When your own party turns you but you can’t fight back because of your narrative
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Sell out Zionist shitbag deserves a prison cell
I don't trust him at all after he tried to use his dead family for votes.
That look says everything. I honestly feel bad. Jokes and memes aside about him molesting kids. No man should ever have that look on his face. Maybe perhaps hell go full jaded and turn republican and get behind Trump. Just to spite the democrats for playing that card
they made him wear lenses to hide his cloudy eyes lmao
Please, biden will win, or tulsi if they fail at dragging her down. That uppity nigger shit that porch monkey pulled can only be pulled out once or twice, after that it's going to start hurting her in public opinion.
>or tulsi
Trumps the only one winning retard. Get out of your delusion. Or perhaps you're just trolling for (you)s? Pathetic
She literally has the best chance at beating him because she’s not completely fuckin whacked in the head like the rest of the Dems and she could sway Trump voters. But of course the Dems are too lazy to realize that and will never nominate her.
Too crazy**
The DNC has already chosen Biden to win their primary.
This. He knows exactly what the role of the Jew is: nymag.com
You don't understand, boomers are his base, they don't give a shit about this racist shit. They just like him more than Trump because he's more "presidential." You guys just don't understand how petty and shallow boomer voters are. He will win the nomination and he will very likely be the next president, better get used to it.
hmmm.... interesting point. Nate Silver has said stuff to that effect too. Maybe you're onto something.
(In b4 "muh that gay jew got Trump vs. Hillary wrong in 2016.")
Good riddance.
What happened?
shes got almost no support from the left lmao
should have told Kamel harris that busing sucked
Kamala chimped out on him in the debates said he supported racists something about bussing.
Camela Harris called him a racist
>Cameltoe Harris
I'll need an image of that please, just for research purposes, of course.
Well she'd have to win the left first. You saw how that worked out last time with Bernie and Her.
>Cameltoe Harris
hello shareblue
>being surprised that the fall guy takes a fall
>"and my time is up"
Lmao this shit writes itself.
The Dem party bosses and their masters in New York City are absolutely fucking clueless right now. If you thought they were lost in 2016, this is that but times 20. They brought in Biden to kneecap their own most popular candidate, Bernie, because they think he's too far left for the status quo. Then they kneecap Biden for Kamala after the debate, which may have been their plan all along, but Kamala hasn't proven she is able to compete with Bernie and Warren. They want someone with cross appeal to win over independents and disillusioned Trump supporters, and the only person who fits that dynamic is Tulsi Gabbard, but they've gone out of their way to shut out Gabbard out of some stupid vendetta against her for what she did in 2016 to the Hillary camp. It's a complete shitshow and it's only just begun.
He's the only candidate from either party to think foreign lobbyists be allowed to raise money for American elections.
How is he not swinging from a tree?
He personally touched the lord and savior obama
those arent jokes and memes you fuckinh idiot he's an insane boundaryless creep who says ridiculous creepy shit about other people's kids
I could get behind this but this mick had his dick so far up that niggers ass I’m afraid he’s now irredeemable
As a side note have you guys ever seen such a hideous thing before?
Biden is an old white racist pervert
You helped build this shitheap world, Joe. Now fucking live in it.
>eating kids meme
You oughta know, kike.
>child molester detected
Maxine Waters
based sleepcreep biden
best faps ive had was to the lana violet episode
Good, Biden was a guaranteed loss. Bernie or Kamala actually have a chance to beat Trump.
> and the only person who fits that dynamic is Tulsi Gabbard,
She is against the endless war and openly speaks against the military industrial complex, which is absolutely unacceptable.
No one will vote for Kamala, all she does is dogwhistle to the far left. When people go out and vote, they cast their ballot anonymously. The pressure of political correctness suddenly slips off like a heavy wool overcoat as they realize they can act their conscience which the yoke of peer pressure had so heavily oppressed
lol k
boomers voted AGAINST Obama with Trump. Biden is literally Obama. He literally cannot win. If they wanted to win they would run Jim Webb but they don't want a fucking real man running the DNC scam cartel and miscegenation empire
Reminds me of when Bernie was cucked in his own rally. Get fucked you cowardly faggots.
>jokes and memes aside
>about him molesting kids
oh you thought those were just jokes? well aren't you a tad retarded.
Biden is an anti-white cuck who has publicly said that whites becoming a minority will be a good thing. Biden deserves far worse than this.
Kamala is too weak. She only pleases a niche group of neoliberals masquerading as progressives and some black voters. That's why she is only polling around 6% and 7% despite the power and money that has gone behind her campaign. It's so bad that she's even polling below the threshold for claiming statewide delegates in her own state. The DNC is retarded.
What's great is that forced busing was a garbage policy and he was right to oppose it
if that was the case then AIPAC wouldn't exist but here we are
he's gonna win though
It’s funny, this was the one time I actually agreed with Biden on something, but this is the exact issue other Democrats are using to lynch the guy for. Being against bussing is an incredibly reasonable stance that we have tons of evidence proving it didn’t work at all.
They really have a knack for sinking their own candidates.