The absolute state of Antifa.
There's going to be a mossad false flag tomorrow in Portland
I have a hard time believing these people really exist.
Try harder
To be fair they usually have very shitty lives
Spoiled brats who need a spanking
As long as Mossad splatters some ANTIFA, I'm all good.
You don’t even know the half of it
not only do they exist but they are also kicking the rights ass
that orc warrior tank on the left looks pretty well geared
There was a guy with a shirt that said #betacuckforlife
Top kek
Antifa is all women and cucked men
And the women are the biggest dudes they got kek
Having spurned plenty of vegan chicks
I can assure you the S o y boys don't get any respect.
The only guy they attacked today was a gay asian journalist
Whenever they actually confront real right wingers they get BTFO
left fags actually believe this
>we won if I think we did
Phone posting but if someone with image zoom/enhance wants to score the rental # off the Soi Boi truck, there is a video of it's front bumper here:
Just look at these beautiful creatures
Another angle
Fucking mods and jannies 404ing these threads.
What the fuck
They look like Classic WoW characters, with the mismatching armor and whatnot.
it has "truck share $19.95" I dont think you will find the owner as its a rental
If you can nab the serial number from the video I linked, some clever user can figure out who rented it.
this is the highest resolution I can get of the soi truck
Why don't people go as double agents to this shit, grab a milkshake then throw it in the face of the faggot pouring them out?
if you say it out loud maybe it will be true? the right is not going to fist fight you faggot they are going to murder you in your sleep...unless you can learn to stop drawing aggro. faggot.
>What the fuck
ofc they do. They are all social justice warriors.
Looks like a Mad Max sequel. The state of the West promoting this degeneracy and letting it infect and bringing chaos and disorder.
Who wants to bet they replaced the milk with soi
Another one
Jow Forums is moderated by them
Lirk moar
>ugly tatted chick dancing
>faggot doing the faggot dance with his faggot sign
>problem glasses on the bottom right
>weak man getting his soi from the faggot serving it to him
>little to no issue with the fag pouring the soi, at least he's giving instead of taking like they usually do
stereotypes grow from roots
would work if you were able to get out quick, or were strong so you could beat away the mob that would surround you.
quite mt everest nigger
kys cuck
You got shit beat out of you by basedniggers and bunch of dykes
what are you even talking about
That truck is from a national rental company here in the US called U-haul
If someone finds the truck's license plate or ID number and cross-references it with U-haul locations near Portland, Oregon, they could at the very least find the U-haul location where the truck was rented from. With some digging/prodding/help from someone here who works at U-haul, they could probably find who exactly rented it as well.
One of the trannies who made the milkshakes
oh shit here we go
they look like security guards for the pitchfork music festival are not supposed to attack people in the first place.
The punch of the decade.
First two Letters of the truck id are BP
>coconut, not soi
that's genuinely pitiful
when earnestly critiqued, such as the negative consumption of phytoestrogenic compounds such as s o y or hops beer for their detrimental health effects, by people whom are genuinely trying to put society on a better path (i.e. "Nazis"), these faggots turn it into self-depracation humor and attempt to push what they, subconsciously know is bad and vile, onto other people in their surrounding community
they literally have zero willpower to attempt to better themselves in lives so they have to bring down everyone to their level, that's "equality" in their mind
never strive for anything greater
Antifa even whiter than the Republican party
Non of them are white
>spic mongrel blood
>spic mongrel blood darkie
none of them are white you fucking sub-human low IQ idiot
The absolute state of Jow Forums
Possible diddling and molestation
The old Navy has boots on the ground already? We're fucked goys
When I see pics like that I want to go on a diet forever...
It's even worse than I thought
They replaced it with Quikrete.
>when God gives you too much head for your face so you vow to disassemble capitalism
Call CPS you fucks
>Tranny, faggot, Tranny
the absolute state of burgerland..
He's abusing a child with a brain tumor, how the fuck is CPS not involved?
>He's abusing a child with a brain tumor, how the fuck is CPS not involved?
that would be transphobic.
Leftists think brainwashing your kids is totally fine
Found him, faggot is a bus driver at TriMet.
CALL CPS and call the bus company, ask them if it is within their company values to employ child molesters and abusers.
holy shit. I wish this board had spoilers.
pictures of trannies are worse than the worst gore.
Make the phonecall you fucks, save the kids
Explain to them that one of his kids has a brain tumor, and this sicko is dressing him up as a girl.
Textbook untermensch
Nah it will be far away. They'll kill a few homosexuals or Jews in Broward County or maybe Denver.
I almost threw up looking at that
Liberal Men in 2019
They are very funny
NY Pride parade
utter clown world
LOL I liked when they marched in Georgia ARMED and there was 0 resistance
>That one woman on the right.
God damn that was an awesome KO
Nothing new
Time to clean up this mess
They didn't even know anyone with a truck, they had to rent one.
>Prometheus and Bob
Also phoneposting, can't get vid to play. If someone can get the license plate number or the truck number I can get the dox of who rented it.
He should of clocked the bitch on his follow through
got 'im bois
>The absolute state of Antifa.
Inshallah. They didn't even run over their enemies with it.
don't risk legal troubles.
Isn't that the cop car tho
Antifa trending on Twitter
Fuck no. The coolest thing he did was not punch the bitch's lights out, even when she tried to attack him. It shows that we're the better people. Antifa literally uses their women as shields.
Om"jc"g mooosad just flew over my house I'm scared
Clown world
i wish Brenton was there. that would have been fun