Operation PAINTIFA

Why haven't we armed ourselves with paintball guns during these protests and then when these ass hats start getting out of line light their asses up. For one they'll run screaming like little bitches covered in welts and they'll be covered in paint making them easy to spot if they run away and take their masks off....

Attached: Best-Paintball-Hoppers.jpg (800x428, 60K)

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go ahead OP antifa is here to stay theres nothing u or the law can do JS.

shut up faggot

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freeze the paintballs.

You'll shoot their eye out

Drone surveilance works better

This is not a good idea, instead I suggest annoying pantifa with laser pointers, paintball would work away from cities.

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Antfia finna turn the US into a giant ICP concert.

how come nobody has thought of this before

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delete that shit right now.

Attached: serveimag.gif (320x240, 3.83M)

And there's nothing you can do when you fuck with the wrong person in the wrong city, attack them and they use deadly force against you mask wearing assholes.

>not loading aluminum,ceramic, or glass balls
they're already going to sue you for violence so you might as well go all the way

>antifa is a terrorist organization
>antifa is openly communist
>by law you cannot be a communist in America
>antifa is largely jewish
>antifa has been attacking people for a few years now with minimal repercussions
>police usually stand down
>politicians condemn white nationalism
>lets shoot them with paintball guns instead of responding with total war
>lets post on Jow Forums while the white race is being genocided globally

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Because they would find some loophole and charge you with assault with a firearm or deadly weapon. The law is not being applied fairly.

Because you’ll still get arrested and charged with assault and they will not.

Hello glow nigger

Wear masks like they do, can't charge someone you can't see.

hmm, put crhystal violet from pork meat markings to indentify their clothes and skin after the paint show, they will be in panic the moment they know they where all marked with ultraviolet paint

you will get arrested


and possibly shot at from trigger happy cops with a reason to lay waste to a cis white male.

Self defense if they make the first move.

because cops will shoot your ass dead for wielding anything that vaguely resembles a gun in a crowd.


ill take that chance. we have power in number none of the trump larping are showing up in number like we are.

>this man has a wife
>forever cemented in internet history
>and you're all alone
>waiting for nothing

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it is illegal to shoot people with paintball guns if they do not have masks on and agree to be shot at by a paintball gun.



paintball is my natural state.


>covered in paint making them easy to spot
Bump, only thread worth reading

Is it really illegal?

Man, fuck America

oh hai fbi guy

Didn't work out so well for Minneapolis bros. I'd ask you why you think it will work better next time but you're just a glow in the dark provocateur nigger so whatever you say will be worthless.

you larping desk jockey wanna be higher ups alphabet retards aren't even trying to be clever, stupid dumb alphabet scum.

Let's just use real bullets. How bout a fookin bazooka. Can a guy get a +1 for landmines ?
Kys glownigger

Hello FBI

Attached: fbi.jpg (213x250, 9K)

You might as well take it all the way, honestly.
>High vantage point over protests
>Wish suppressor on a Ruger 10/22 you traded cash in hand for
>Try to beat Tarrant's high score
You're going to do life, regardless. If you get caught, you'll go to prison, because you'll have "killed" someone. Like Heather Heyer. The lesson to learn there is that Fields didn't kill anyone that day, from video. And yet he's doing 491 years. So maximum effect, try not to get caught. If you're caught, the punishment is the same whether you use some pussy paintballs or real bullets.

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Couldn't they legally shoot back with real guns? Nice plan, Retard.

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and then get arrested for assault

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.” ---Samuel Adams

This, and seeing of how cops have been defending Antifa for some odd reason over the other side that actually supports them, who knows if they end up shooting you thinking you have a deadly weapon or some nonsense.

Yeah good luck in court making a self defense case based on an event during a chaotic day where a lot was going on. So far it seems as if judges side with Antifa more letting them off the hook but not so much for the people going against Antifa.

ppl talking about getting arrested might as well cut their dick off and join Antifa . You are miserable fucking cowards that facilitate destruction of Society.

Only in degenerate leftist cities.

>XDD why don't we just carry guns and shoot people

>glowing this hard
you go do it

how about paintball-firing drones?

kill yourself antifa nigger

no the cops would fucking kill you. they shoot people with cellphones in their pocket, theyre not going to give it a second thought you braindead faggot

Ive heard of dick moves where people freeze them or use marbles. Please dont do such a mean thing.
Please dont...

try to blend in more discord tranny

If the police can use pepper balls fired from paintball guns as crowd control I see no logical reason why a citizen should not be allowed to do the same thing

Post flag, fagtron. Protip: Hurting people without their permission is illegal in most countries.

I love paintball, and I miss it so so much. Is there much of a pro scene anymore? I quit when NPPL was phasing out and xball was the hot trend. We were at 3shot ramp-to-15bps those days, and I remember there were talks of lowering it further!

I'd love to get into the business. When I was in HS I dreamt of opening my own indoor shop, but I fear there isn't much $$ in it anymore. Ty for posting vid, it brought me back. So cool to see product videos being made in June of 2019

I hate this meme
It was fbi then what the fuck are they looking for?! You say great idea.... then what?!

because an officer as a law enforcement official... a citizen is not

the police are authorized to use less-lethal weapons in the event of civil unrest. you as a civilian can only use said weapons for self-defense.

and sidenote: using LTL weapons for self defense is much trickier to defend in court than using a regular gun since fearing for your life and not wanting to hurt your assailant do not mix

bound to happen at this point.

