
So my scepticism for vaccines started back in '09/'10 when swine flu was massively fear mongered.
While I'm not at all an antivaxxer that doesn't stop me from being skeptical of them.

The current movement reignited the skeptism because who knows maybe there's a new study but no that was squashed once I heard rumors it was a psyop and no more

What's your take on it anons

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if you get your vaccines there's nothing to worry about now is there?

Oh, alright

You’ll get more sympathetic anons willing to bump and reply to your thread this way.
As for the topic, I only had one series of shots done when I came to America in 95 as a kid.

Do you have any good image macros or memes about em.

>Vaccine junkies
Claim your kid will die if they don't get vaccinated.
>Also Vaccine junkies
Kids literally die in Government provide education.

Vaccines are not perfect. Immune systems are not the same.

Vaccines are a way to train your body. It is the most natural medication there is: make your body learn to fight in its own.

It seems you prefer harmful medications to treat illnesses that would simply not exist anymore with enough vaccination.

I don't think anyone is saying unironically that they're perfect

I got the smallpox vaccine in my left shoulder in 2009. It screwed up my deltoid and ever since then I have had sharp pains deep in the muscle, and I lost mobility in my left arm. It doesn't raise equally as my left arm does. When I do overhead presses with a barbell, my left arm leans outward and my right arm has to compensate. It never did that prior to the vaccine.

As far as autism and all that goes, I remain skeptical, but there is more evidence supporting shooting babies up with vaccines is fucking them up royally.

If you dont give you children vaccines, you deserve to go to jail.
Have fun in prison Mr. Whoppingcough and hope your girlfriends son hates your guts.

You mind providing that evidence

just watch this. it's literally impossible to watch this and still be a proponent of our current practices, 60+ vaccines in first two years of life.

>If you dont give you children vaccines, you deserve to go to jail.
And you deserve to eat a few rounds of .45acp
No one's perfect.

People who want mandatory vaccinations are stupid. They believe the government knows what's best and are willing to use the power of the state to violate other people's liberties and freedom. They're basically petite authoritarians, they just won't admit it.

Many anti-vaxxers are idiots, but they have the right to be idiots. Nobody has a right NOT to be infected with a disease, especially when they're free to vaccinate and practice good hygiene on their own.

Personally I don't trust vaccines because I can't verify what's in them. I just have to take it on faith that what's in the vial is what the company and doctor says is in there. Fuck that, I'd rather get sick naturally.

A two hour video should not be able to change your life and opinion. Wow you have no spine lmao.

Vaccines for most shit work. However, I am skeptical the flu vaccine does anything. That mofo mutates so quickly I don't see the benefit. I get the idea 'flu seasons are opposite times of the year in the two hemispheres, but people travel around the world 24/7. In short, rubbish.

Be careful, this is not Infinity.

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I'm more skeptical of anti-vax popping up at the same time they are importing 3rd world shitskins with exotic diseases that haven't existed in the west since we started vaccinating

I would really warn you not to post shit like that on here. This is not Infinity Chan.

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How long is The Greatest Story Never Told again?

Vaccines are fine at controlled doses. But if you stimulate the immune system too hard, or use the wrong adjuvants, you can easily cause severe complications.
Allergies and autoimmune disorders, namely.
Doctors know this as do the manufacturers, but if they told the general public about these threats, people would refuse to get vaccinated and many once-controlled diseases would come back.
Measles might be mostly harmless, but other illnesses like diphtheria are most certainly not. Doctors weigh the risk. That's what their job is all about after all.
>do we allow contagious diseases to flourish?
>do we give some people controllable and non-contagious chronic illnesses?
They choose the latter because the prognosis is better for that option. They can't tell your average public though because people by and large are retards(hardly worth the efforts used to save their lives, honestly) and would freak out and sue everyone they could if they knew the truth.

Flu shots are bullshit, and your children don't need the heavy modern schedule. The early 80s had a very safe and effective vaccine schedule, we've gone overboard these days.
Also, "Autism" is caused by these factors: a change in diagnostic criteria, chemical pollution in food and water, aging childbearing populations

/honest truth on vaccines
t. chemist

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Yeah it's like the wild west here

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That shit is like 8 hours, you seriously have to have no life to watch it all the way through. And NO its bait so it shouldn't change your life lmao omg

>Jokes get the FBI called on you
Fuck off 14 year old.

So you agree the best way would be 100% natural immunity growth
What happens to the herd of deer when the wolves stop taking the sickly?

Screenshotting just in case you do something stupid. Evidence.

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Anti-vax movement is a Jewish ploy to weaken the bodies of American youth. Wake up.

>The current movement ... squashed once I heard rumors it was a psyop

Did you even read the OP I'm aware of the psyop hypothesis

I rather have an autistic child rather than a dead child.

You're a special kind of retard.

Why is sperging, I don't get it?

Because he's underage.

I forgot that it's also summer

the argument isn't about if vaccines are effective or not.
The argument is about if the state has the right to inject you with something against your will

gen x here; the freakish mutations began with these vaccines, in my childhood little girls looked like little girls and did not get tits until 20. there were no fat bastards or dysgenic looking freaks. critical thinking existed and was encouraged. faggotry and trannyism is the result of vaccine.

That shit is mostly caused by pesticides in food and water and is affecting the globe. Even the turd world is fattening up from this.

It's even more tricky considering you don't make the decisions for most of the vaccines, your parents do.

most vaccines are unneeded now.
the population only needs vaccinated if you plan on forcing 3rd world retards into the mix.

Yeah flu vaccines are kinda pointless

guys im not a doctorfag but if vaccines work then how does something like an allergy not get rectified over time? why doesnt the immune system build resistance to allergies?

Iirc allergies are your immune system overreacting to something

Vaccines are too much for a young body to handle, especially infants.

Been through this fuck off

The question is, are there any autistic children who have never been vaccinated?

Uhh did you mean to post twice but yeah there are autistic children who haven't been vaccinated.

>Be you
>Be gay
>Get vaccine to protect from disease
>Notice someone didn't get vaxxed

Vaccines will protect you goyim, but only if everyone gets them. Why? Um uhh.. herd immunity goyim. *Laughs in Hebrew* Stupid animals!

Can you post the rest of these? They are hilarious.

Based and alphapilled

Again, is is the same fucking natural immunity.

You can choose to be sick and create immunity that way or you can just use science to make the process better, but is still the same process of creating immunity, except that science made it possible to do it without getting sick.

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I agree many Jews are very hypocritical as they want goys to vaccinate but vaccines are not kosher for them, but that has nothing to do with vaccines working or not working.

They are not even medications. They do not stay in your body. They only teach your body how to fight illnesses.

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Don't have any more sorry

The lowest vax rates in the U.S are in America's wealthiest suburbs.

My Body My Choice

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The greentext was the soi goy, not the Jew.

I dont need a vaccine for AIDS since im not a homo like you