Why do Americans bootlick for the rich?
Why do Americans bootlick for the rich?
Why do phonefags make threads?
They cling to the fantasy that one day that might be them.
I think what's more annoying is the bootlicking of military and law enforcement.
Dick lick user. It's dick lick.
Because we're going to be rich soon too OP, and when we are, we dont want to be taxed at that rate.
Why are you convinced that the government taking other people's money and giving it to niggers will make you happy?
Eventually you run out of rich jews to tax, but dem programs keep costing mo' money
You mean liberals?
No idea. They love their corporatism overlords Bezos, Zuckerberg, Colbert, every overpaid Hollywood actor, etc.
I've never understood it.
Because every time you assholes say you're going to "tax the rich", the middle class is rich.
Every time you're going to give a break to the "working man", you hand out free money to people who don't pay taxes.
So fuck the lying Democrats. Stop lying and then ask why no one believes your bullshit.
All they think about all day long is "gibs". They even have to lie for gibs on their phones.
Pic related is me becuase my rich as fuck CEO just said fuck it and shut the plant i work at down. Thanks fuckers.
>Get caught in lie about taxing the middle class as "rich".
>Tells more lies to get out of it.
Maybe ask the people who make more than 50 k$/year would be smart instead of telling MORE lies.
>Because every time you assholes say you're going to "tax the rich", the middle class is rich.
This really is it
Because most Americans are retarded niggers.
>t. Literal retarded nigger
Because when they’re done, it’s 70% for the millionaires, and 50% for the middle class.
What would stop somebody from limiting their income to 9.9$million then putting the rest into their own clinton charity where they give that money to the highest bidder and that money goes to their offshore accounts?
oh wait thats already what happens, and nothing will change it.
I literally have no idea what this trash is.
Is that supposed to be some telenovel, reality show or some other low iq negroid enterntainment show meme?
He’s eliminating private taxes that you already pay into your insurance industry by eliminating premiums, deductibles and copays retard.
Because as soon as richfags fuck off and/or get creative with dodging taxes, my $55k/yr ass will be getting taxed at 70%.
>He’s eliminating private taxes that you already pay into your insurance industry by eliminating premiums, deductibles and copays retard.
because they've been completely indoctrinated into muh bootstraps
the extra tax money you take from richie rich is compensated for by his firing 10 of us. you jobless screwhead empty skull faggot.
Maybe you should go read his Medicare for all bill. You retarded faggot
To escape US taxation you’d have to renounce you’re citizenship. If you renounce you’re citizenship owning and operating businesses in this country becomes much harder and more burdensome. Very few wealthy people would actually do this, they just say they will to scare us. Rich people aren't pulling out of the world's largest economy.
The fact you called them "private taxes" tells me all I need to know about you
In the hands of a rich man who build wealth, $1MM will turn into jobs and wealth and more $$$. In the hands of the gov, it will turn into drugs for knee grows and white women through welfare.
What are state sales taxes?
why do commies think not stealing from people like a bunch of niggers is "bootlicking" and not rudimentary ethics?
Yes, but rich people aren't stupid. Presidential candidates are literally advocating taking nearly 70% of income and tax programs based on asset value. Even if it costs a few million, there will be business to be had as an accountant/lawyer.
Last time they did that it didn't work.
Because everyone should be equal before the law. It's literally in our Constitution. But instead of providing equal protection, the government takes money from high-income earners to bribe low-income earners for votes.
because the government is gonna take that money and use it to expand the government and oppress people. small government > big government. fucking retard. when the government taxes high earners, that money is not given to poor people, the government keeps it and uses it to solidify their power, the government is not your friend, the government is not there to help you. its there to solidify power and voting for them to be allowed to steal more money from people to fund that is brainlet tier.
>why do Americans not want the government to have the ability to steal unreasonable amounts of money from people?
Poor Americans don't think they are poor but temporarely embarassed millionaires
Us standing up is the whole reason they’re here. How much do the top ten income earners pay in taxes? Not much. When all assets and expenses are paid for by their business, it’s not likely they even pay out a salary over 1 dollar. Tax corporations, not individuals. The only one you’re stealing money from is us, not them.
can confirm.
>dick lick lip stick pig
This guy gets it
>income over $10 million
>implying the people making $50k on paper aren't making $10 + million but simply investing it in assets.
Remember, a Lamborghini can be considered a business vehicle if you drive clients around in it!
Clown world Canuck
its funny the company I work for makes millions in profit and the 40 people that work there dont make shit. the owner is literally drowning in money and most of them would die for him. its insane.
Because many still cling to the delusion that they earned it honestly.
He's got that manager brain, obviously
Not that fag but state sales taxes aren't "private fees" that he had any control over. Do you really think states will cede the ability to levy taxes?
