _____!!"
The point is to commit acts of violence via a method where their supporters can downplay it on social media afterwards.
why are both sides competing for victimhood status every time they scuffle? it's pathetic
Unless it has rocks in it. Anyway this shit burns you and should be considered a chemical attack. The left played themselves.
We're giving the police a chance to respond first.
why does this cuck not fight back?
fuck man he could have started rocking these cowards
needs styrofoam.
Portland cement.
Kind of makes one wonder.
>We're giving the police a chance to respond first.
Don't encourage retribution. Don't encourage violence. Step back, condemn them, spread what they've done, and wait. Maintain decorum.
>inb4 the mayor of Portland gives antifa all medals and the key to the city
Reminder: It's legal to kill an attacker in self defence if you feel your life is threatened.
Sure has worked in france. Maybe 2-20 more years of that and something will happen.
>haha it's just milkshakes, what's the big deal?
Exactly this.
It's a mock assassination to begin with. It shows how easy it would be.
Second, you don't know what they're throwing at you. It's acid for all you know.
This was just a matter of time.
No it's not. You'd have to prove that you were going to die if you didn't.
Don't get me wrong. Train. Organize. Maintain readiness. But play defensively. Keep the center on your side.
Not in this clown world.
I will be shocked if bodies don't drop this election cycle.
How can the center be on our side when the only world they see is through the media's lens?
You are on the wrong site. Molotoving leftist flag burning cancer like Antifa is the least that can be done
it will be cyanide attacks soon enough just like Kuklinski
Indimidation and humiliation with an easily accessible tool, in this case milkshakes
I'm posting this for no reason what so ever. Also don't go to fucking rallies in leftist cities, since this is all you can expect.
yes goys just take in the ass, that'll show them lmao pathetic
Because they don't trust or believe the media. So long as you don't let the crazies get on the mic and start spewing insane racist horse shit, the center's more likely to favor you.
reports are some have piss and shit mixed in.
milkshake doesn't seem so random anymore
This. I would tweet them back
"Fuck you and the mayor, we the citizens of Portland have no more faith or trust in your police department or municipal government to put a stop to this shit."
>homicide, as is committed for the prevention of any forcible and atrocious crime, is justifiable by the law of nature
If you reasonably believe it is necessary to kill an attacker to prevent him from doing great bodily harm to yourself or to another person, then you may freely kill him
Let them fall into a trap. Don't go out acting like them. Lure them into the jaws that will be out for them. After this, I fully expect people to get vanned.
>spewing insane racist horse shit
So basically everything we believe, since anything nationalist or white-first is insane racist horseshit to them?
>reports are some have piss and shit mixed in.
They did that last year too. Some even threw eggs. Then there were the large fireworks that started that one big fight. It was a pipe bomb, i was there and heard the plastic it was in hit a wall after it went off. Pic related.
>what a day
>Tim Pool called this shit out
Example 10,304,602 of cucks thinking the win as long as the left hurts them.
Why the fuck even show up? What the fuck do they even think they are accomplishing?
You know when the Germans got angry? They weren't fucking trained by society to never get angry or hate like you are.
There is ZERO chance of a fucking civil war or anything with you cucks completely suppressing those emotions.
What you see with the cucks showing up and getting btfo'd over and over again is precisely people who cannot get angry or hate. That is exactly how it manifests. They don't understand what they are doing or why.
>My milkshake brings all the proud boys to the yard
What a bunch of faggots
Yet there are several recent cases of people just drawing their gun while being ganged up on at a riot and getting their shit kicked in by the "justice" system.
oh wow so the terrorists are committing terrorism? shocking
Absolutely cucked. Decorum? Fuck yourself, they want us dead.
>Go NU
post and ID checks out
Can someone explain to me why these enemies of the State are not being shot on sight? 100 years ago you'd face the firing squad for much less.
judged by twelve > carried by six
at least change the name to distance yourself from gavin mcAnus
It's a message that they have the power of violence over you. It can just as easily turn into a brick.
Every major political revolution included a component of violence. dont be a cuck. if you don't want to be involved in the violence then dont be, but don't tell others how to act as if you have any authority at all
I'm no lawyer but I thought that in general, if a person draws their gun but doesn't fire it then they didn't really believe their life was in danger.
Concrete is cement with aggregate (I.e. filler)
pay very close attention as i spell this out to you.
right now, there are not enough people supporting hard right ideology for us to implement the needed policies or take necessary violent action while maintaining the support of the public.
as a result of this we need examples of the enemy violating ethical lines to justify our own perceived violations and thus move the overton window to the right.
eventually the center will be fed up with the extreme left and support physical removal.
Shutting the factories that make those pills would be gods work.
>Acid attacks
But isn't the chemical reaction extremely basic? It is still a chemical burn, but the opposite of acid.
The idea should be to deter attackers. The reason you don't shoot is because you know you're going to end up in prison for several years.
I fucking called it!
Anyone have any information tidbits they would like to share? I am grabbing information now on suspects
So far, I think i've found one of them (third person) in the 2nd video. If anyone could help me check for these people in the videos, that would be a massive help.
>what is deterrence
People called this months ago.
Isn't brandishing also illegal?
kek pretty funny. faster. accelerate.
Commies, kikes puppets, and kikes have infiltrated almost all positions of power and authority.
But there is no way to distribute those events to a sufficient amount of people, especially with the media, which is an authority most normies trust implicitly, saying the exact opposite.
It's not a chemical burn, it's a burn from the heat released from the chemical reaction.
They are doing it so the rest of us have a reason to stockpile ammo and wait for the commies to try something the leads to multiple deaths. We can only strike back once they land the first attack.
>posts a jew
Oy, have you paid your penance yet, good goy European?
Good goys suck n-... black gentleman cock you know! Do it for us, do it for Israel!
I would suggest training people in some martial arts fu, and practice striking their hands so the milk shake goes right into their own face. Then you get plausible deniability for self defense.
>Well, basic attacks.
T. Neoconservative pussy.
Your ideals will be there to save you when they kill you.
They didn't seem concerned when Andy reported the first two attacks and wouldn't do shit even if they had proof of a massive conspiracy
Leave to feds to make better instruction manuals than the Anarchist's Cookbook so they could explain shit to their higher-ups.
Pretty sure, yeah. You're expected to die in that situation. Look at james fields. We're not allowed to protect ourselves.
Yeah they will be caught and go to prison just like that bikelock guy right
then go punch a commie, fuck im not the boss of you.
your point is valid though which is why we should be focusing on building networks and alternative media atm.
this is one area where the left has us vastly outmatched
This is so true. The Nazis took over partly because there were riots almost every day the year they took power. Mostly commies. Let them keep doing this so the centrists move right.
If you draw a gun to intimidate and aren't defending yourself it is brandishing. You don't get charged for brandishing if you are on the defensive.
Isn't a justifiable homicide not murder?
Then they get the 7 watt laser, goodbye commie eyes
Man, aren't you feeling downtrodden, fellow right-wingers on /pol?
Why not commit an act of violence against a member of your local political assembly?
This is the only other way to advance the white race you know! 1488!
>oh we found a picture on your hard drive from 2007 that shows someone getting thrown out from a helicopter, you intended to shoot but were prevented. That's pre-meditated attempted murder. 200 years without possibility of parole.