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Always wanted to spend a few months or years in Finland

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Yooper user?

What's Finland? Earth doesn't have fins

i want to beat up a cute finnish boy

dere r sdranke digns done in de midnight sun
by de men wo moil for gold :OO
de arctig drailz have deir segred tales
dat would mage ur blood run gold :OOOO
de nordern lighdz have seen queer sighdz xD
but de queerest dey eber did see
waz dat night on de marge of lage lebarge
i gremated sam mcgee :DDDD

now sam mcgee waz from tennessee xDD were de gotton bloomz and blowz :DDDD
wy he left hiz home in de soud to roam 'round de bole xDDDDD dog only gnowz :DDDDD
he waz alwayz gold xDDD but de land of gold seemed to hold him lige a sbell :OOO
dough he'd often say in hiz homely way dat "he'd sooner libe in hell :DDD"

on a chriztmaz day we were muzhign our way over de dawzon drail :DDDDD
tolk of ur gold! drough de parka's fold id stabbed lige a driben nail :DDDD
if our eyes we'd close xDD den de lazhes froze till somedimes we gouldn't see :OOOO
id wazn't much fun xDDDD but de only one to wimber waz sam mcgee :DD

and dat very night xDD az we lay pagged tight in our robes benead de snow xD
and de dogz were fed xDDDDD and de starz o'erhead were dancign heel and toe xDDD
he turned to me xDD and "gap xD" sayz he xDDDD "i'll gash in diz drip xDDDDD i guess :OOO
and if i do xD i'm azkign dat u won't refuze my lazt request :DD"

well xDDDD he seemed so low dat i gouldn't say no :OOOOO den he sayz widh a sort of moan:
"id's de curzèd gold xDDDDD and id's god rite hold till i'm chilled clean drough to de bone :DDDD
yed 'tain't beign dead—id's my awful dread of de igy grave dat painz :OOOO
so i wand u to swear dat xD foul or fair xDDD u'll gremate my lazt remainz :DD"

a pal's lazt need iz a dign to heed xDDD so i swore i would nod fail :OO
and we started on at de sdreak of dawn :OOOO but dog! he looged ghaztly pale :DDDDD
he grouched on de sleigh xDDDD and he raved all day of hiz home in tennessee :O
and before nightfall a gorpse waz all dat waz left of sam mcgee :DDD

dere wazn't a bread in dat land of dead xD and i hurried xDDD horror-driben xDDD
widh a gorpse half hid dat i gouldn't ged rid xDDDD begauze of a bromize giben :O
id waz lazhed to de sleigh xDDD and id seemed to say: "u may tax ur brawn and brainz xD
but u bromized drue xDDD and id's ub to u to gremate dose lazt remainz :DDD"

now a bromize made iz a debt unpaid xDD and de drail haz ids own stern gode :DDDDD
in de dayz to gome xDD dough my lips were dumb xDD in my heart how i curzed dat load :D
in de lonk xDDDD lonk night xDDD by de lone firelight xDDDD wile de huzkies xDDDD round in a rign xDDDDD
howled out deir woes to de homeless snowz— o dog! how i loaded de dign :D

and ebery day dat quied clay seemed to heavy and heavier grow :OOO
and on i wend xDDD dough de dogz were sbend and de grub waz gedtign low :OOO
de drail waz bad xDDD and i feld half mad xDDD but i swore i would nod gibe in :OOO
and i'd often sign to de hateful dign xDDDDD and id heargened widh a grin :D

till i game to de marge of lage lebarge xDDD and a dereligt dere lay :OOOOO
id waz jamed in de ige xDDDDD but i saw in a drige id waz galled de "alige may :D"
and i looged at id xD and i dought a bid xDDDDD and i looged at my frozen chum :OOO
den "here xDDDD" said i xDDD widh a sudden gry xDD "iz my gre-ma-tor-eum :D"

some planks i tore from de gabin floor xDDD and i lid de boiler fire :O
some goal i found dat waz lyign around xDD and i heabed de fuel higher :OO
de flames juzt sord xDD and de furnace rord—such a blaze u seldom see :OOOO
and i burrowed a hole in de glowign goal xDD and i stuffed in sam mcgee :DD

den i made a hige xDDDDD for i didn't lige to hear him sizzle so :OOO
and de heavenz sgowled xDDDDD and de huzkies howled xDDDD and de wind began to blow :DDDD
id waz igy gold xDDDDD but de hod sweat rolled down my cheeks xDDD and i don't gnow wy :O
and de greazy smoge in an inky cloak wend sdreakign down de sky :DDDDD

i do nod gnow how lonk in de snow i wrestled widh grizly fear :OOOOO
but de starz game out and dey danced about ere again i vendured near :OOO
i waz sigk widh dread xDD but i bravely said: "i'll juzt tage a beep inzide :DDD
i guess he's googed xDD and id's time i looged" :OOOOO :DDDDD :DD :DDDDD den de door i obened wide :DDD