Do you, in fact, believe that his plan makes any sort of fucking sense? Goddamn, bro
>its funny the company I work for makes millions in profit and the 40 people that work there dont make shit. the owner is literally drowning in money and most of them would die for him. its insane.
why dont those 40 people all go start their own million dollar businesses then? oh? because they cant?
Poor Germans spell for shit in English and should just type in German for all that we give a shit. Start another war or STFU, it's all you're good at.
We'd just go back to the days of actors buying oil fields to dodge taxes
No we just dont think its fair lol
The left doesnt understand morality. The thief always has their motive
Because unlike the rest of the world, there is always a chance for one of us to become one of the rich.
Indentured servitude, dissolve the middle class and watch as we slowly hit the tipping point of lynch mobs forming in the street to hang the politicians and bankers.
If you've worked with anyone that has serious money you'll notice a good portion of the elites snort their employees salaries worth of cocaine up their noses on a daily basis. I've worked with people that have serious money on a professional level and the disconnect they have between themselves and those under the poverty line is hilarious. Even people that came from such backgrounds get full of themselves after a lifetime of never being told the word "no".
If anyone ever uses the sentence "It's all relative" when they own two houses bought and paid for while they have employees living off beans on white bread to get by it's pretty obvious shit's fucked.
But the time will come, it's a freefall race to the bottom as it currently stands and unfortunately it's never going to get better until heads roll.
^ this. Most rightwingers actually believe that they will also one day be rich if they work hard,etc.
They think one day it will be them, not realizing that if they try to make it rich, they'll run into (((legal walls))) put up by the 10 millioners.to keep them out.
>Maybe we should kill all blacks, muslims, jews and spics.
>White women:
Democrats never propose those ideas, though. Every tax proposal they introduce to congress, every single one, fucks over the middle class in some capacity.
You want a wealth tax? Tax wealth. Put a higher rate on extremely high incomes.
Raising corporate taxes and payroll taxes? Demonstrates a gross conceptual misunderstanding of economics.
I say we tax at 80% with income over $1M a year. This includes actors, directors, producers, authors, artists, musicians, and pro-athletes.
All taxation is theft, whether you're rich or poor.
You're arguing wrong, OP. Want to win? Observe:
*Tap tap*
The people making over $10,000,000 per year are overwhelmingly Leftist. They push trannies and open borders and lobby to have you imprisoned for even posting here. Disproportionately Jewish as well.
Now, how much of their money should we take?
Long story short? The rich don't pay taxes because they write a lot of shit off like charity donations. The US government is also batshit in that it considers anyone making over 16k a year as "wealthy" for tax purposes.
There should be no income tax
because why “fuck them” for making loads of dosh?
this sorta shit is why Hollywood accounting exists
Imagine being a wagie.
because without him they’d make less than shit
Shut the fuck up (((Stein)))beck you faggot, your books fucking suck.
>Why do Americans bootlick for the rich?
we have this crazy notion that people should be able to keep their money. nuts, I know.
It’s not bootlicking it’s just not allowing theft.
Just because they did the right thing financially doesn’t mean you get to be butthurt legally.
imagine trusting the govt to use money effectively.
everyone below goes broke when the rich leave the country due to high taxes, how hard is that to comprehend?
Some did some didn't. We don't punish the innocent in the hopes that we punish a few guilty people. That's not how the legal system works faggot. Once all the rich fucks are gone bottom of the barrel queers like you will start bitching that the middle class should be punished.
We all do better when we allow the most talented among us to flourish.
Furthermore we are all living in the collective wealth of their accomplishments.
RHOBH Taylor makes a lot more than that
>If it's not going to harm YOU, why WOULDN'T you be in favor of fucking over someone else for your own gain? I don't get it, I'm scratching my head here, I cannot compute the concept of not wanting to take others people's stuff for yourself
Imagine thinking like this
>Why do Americans bootlick for the rich?
because fuck off with your fucking taxes, that's why faggot.
maybe if they suck up enough to the rich their bosses wont outsource their factory jobs to Bangladesh
Because they love I$rael
Christ you people don't understand how wealth works.
The super wealthy don't pay huge income taxes because they don't make much yearly INCOME. They have a NET WORTH. They pay things like CAPITAL GAINS TAX.
Pic related.
Do you really think that laughing faggot has $165bill in cash in his BoA checking account?
Corporations get huge tax breaks. Why? The excuse is "They provide jobs." Then the WORKING CLASS turds like us pay the brunt of taxes. That's the scam. You know you being screwed at least understand how you're being screwed.
inb4 commie
Because they too would like to be rich one day, It's the american dream. And you stand in the way of that.
Tax my boss 70% and he lays me off and opens a office in Asia.
Why are liberals so fucking stupid?
Why do lazy retards think it is a good idea to punish success?
That's the result of globalist capitalism, then. How about closing the borders completely?
