I'll see you on the battlefield anons.
Love will win
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Someone hasn't seen Avatar
true the lime knows no bounds, forever...
1776 will commence but only if you reply to this post with
>hateful boomer
>chakras clogged with fast food grease
>chastises others for being low energy
>lives in Trump Tower
>threatens Iran to appease his jew overlords
>paid some guy to take his ramblings and compile it into a book
>cheats on pregnant wife with a pornstar
>fat fuck who constantly repeats himself and stumbles over words
>spreads Love to every atom in the universe
>has literally never eaten a living thing, which means all things
>is a human conduit of energy
>lives in a geodesic dome greenhouse
>Loves Iran no matter what, even if they don't feel the same way
>wrote 13 books on the finest hemp paper available
>concerns herself with making her nation the best place in the world to raise a child
>dainty lady with quaint "gone with the wind" accent
she has enough love for everyone
deepfakes when?
>I'll see you on the battlefield anons.
Not if I see you first.
I’m still thinking about her and it’s been several days since the debate.
Love for the white race though, not for sodomites and pedophile lefties.
Is it wrong that I want her to bear and have and take care of my babies?
Grit your teeth conservacucks. The power of friendship is gonna rip you a new one.
What kind of panties do you think she wears?
I can't hazard a guess, but I bet she sleeps naked.
Free love hippies with all their crystals and mysticism are extremely vulnerable to the influence of occult forces.
Lord Kek will assume direct control of her during the next debate and speak the truth.
The kind that would look good on the floor by my bed.
she's a jew
>implying she wears underwear
pat benatar is a fren, fren
the real redpill is she is unironically right but no one will take her seriously enough to consider her message
Probably just normal panties most times. Though I bet there are days where she goes commando. I also believe she has a very hairy bush, and maybe armpit hair too.
Breaking news: You can have peace if everyone loves each other. More at 11.
if we had a national holiday where everyone took 3.5g of mushrooms and sang kumbaya, it would be possible
>Probably just normal panties most times
Look at that face, she's a thong girl for sure.
This just look at how nearly every media outlet since the debate has been oozing about Harris & Biden like they were the only one's up there that actually mattered & are trying to paint Harris as some kind of "strong" defender because she interrupted him from actually speaking
Her voice
it's pure sex m8 are you crazy really stop & listen to it
I would suck a dick every day for the rest of my life to have her become the nominee and get on the debate stage with Trump.
Could you even imagine the memes we could make out of that? That's why my vote goes to Marianne our Savior.
She looks like she came straight out of another era. Like the late 60s or something. She has that flower girl look to her.
Quoting the Last Samurai I see.
My weeb powers are growing... over 9,000!!!!!!!!!
no, puts panties back on, lest some of my seed leak out