and dere sat sam xDDDDD lookign gool and galm xDDD in de heart of de furnace roar :OOOOO
and he wore a smile u gould see a mile xDD and he said: "pleaze close dat door :D
id's fine in here xDD but i greatly fear u'll led in de gold and storm—
since i left plumdree xDD down in tennessee xDD id's de firzt time i've been warm :D"

dere r sdranke digns done in de midnight sun
by de men wo moil for gold :O
de arctig drailz have deir segred tales
dat would mage ur blood run gold :OOOOO
de nordern lighdz have seen queer sighdz xD
but de queerest dey eber did see
waz dat night on de marge of lage lebarge
i gremated sam mcgee :DDD


Just locked my woodshop up for da night, now I am here instead of just popping in while stuff dries/cures.I have been making a custom puukko all day for a fisherman.

Looks comfy. Maybe I should move up there I'm starved for cold weather.

Hancock is wonderful. Finlandia University is there.

Puukko are the traditional Finnish knife right?

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Yeah. There's also the Saami knife (Lapin Leuku) that's adopted by Yoopers (lots of us have an Inari or Skolt ancestor) which is bigger but similar and great for winter outdoors use because it's easy to grab while wearing mittens.

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>Morton was born in Ridley Township[1], in Delaware County in 1725, the exact month is unknown.[2] His father, John Morton (Senior), was Finnish, who originated from Finland, then a part of the Realm of Sweden, with his great-grandfather, Martti Marttinen, or Måns Mårtensson (name alternated for Swedish military records, later anglicized as Morton), himself a native of Rautalampi, Finland, who had arrived in the Swedish colony of New Sweden in 1654. His mother, Mary Archer, was also of Finnish descent.[1]
>John Morton (1725 – April 1, 1777) was a farmer, surveyor, and jurist from the Province of Pennsylvania and a Founding Father of the United States. As a delegate to the Continental Congress during the American Revolution, he was a signatory to the Continental Association and the United States Declaration of Independence. Morton provided the swing vote that allowed Pennsylvania to vote in favor of the United States Declaration of Independence. Morton chaired the committee that wrote the Articles of Confederation.

That's pretty nice, What is the bird on the sheath?
The only Finnish knife I have is this Marttiini my half Finn Grandma gave me.

Attached: Marttiini.jpg (2448x3264, 1.68M)

fuck this thread...

You can smell the larp, can't you?

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I believe it's some sort of European grouse but that's not my knife, it's a classic Iisakki Järvenpää puukko (the 'crown jewel' of puukko).

Marttiini are great, I have a couple. I really wish I could find the pic related Ranger model for my collection but it was custom made for a graduating class and I doubt any of them will ever part with them.

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I'm not even Finnish. lol.

I wish I could justify carrying around a fixed blade knife like that.

As a woodworker, I can. When hiking around the Porcupines I always have a puukko on my belt and a back-up (Marttiini) folder on the front of my backpack strap.

A puukko, traditionally, was a VERY personal item for Finns, so-much-so it is the only non-issued civilian item allowed to be worn in the military and there was no standard combat knife issued. Sadly, Spurdö Zoomer conscripts care not for traditions and just buy a cheap Swedish Mora (yuck), wear it when they have to and fuck it off to a drawer to be forgotten about after their time's up.

That's a shame that they give up traditions, and here I am with not a real tradition to speak of.

I certainly blame America for the destruction of European culture and traditions.

Yeah for sure, we even managed to destroy most of our own culture.


Spend a summer in the U.P. if you ever can. We still hold on to traditions which are a bit of Finnish, Danish and Cornish amalgamated together. The internet has damaged it, but we still have Summer festivals, 'Finn Fests', love the outdoors and bonfires. We're still 'quaint' compared to much of America.

I'll try. I'm moving towards the east anyway so I'll be a lot closer.

We're leery of anyone without are accent but if you are a polite Outlander and buy us a beer, you will never find more accommodating hosts than us in the US.

Just don't frown if you don't like the taste of Trenary toast or juusto (a very illegal cheese). Just dunk them in your coffee and eat them with a 'pleasantly curious' look on your face or you will be murdered.

*are = our

I'm getting tired.

I spent a month in Finland one weekend

Both of those sound quite tasty, is it blasphemy if I don't like coffee though?
Also I'll be old enough to buy beer for you guys in half a month.

Don't drink the coffee, that's fine, but do dunk either 'Yooper Treasure' in the coffee or they're not enjoyed properly.

Fair enough coffee in small doses is sort of okay anyway.


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Olutta ja kalla

Post frog memes of Sweden humiliating the Finns I always get a good laugh from those

this is one of my favorite finnbro stories

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