Where did it go so wrong bros

Where did it go so wrong bros

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i wonder where

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The day Jews were allowed to immigrate into America due to a certain reform on immigration law lobbied for by deep jewish tied Presidential cabinet members.

Home equity loans
White apologists
Irrational immigration policies
Long term destruction for short term gains
Not jailing Commies
Victim of our own success

70AD when Titus and his legions didn't exterminate the Jews when they first had the chance.

American ethnogenesis is in full bloom what are you talking about

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It was never actually good

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various points
the 1960's in general
US going back to their old native lands was the start but boomers pawning the future was pretty much the point of no return.

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1860s - not letting the south secede
1880s-1910s - letting tons of jews in
1900s-1920s - letting jews into government
1920s - letting women vote
1940s - entering WW2, destroying good for the sake of evil
1950s - mass media adoption by families
1960s - civll rights movements, immigration poison pill
1970s - neoliberalism and neoconservatism taking over politics
1980s - politics as entertainment
2000s - handing country over to israel completely
2010s - it's over, we're dead already, we just haven't accepted it yet

kiked in 1913
blacked in 1964

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Giving women the right to vote.
The pill.
These three led to destruction of the American family and this is the root cause of what will be the inevitable fall and failure of Western society. It’s a matter of time only now.

Letting women and niggers vote. Birthright citizenship.

letting jews in

Excellent list. Importantly, many of the issues you cite have to do with women voting. We fucked up horribly allowing this. I also agree there is no stopping it.

look deeper.

Who do you think gave women the right to vote?
How about the founders of feminism?

Contraception was inevitable but with the right fundamental values, you wouldn't have to worry if the pill would be used for good or for evil.

You’re mostly citing effects not causes. Start over and use your brain instead of your ass this time.

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Yeah, I’m not a fan of the jews either and I get it but importantly WE - and I mean MEN - we fucked it up giving them the right to vote. Shifting blame for this wouldn’t be objective and generally shifting blame is a cunts way of looking at the world.

I would say tribalism and idealism run amok. IMO a society doesn't need to be entirely homogenous, but when there is no longer a sense of community or common cause binding us together (whether ethnic, religious, or political). These deep divisions will lead to a general loss of empathy between these factions, thus allowing hatred to take hold. Once you hate your neighbor, all sorts of aggression can be rationalized.

Who you choose to blame for this is another subject entirely.

yeah because these people are sound

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PS - I’ll add one more thought. Islam will ultimately win the war against us. Why? Because they have the balls to do what we won’t. As soon as they can sail half a dozen nuclear weapons into our largest pot cities and detonate them simultaneously that’s checkmate. Sure they’ll take a 80 percent loss of thier people as we retaliate but in the end they’ve achieved the more important goal: we are over and done. He’ll, I doubt we have nuts left to even consider such a massive. We’ll piss ourselves and some cunt or bunch of cunts in Congress will say we won’t launch a response because of the global implications. This country is not even a shell of what it used to be. We haven’t even won a fucking war since 1945. We are more fucked right now than the prom queen on the night after the big game. If we had any nuts at all we’d get a million guy together and descend on DC and hang every fucking cocksucker in that city and kill thier families first while watch just to set a historical precedent for the future. I’d like to help but it’s baseball season plus my new power washer is coming in and I can’t wait to see the expression on the fuck down the street who thinks his driveway is better than mine.

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when they started giving "press credentials" to bloggers.
The blur between Entertainment/Opinion/"News" Blogs happened.

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Another Fourth Turning is upon us.
The debt, the wars, the open borders with now about 15 million illegals here.
And our politicians pushing for open borders, to flood our nation with people that will turn this place into the place they came from.

Also the Saul Alinsky rules for radicals.
The leftists have been working on this for decades.
They got control of the universities.

>2010s - it's over, we're dead already, we just haven't accepted it yet
Naaa, the real shit hasn't even started yet.

America died with Based Jackson.


Treating niggers as equals and Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965

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>January 17th
>My Birthday

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The actual answer got coined on January 17th, 1961. We surrendered our liberty and republic to the pentagon and the national-security state, ending popular sovereignty. Everything else is just incel nonsense devoid of real political science.


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America was always a Jewish trick. That's why a third of the signers of the Declaration of Independance were fucking Masons. To what end? To destroy European power and replace it with libertine faggotry. And look how well it worked, we're a nation of faggots living and dying to support Israel.

Brainlet reactionary

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>literally a star of david for a logo
>muh "mystery egyptian religion"
>totally not Jews you guys, it's probably aliens or something.
also there's this from the Protocols of Zion
"6. Political freedom is an idea but not a fact. This idea one must know how to apply whenever it appears necessary with this bait of an idea to attract the masses of the people to one's party for the purpose of crushing another who is in authority. This task is rendered easier if the opponent has himself been infected with the idea of freedom, SO-CALLED LIBERALISM, and, for the sake of an idea, is willing to yield some of his power. It is precisely here that the triumph of our theory appears; the slackened reins of government are immediately, by the law of life, caught up and gathered together by a new hand, because the blind might of the nation cannot for one single day exist without guidance, and the new authority merely fits into the place of the old already weakened by liberalism. "
It's not even hidden, there's kike stars on your money, obelisks in DC, statue of liberty is a tranny. It's all so tiresome.

When we burnt down your faggot ass white house and decided not to do it again. Should have exterminated you mutts when we had the chance

Lol okay schizo. Got anymore forged book quotes to throw around to justify your garbage political science background? Wasn’t America’s or freemasonry fault Europe decided to have two world wars in under 50 years, destroying almost every empire and monarchy in the process.

Yeah, total cohencidence

The baby boom. With all of the prosperity following the Second World War, a generation of narcissistic, spoiled man children were created that care nothing for the world that that their progeny will inherit.

Fucking retard. Read a polisci book for once instead of resorting to vague, reactionary conspiracy theories. European monarchies were complete garbage and got BTFOd by the enlightenment.

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Uh huh, which book should I read?

I agree that there’s worse to come. I think in 2010 we just hit the point of no return.

Invention of the printing press
Invention of the television
Invention of the internet
Advertising and public relations post 1920