I think he’s a funny guy. Bit of a dick but great political commentator regardless.
What’s Jow Forums‘s thoughts on Nick Fuentes?
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We like him. Only wignats, feds, retards and lefty pol hate him on here.
He IS the future.
The dude is definitely being paid by someone with an anti trump agenda, he rose to fame thru trump then dumps him, seems like a termite. If he talked about the details of spygate/treason I would trust him. Either way besides that he is a good political commentator
His christ cuckery can get a bit grating and its a bit difficult to pin down his specific views, but I like him a lot.
Watch AF pretty frequently.
Keep eating those big macs big guy
Based and red pilled, but is realistic and down to earth when it comes to his goals.
Most competent pro-white debater in the English-speaking world and he's not old enough to drink.
got clowned by destiny and has silly political positions
why do shills keep pasting him on Jow Forums?
pedo spotted
Go away wacky steve
Fuck off nicker
I watch nick all the time but stop posting these gay as fuck threads.
He wants the money. It's clear he hates his fanbase and really is just using the irony bro thing to milk what he can. He's obsessed with Tulsi now, ignoring alot of her far left policies.
If I had to guess, he's being paid by Richard Spencer
Fuck off wignat. Go back to DS, TRS, Goytalk, 4*2chan or whatever wignat shithole you crawled out of.
He's not really a dick. I got that impression of him from watching the Patrick Little debacle which initially turned me away but Fuentes is actually quite sensible and has a sober take on most things. He's knee deep in shit from people at all angles and all political alignments so he does what he has to in order to survive in that environment.
I liked him more after he admitted he was wrong about a couple of things. Anyone that can look back in retrospect and see where they might have been off by a few earns my respect because almost no one does. Good kid, interested to see where he'll be at thirty years of age, he's smart as fuck and already a lefty/cuckservative slayer.
Yes because he’s totally living the big life like all of the fake conservatives right? Kys retard.
He literally destroyed Spencer half a year ago retard.
lol those sites love Nick they're a majority of his new fanbase. Nick would probably lose a debate to Styx and Ghost because Nick thinks everything should happen immediately
No they’re not nice try wignat.
low key nazbol. one of the few right wingers who genuinely opposes capitalism. based I guess
Yes, they are. Look at his comments section. It's full of TRS shills.
>Opposing capitalism
Yeah he's a faggot considering he's profiting off of it
Destiny got slaughtered and even fucking Twitter which is full of left wing shills agreed. What planet are you on?
Good content, c*atholic tho
this a dumb argument. he is profiting off it in the current system but he is not using those profits to profit himself further, he is using them to dismantle the current system. Lenin was fucking rich too.
Nick has debated Styx before and he didn't "lose" they both came out about even because unlike when progressives debate anyone slightly right of centre they let each other finish each other's points.
Sup nick
Nickers are literal blackpilled cucks
Because Nick got an actual challenge. Nick needs to debate people who aren't idiots or cucks. Styx and Ghost are both good examples
He's merely bringing to light some of trump's major failures during his presidency. Still supports him
What I'm certain is someone is feeding him info and telling him what to say
Yeah hes totally a government funded psyop shilling for trump. This 20 year old getting 2k views on his internet show.
Amusing but consistently inaccurate.
He doesn't support Trump. He flat out admitted he will not vote for him in 2020 because of Big Tech. He's completely turned and he's not praised Trump in a long time. I can't think of one good thing he's said lately
He's gotten over 8k on DLive
I suppose another criticism I have is that he's clearly NatSoc/Fascist but will never say it.
He can't because it's career suicide I get it.
I also noticed his numbers went up when he became anti Trump. I feel he attracted a left wing audience as well as TRS faggots
Comrade Fuentes
Not in the sense that he's shilling, but helping him analyze certain information that might be out a bit out of his depth.
An example would be someone in the white house giving him an economic analysis on a certain policy
He understands how important it is for ACTUAL conservatives to have a platform.
He recently tweeted he still supports trump because he is better than all other options. Trump can still turn it around
I fully support Nick, I agree that he is a dick, specially to his own audience, but he is young, hopefully that bad habit of his is gone in a few years.
I don't doubt that may be true, but actual conservatives appreciate him not being a trump shill like fox news who refuse to criticize him
Mexican. Hard pass.
He did more to defend nationalism and redpill zoomers on Jews/Israel than 99.9% of Jow Forumsturds.
He is the gateway to ethnopluralism.
He's the most unwoke woke guy but I like him (same with Tucker) I'm not a big fan of his irony bro friends who doxxed tyr a while back tho
I disagree with him on a lot of things, but he’s pretty entertaining and intelligent.
