We got a man down

Call the medic.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-29_18-19-59.png (609x531, 307K)

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going to be a lot of hate building up against the black masks

Someobdy is going to get shot in self defense but the urban prosecutor will throw the book at them.

What happened?

He will recover, the Vietnamese are very tough little people.

that already happened with black lives matter

Everyone already hates them. Everyone already hates a lot of stupid bullshit. Nobody ever does anything about it.

Antifa beat up Andy twitter.com/jimryan015/status/1145067852375851008?s=21

High IQ. Same with fashtag and muh OK symbol. No one is "redpilled" by this shit. Everyone already knows leftists are unhinged. It's just that they're not gonna do shit about it.

How based is he?

Andy has more courage and value than every republican politician and white pig. may all your children burn in a house fire you traitorous rat feds and pigs.


>2019 still shilling kikebart

Protesters don't wear mask.
Terrorist and Anarchist do

Attached: giphy.gif (220x220, 1003K)

Are gooks going to rise up now?


We are all fucking tired of reading retarded posts like these. It has been 4 years of "yep, any day now" at what point will you faggots engage with reality!?

>be andy
>write multiple articles about how violent antifa is
>go to antifa counterprotest
>get beaten up by violent antifa

What was the plan here andy?

fucking attention whore.

antifa are so based

what a little azn bitch...everyone look at me boo boo

Guess you could say it was a No Ngo

>Its your fault if some fucking savages roam the streets and attack you for no reason.
Fuck off

I figured this would happen. Ngo is pretty based. He films all their shit so they can be prosecuted and so people will know what they are really like. He's been on Tucker Carlson's show a couple of times. Anybody got a link to his blog?

I wouldn't go quite that far my dude, but a lot of white men are fucking cuck cowards, soibois and traitors. First up against the wall when the revolt comes.

hi, kike

>it's not my fault I deliberately went to a place where people who I knew were violent wanted to kick my ass!

gay gook got bashed


>pitbulls are aggressive dogs
>poke pitbull in the eye
>get bit


Yeah let the violent mob rule your country and decide where you can or cannot go. Fucking cuck.

Stop being a coward, fight now.

You are retarded. There is no hope for you

Proving a point you fucking moron.

>be loser
>hate antifa for views/clicks
>pay people to beat you up
>get more relevance
I like how Jow Forums likes to call out false flags when it doesnt fit their narrative, but when a real false flag appears they eat it up.

>scream nigger in a black guys face
>get head kicked in

Actions have consequences my little leaf.

...yeah. Wasn't saying otherwise. Maybe Andy should have read his own articles.

>Actions have consequences
What actions did the faggot made exactly?

Fuck it, I hate lefties trying to justify violence with bullshit examples. I am out. Go kill yourself fucking fag.

Yep to many faggots and cowards here. You gotta stand u to these Antifa pigs

>Andy false flagged

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>scream nigger in a black guys face
>get head kicked in
He was attacked by whites you absolute idiot. Antifa is mostly made up of whites.

how is screaming in someones face comparable to walking down the street?

also having said nigger to black people before, they usually just get really upset and shocked, but almost never violent. the thing is, if they act violently it proves that they're exactly what they were just called + if you now commit any crime against them that isnt in self defense it's ooga booga millions in the court and plastered all over tv as a white man. seems kind of racist to me to assume black people just instantly go violent against like some kind of world of warcraft mob but that's antifa for you i guess, useful retards for the black hating left.

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