Mudflood general
>thread theme
M.U.D. G.A.N.G!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cum flood is more like it
I don't really get this. Why would it be a secret? How would no one notice? Are we just kind of sinking? Was there a global event? We moved into used houses and no one talked about it?
>Chimney in the old picture
>No chimney in the new picture
Checkmate holocaust believers. You can't explain that!
what autism is this
Can someone explain to me what is going on?
history is a house of cards mud flood is the crux. Everything we know is wrong.
are these photos real? weird
The cunt is bananas, posts every once in a while his growing collection photos of easily explained history and calls it a grand conspiracy. for every thread he maybe convinced a handful of other likeminded idiots and after a few months they will start making skitzo threads of their own, were at the dawn of the conspiracy here so it’s interesting to watch will user gain critical mass or will his theory be rejected by the mind trust only time will tell but given the frequency of flat earth and moon hoax posts To this day, don’t hold much hope
what's the point of these threads ?
>Mud flood, dirt rain, and the story of the buried buildings
>Buried Street Levels and the Mud Flood
you do realize that washington DC was built on a swamp and foundations like that were pretty much mandatory right?
Its this easy to start a totally false conspiracy? Based.
>bellow ground foundations with windows and cornicing
nuthin false about the mud flood bro
there are no windows in that picture, do you have trouble seeing? you really shouldnt cheap out on the bifocals boomer
t. literal retard with 0 knowlegde in history or Civil engineering
also I don't see any fucking windows in the basement of this picture fucking 40iq amerilards
Phantom time theory. Basically, a thousand years of human history was simply made up by an elite order to create context for their dominion over the world. The middle ages never happened; after the Roman Empire collapsed, its successor states went straight into the Renaissance and continued from there. The mudflood theory suggests there was some kind of worldwide catastrophe that buried entire cities.
>I have never learned history or how cities evolve
only sane person in here that realizes this as well
the capitol has a sub basement what i showed is the original first floor which can be seen from the other side of it.
makes sense.
>this schizo shit again
how is this a political topic anyway, this is plain retardation and denying of reality
get a job niggers
someone convince me. i'm willing to believe
That's how buildings grow.
Trees have underground parts, too.
why does he not un-wrinkle his shirt?
We find this confusing because modern technology allows us to prevent most geological disasters. It wasn't true in the past. Many villages and cities had to adapt to flooding. If a building goes half under mud, you just build a new building on top. No reason to waste good foundations. When archeologist dig up ancient cities from ancient civilization, they find cities on top of cities on top of cities. It used to be the norm to build on top of things. This is just another daily dose of schizo posting.
Your ID literally says bOtLi9ZS (((bot lies))) and you're posting like a bot.
It's the theory that the world was struck by a flood of mud
where does all the new dirt actually keep coming from?
how is it everything everywhere is buried under many feet of new dirt eventually?
Its like new dirt is being made or introduced to this planet.
Liquify ground with frequency.
forget this stuff and get back on your meds or this reptoid will eat your soul
Look into how the Sahara desert came to be. There is fertile ground under 30 meters of sand. That desert didnt originate from erosion.
so.. ancient kangz?
do ayys owe blacks reparations?
what did he mean by this?
Its the device used to make mud in the mud war aka world war 1.
i think the mud flood created blacks
tuba farts are not making new dirt.
this seems like a bit of a stretch.
The water ways dont even come close to batching up in the top.
Thats a traditional building style and a method of military camouflage.
Excellent for temperature control.
>File: 67 - jcxEcPm.jpg (262 KB, 900x600)
It's threads like these that make me question why do I even bother with this shit board.