Ghost is an absolute dumbass lolcow
nick fuentes is a useless catholic cuck who wastes his life whinning about the decline of the american empire while collecting paypal bux from incels and spending his time playing video games and jerking it to tranny porn
Nick Fuentes is thin skinned and blocks everyone on Twidder
MIGApedes are the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet
Anyone who uses the term lolcow needs to be put the fuck down. Immediately. Before that shit spreads.
>Before that shit spreads
Based retarded commie
I like Nick. He's a good lad and his speech at Amren was nice.
Anyone who shares a stage with Jared Taylor can't be completely irredeemable.
oof, fair enough but ghost is still a faggot.
>Anyone who shares a stage with JT can't be completely irredeemable.
You fucking nigger. Who the fuck is JT ? He's a pathetic loser who shills for Jews. Is not a Christian with only two girls. How is he going to save the White race ?
does someone (soros) pay these idiots to rile up the morons?
this first time I saw this guy on twitter I thought he was joking.
I couldn't believe this guy was for real.
I don't watch but he was back all the time doing the same shtick.
Just checked and Jared Taylor is married to a Jew (Evelyn Rich). That explains why he never criticizes them and says they're ok. LOL. His wife is a Jew and his daughters are Jews according to Talmudic law.
>Bit of a dick but
Who the fuck cares about a fucking loser Canadian's opinion ? You're country is a fucking joke.
hes actually pretty retarded and inarticulat against even the easiest e-celeb debate opponents. hes also a pompous ass who likes to use big epic words he doesnt actually understand
he's a sadistic catholic prig
Trump: I’m going to build a wall!
Nick: I want a wall, I’ll support Trump.
Trump, 3 years later- still no wall
Nick: I am upset over this administration’s failure to adhere to its promises
Based & Redpilled
Nice samefagging yiu autistic retarded leaf
Based and redpilled but he’s secretly a lizard person tho
His numbers went up because everyone else has been banned from youtube.
>Dayum...dis wyte boi sexy!
His numbers have been steadily increasing for the past year or two, but he always gets a boost whenever he does a big show or a debate. It has nothing to do with his stance on trump.
I didn't think he was ever going to have a gf
Shut up faggots, I’m starting to hope trump Jews you American dogs out, I don’t care if he dislikes him but he doesn’t even mention any spygate shit or stuff in there works , that’s why I don’t trust him. Trump made him money then he backstabs him with any candidate that still chooses open borders lol?
He's the greatest figure on the right. Anyone who still doesn't support him at this point is just low IQ.
Gtfo fucking leave this is an american thread
hes based and redpilled. no idea why hes such a catholicshill though
No, this is a jewish bread now, mutt.
First, he said he’s still going to vote for Trump. Second, who gives a fuck about any of Trump’s manufactured scandals? No one is surprised or cares that the US government is corrupt, it’s literally taken for granted by virtually the entire country. The USA is uniornically run by demons, so pointing out shit like spygate is meaningless.
What’s the difference?
Good goy
this is the kind of fanatic that would tell women how to dress.
nick is one of those religious extremists that he complains about if they're muslim
His views are elementary, naive, and sometimes contradictory, but that's to be expected of someone his age. All in all, he's okay to listen to if you're looking for basic-tier political commentary, better than someone like Styx, but if you're looking for someone with a better understanding and take on current events and the situation we find ourselves in, you should look elsewhere.
Canada is a disgrace of a country. Not even deserving of a (you)
Such as?
Look at his name. He's a spic. Spics are almost exclusively catholic.
Vox Day is a good if you're looking for a deeper understanding on certain topics.
Nicker is not a spic he’s a proud Afro Latino completely different
Magapedes btfo
>Jow Forumsack
>thinks someone a bit of a dick
Youve gone soft. Turn in your badge and your keyboard, faggot
He's sub 85 I.Q. .
I doubt nick will ever have sex unless he rapes a passed out drunk or molests a kid
Nat soc in america would most likely be multi racial. I would stand by my fellow waffen nog watching commies fall from helicopters
I hope Canada dies
Capitalist just serves the bankers enjoy servitude
Him and JF are the top tier as far as E-celebs go if your into that kind of thing.
el goblino
Nickers rise up!
Projecting much? Go back to humping dogs u fucking leaf. (You) privileges revoked
lol thinks these sadistic prigs would stop at commies.
nick probably thinks people see him as a moral upstanding person. people like nick have no idea how others actually see him.
Who said i was pro capitalism? If anything im a social capitalist. Its about balance, minimal taxes, and SMART spending--no useless road construction grants, no ghost trains, no grievance studies, etc.