Are we stupid?

The main way they Jews are able to take over our countries is with usury, right? But usury is just loans with shitty interest rates, you have to accept the loan and recognize the terms of the contract in order to become a victim of usury so why do whites put themselves in that situation and then act shocked that the Jew is greedy. Nothing duplicitous occurred here.
Whites should just admit we're gullible and we need to take steps to fix it rather than trying to paint Jews conning people out of stuff (which is what everybody does to everybody in the middle east where they came from) as if its some kind of unthinkable sin. If shaking down someone who owes you money is "unthinkable" to you, you need to think more.

~Goy out.

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Other urls found in this thread:

White leaders allow the white underclass to be exploited by Jews if they get a cut. It's like a hidden tax.

jews control our nations through our politicians who are ALL subhuman whores.

the people demand a National Socialist Revolution

>Haha dumb white goy, its your fault that your leaders secretly betrayed you and sold out your country to the money lenders! You gotta admit ur a dummy now and stop blaming those nice jewish folks

Attached: the Fed.jpg (2119x1415, 461K)

What is the hidden tax tho? Like literally just don't sign up. I pay normal taxes just like Jews do and I refuse to get taken in by all the idiot taxes we have in our society. I don't understand how whites become poor except via stupidity.
Just don't fall for it, goy. Like wtf???

What have they done that's secret? This is what I'm saying. You're inventing a conspiracy to excuse your stupity for not being able to recognize something that was done completely out in the open.

Christian Europe forbad Christians from loaning at interest starting with Charlemagne, but allowed jews to do so.

Deuteronomy 23:20

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>What have they done that's secret?
Take over every institution that has any power in our country? Government, banks, military, police, education, media, etc.

Yeah, but a strong and healthy people would have rebelled by now. Modern whites are too cucked.

But the way they take over things is with money which they're acquiring publicly and legally. Stop being retarded. None of this is secret.

>just like jews do

No one demands any such thing you inconceivably massive faggot of galactic proportions.

>which they're acquiring publicly and legally.
Do you think Israel was acquired legally and transparently?

based. americans have a jew problem because they can't stop spending money they don't have. burgers are unironically retards who think they need a new car every 2 years at 50k a pop and they live their entire life paying off car loans. the very second their mortgage is paid off they will sell their house to "upgrade" to another for absolutely no good reason. we deserve to get jewed.

You guys really have to stop throwing Israel into every conversation about Jews. The zionist Jews are a totally different group of Jews from the globalist Jews. It's like saying this gun-toting red neck from Kentucky is the same thing politically as this latte sipping San Francisco dog mom because they're both goyim. .

Zionist Jews are the ones pushing America into endless wars in the ME. They are equally bad if not worse than the liberal Jews you fucking kike shill.

Shinji Mikami say this after 911 and tried to warn American young people. But they were too kiked by the media to see the forest for the trees.

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>Calls others shills
>immediately proceeds to shill for some monarchist eceleb clown

>Are we stupid?
Let me get this straight:
You're asking the question only to legitimize that you argue for "Yes.", using some dipshit logic to counter a simplified strawman-thesis into an antithesis, then adding some real cucked synthesis, so we think that you're on our side, which literally the worst possible argumentation you could have come up with, even for a shill, your reasoning is just garbage.

Also, nobody said that"we" includes you, you can only speak for yourself, faggot, your entire argument is a projection of your believes against the canvas that you imagined, nobody asked you anything.

Fuck off if you can't bring up anything but D&C tactics.
>If you don't agree with me, ponder my ideas until you do
You're a horrible person and an amoral asshole.
You pretend not to understand why greed has been considered immoral or a sin by all ethics of political, philosophical and religious theory, you leave out all context so your arguments appear valid.
You type a question in the subject field and then write "~Goy out" and post a Waffen-SS wojak brainlet.
You're using 3rd grade argumentation tactics Right there faggot, how stupid do you believe us to be? By the looks of it, you're probably the type that feels so intelligent when someone replies to your thread.

>inb4 "user, you don't understand..."
Yeah fuck off, OP, your thread doesn't deserve to be bumped, another thread already died for this shit.

>6 Posts by this ID
Not even to the slightest do you even need to pretend to put any thought-effort into your shitposts, every school child would see that you're bullshitting.
Turn your brain off and back away (to reddit).

Sage as much as possible.

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Epic takedown, everybody's clapping for you, user.
In all that bluster, you didn't come anywhere near the vicinity of addressing my point. Btw saging doesn't work anymore so your post was just a bump and might as well have just said "bump" since that would have had equal intellectual worth to the garbage you just dumped onto my screen. I wish to be reimbursed for the cost of rendering every string within your post's div on my screen.

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So white politicians don't represent white people but Jewish politicians represent the everyday Jew? The doublethink on this board has gotten to ridiculous levels.

I think he means, the white politicians are taking Jewish money to serve their interests, not that they've been replaced by Jewish politicians.