Trump Just Implied John McCain Is Rotting in Hell


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Where's the lie?


Attached: Egyptian TV Host - John McCain Orchestrated Terror, Chaos; World Better Off without Him.webm (720x480, 2.37M)

facts nigga facts

John McCain isn't rotting in hell, he's freezing in hell. Traitors go to the lowest, darkest, coldest depths.

Traitors go to hell.

He was talking about the senate seats they won a good majority so there is far less democrats.
This bias shit is low

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well, he is.
that faggot thought he was the new world's winston churchill.
when in reality the only similarities were that they were born into status, sucked at school, chose the military, got captured by the enemy, and went into politics as a warmongerer.
the million cool things about churchill that made him who he was were all the things mccain never even came close to.

USS Forrestal. He should’ve died slowly before being sent to hell.

McCain is the ultimate normie filter. If you don't think he is being raped by satan right now you don't know anything about the man. He was one of the worst senators of all time. Trump is spot on.

I'm sure he has his reasons...

all soldiers go to hell for murder

He is and he deserves it. John McCain is a rat of the worst kind.

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Exceedingly Presidential!

Is he wrong?

So much fucking this. Absolutely based and redpilled.

He's correct.

trump is such a fucking mad man

enjoy it while it lasts Jow Forums we'll never get a President like this guy again

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