>Imprisoning people and confiscating 70% of their income or assets
Money can be used as capital, to promote the production of more money through the supply of goods. Salary workers can't afford machines and laborers. Better keep the money here by keeping the taxes low so the supply of goods stays here and not in China etc etc.
aka we bootlick because offshore accounts wont just bootlick, they'll spread their cheecks and get ready to get stuffed full of tasty money
How about growing frog legs so you can hop to work?
the biggest scam was the Trump tax cuts.
just giving away free money to already mega-profitably companies.
maybe they'll invest or hire with some of it... or they can just keep it as profit.
give those same breaks to consumers - then the companies can decide if they want to invest more to go after all the extra demand.
>No we just dont think its fair lol
>The left doesnt understand morality. The thief always has their motive
The problem is, that the people you're supporting don't give a shit about you. They just use the right, and throw every other concern other than taxes under the bus. They have no solidarity.
Essentially they DESERVE to pay more. They deserve it because they're not holding their end of the bargain. They are dishonorable. Don't belong in any coalition.
you know how the left loses their shit over landlords collecting rent even though "they don't produce anything?" Why don't they feel the same shit about taxes?
Why does the left always accuse the right of not giving a shit about anyone but themselves, yet think it's fine to take 70% of what ISN'T THEIRS?
Nobody has the right to take MORE than what you get when they're not the ones who've earned it. We can argue about bumping the rates a bit, sure. The moment it reaches more than half? Why the FUCK would anyone bother building a business (and, by the way, employing people) if some cunt of a politician is just going to confiscate 70% of what the business earns?
The only thing this will create is A) fewer "millionaires" and B) a trillion new S-Corps and 6 gorillion tax shelters.
>mommy mommy gibs me money
>mommy won’t gib me money, GOMMUNISM now!
my small business went from 60 employees and netting about $800K annually to 80 employees and netting $800K annually, solely because of the Trump tax cuts. That's 20 jobs created, each paying upwards of $50K. Go fuck yourself if you think that same pattern wasn't repeated all across the country with thousands of other small-medium businesses. Not everyone is Google. Yes, Google benefited, but a shitload of smaller businesses did too, and you're dumb as a bag of Leafs if you think otherwise.
It's a problem throughout the English speaking world.
>Imagine using an old meme incorrectly to shitpost
Why should I care about the rich?
I eat food.
I have a PC and emulate retro games.
I have a shitty but comfy place to sleep.
I have water.
I buy drugs.
I have access to 2D pron(better than modern women by far).
I torrent entertainment.
I work and fix things and work on chemistry as a hobby and earn enough money for my needs.
I don't injure myself so my medical bills are low despite being a type-1 diabetic.
My insulin and needles are cheap(thanks Walmart!)
Only debt I have is an 8yo $10K(4 days observation) hospital bill I skipped out on because saline water, 8 insulin injections, 4 blood tests, and being watched for 4 days doesn't cost $1000, much less $10K, so I refuse to pay, and haven't gotten a bill for over 2 years on it because I told them as much.
I do not have a credit card and I don't need credit. So the hit to my FICO score means fuckall to me.
I'm not greedy. I am content to just keep riding alng, watching and studying and aging as gracefully as I can.
Because Americans are rich. Or want to become rich. That's why people come to America. To make it big. I want to make sure my future is good.
> hates rich people
> hates soldiers
> hates cops
You're just a fucking fag.
>why do you care if other people are being fucked over if you aren’t part of their group?
How dare people have morals and philosophical principles that they apply to everyone evenly? Even if we looked at it in a purely self centered, evil way, what is to stop you from coming for me next after I rolled over and let you exploit the person above me? Why wouldn’t I keep them as a buffer to keep myself safer?
You are looking at this the wrong way. This is actually a communist talking point used to criticize “dumb Americans” who were too blind to see that capitalism is supposedly tricking them into thinking class mobility is possible. For some reason, conservatives started adopting the idea without realizing it completely destroys their position. Imagine you could see the future, and found out that no matter what you did, you would never become that rich. Would you suddenly be against these taxes? If so, you are as bad as the parasites pushing for them.
You need to have an actual philosophical reason to be against them, like it being morally wrong for someone to arbitrarily decide that another person has enough money, and think they have a right to take it from them by force. Or an economic reason, like stunted growth of the economy because nobody will be motivated to earn more than $10mil, and usually those are the people that are doing most of the investing in smaller companies and hiring people.
>Eventually you run out of rich jews to tax
Goy I...
>Would you suddenly be against these taxes?
Should be “would you suddenly be for these taxes?”
I dont know, maybe we want the upward social mobility so we can work hard and be promoted into higher pay.
But dems would rather take people down with them because they either are shitty workers or dont work at all.
that's because they like to keep their jobs
>For some reason, conservatives started adopting the idea without realizing it completely destroys their position
look up where the neoconservatives came from and you will quickly see why