Yeah great move. Bringing guns to a protest where cops are

Get more creative

When you freeze something it gets bigger. Barrels have tight tolerances and Paintballs barely slide through if at all. Frozen paint balls won't fit through the barrel you no guns no physics dingus.

Pretty sure that counts for assault. You wouldn't be able to ride it off with a self defense excuse either since by your own admission you're bringing in a paintball gun in the hopes that trouble would start in the first place.

We literally have jobs to be at lol

I like how antifa shows up immediately after the debates. Its money season for these faggots. They dont really believe in anything besides easy drug money.

This is what was proven. Bullets or not of you get caught you are going down. Don't get caught or make it worth it. Your choice.

You dumb asshole, 90%+ of substances shrink when frozen. Water is one of the few that expand.

Grow a brain, fuckhead.

You know it’s as you faggots say, discussion is over, so therefore we will have your heads

Oh there's something we could do to fix our antifa problem.

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Because Portland's notoriously trigger-happy police department will think you have a real gun and light you up on the spot.


I hope they return fire

>here to stay
so what happened back in 2017, during november you were supposed to cause a national riot, fuck babies to death and kill everyone else.

Attached: leftypol November 2017.jpg (738x554, 48K)

>glownegros trying to get people busted for assault while not significantly dealing with antifa thuggery

Yup. They seem blind to that situation they've created. There's zero benefit to complying, now. Let's say you had a misunderstanding with cops. You're told you assaulted antifa at one of these rallies. You'll be lucky to not do 10 years. You're fucked. Your life is over. So do you comply? Or do you try to escape or take more with you?

As if some cretin is actually going to use a paintball gun, It will be led flying at you cunt.

The fact you think spraying paintballs at other losers is worth your time, this tires me. I bet you eat drive thru food and give twitch girls donations. What im saying is you have messed up priorities. Let the retards have the streets to run amok , you should be at home with your families.

dont you dare bring a bad name to paintball you fucking nigger loving monkey

The inside is 90% water mixed with corn starch and water based dye you absolute dipshit lol

how hard does the impact have to be for paint balls to work? cant people just carry a few in their pockets instead?

also, coffee cup with a nice morning brew of light roasted coffee, cream, and tiki torch fluid

>non threatening

>big and bulky
>takes c02 and paint to operate
>looks like a gun (optics loss)
>police will be threatened

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Paintball guns are treated as AWDW dont do this OP...
Larp as Antifa & Bring marbles and liquid soap..drop them behind enemy lines....like the movie animal house

But y do it anyways? The purple hairs and trannies will perish first when cities fall . If you plan to be freed in 10-20 yrs like brevik or tarrant may think, you are counting on ppl being left alive or at least remembering to come unlock the abandoned prison after dotr starts

Wouldn't it work better for antifa crowds if you had a squad of people in snow plows all blaring Cannibal Corpse in sync and driving through them?

they are actually pretty well connected I tried to black flag at alabama and they figure me out

antifa is bringing soap and marbles, or is that just your idea? going full home alone could be fun

Get guns, Get fit, Wait. Ignore this glownigger thread

No half-measures.

Bonus in daylight i dont think a laser would be visible to anyone but the guy who took a flashing

go big or stay home kids

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Yeah i feel like its easy to larp as pantifa and stage a ff. Do it during some chaos and then run off it would be hilarious.

>non threatening
pick one, lasers can do permanent eye damage

oh theyre still visible during daylight. a passing glance will register and youll definitely notice a blinding light coming from somewhere

Let's not open that door.
Do you want antifa to start blinding us too, and it's non-stop laser terrorism against poor dumb bastards that got doxed?
So far they're too dumb to think of doing that, let's not give them ideas.

Hypothetically would mixing soap in the gasoline with something like a flamethrower drone be an effective determent against leftist?

> how can we stop antifa
You aren't from around here are you? No Jow Forumsack would truly want to stop this.
It's just blood for the blood god and skulls for the skull throne.

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Yeah as the "blindee" but short of some serious tindel effect from dust kick up it would be tough to locate during daytime no?

>cops have been defending Antifa for some odd reason
Because badge niggers don't have any morals or convictions of their own, and just do whatever their masters tell them for their precious pension

I think he means "non-threatening" in the sense that they're a very low profile item that can be carried openly without much suspicion, and have a disproportionate impact on the target compared to how unobtrusive they are.

im pretty sure with the non-threatening part he meant aesthetically

if the laser is hitting an object in your field of vision, you will see it. it might take a second to locate exactly where, but youll see it. i use a green one a lot during demo oversights and its visible no matter what, though during the day you have to kinda point first to where it generally is

Imagine being a leftist and thinking this will go any other way than gulag or death for communists once they finally cause a reaction. Its kind of>Larp as Antifa & Bring marbles and liquid soap..
how does this work??

Frozen paintballs expand the second they start thawing