Remember the 90s? The times when the world wasn't so sick? Yeah, they were cool... *sip*
Remember the 90s? The times when the world wasn't so sick? Yeah, they were cool... *sip*
80's were relatively unkiked. 90's is when it all began, with the nigger culture/degeneracy.
you are both niggers
The 1980s is when neoliberalism rose
You all understand nothing, my fellow anons. But soon you will.
Remember the 00s? 9/11, Bush, Bin Ladin, AL Qaeda??? Now that was a wild ride
Let's crack open some crystal Pepsi
Let's address the elephant in the room, I think the #1 reason so many young people today are constantly nostalgic for the 80s and 90s are because it was the last time the West was majority white and (not coincedentally) prosperous. In the 2000s and 2010s multiculturalism, Obama, LGBT, progressivism, mass immigration etc really ramped up and this is when things really started to go into overdrive. This decade is where it's getting to the point where it can't be ignored.
I'm not nostalgic for the times when reading books or going to school was considered as communist subversion.
What do you mean?
I do remember the 90s and in some ways it was nicer, but I think there's a lot today that is good.
Who knew The Matrix was spot on about the peak of civilization
I actually liked Night Trap
yeah it was, we where just to busy enjoying our little bubble to know better.
the left today is pushy. they cannot simply state their ideas and move on they have to force you to pretend to accept their batshittery or silence you if you dont. even people that would be their allies will turn on them for that.
Like what trannies, niggers, and spics?
Like living in a surveillance state -- we didn't have this in the 90s.
How ironic of destiny that a Russian replied to me. You will soon understand, fellow brother. I hope that I will never have to fight you. We are not ready, none of us are. But there is no escape. The circumstances will force us.
I was talking about Thatcher and Reagan and the further spread of neoliberalism into more countries
I wouldn't say it was good, it was better, until this happened. It turned whites into niggers.
The world was sick, but sick meant something else back then.
There's been social decline all the way through since at least the 1950s, but it stalled in the 80s for about six years or so -- that was the last confident era that I can remember -- and the prosperity of the internet boom masked the rise of political correctness. About ten years ago was when I really noticed the insanity starting to accelerate to a furious pace, though
What is good today is the amount of knowledge available online.
You have a completely fraudulent view of the 50s thanks to propaganda
>do you remember the 90s
No I wasn’t even born yet
The world was almost exactly the same, what are you talking about? The only real differences are probably that you yourself are 20+ years older and Social Media really rubbing your face in everything - and being used to manipulate you. Not just by various powers that be, but by your peers.
Have you seen people kidnapped by the government because they unknowingly talked to someone on a hitlist? Have you ever had classes cancelled because your professor was assassinated? Fuck off.
I'm a 30 year old boomer about to be a 31 year old boomer. I've been on the internet since 1996. My first computer had an Intel Pentium 1 166mhz CPU, 1 GB hard drive and a 28.8k modem. Don't really remember how much RAM it had I'm thinking 32MB or 64MB. It wasn't really my computer but the family computer I was just mainly the one that used it.
Back then the internet was white. You could assume with a high degree of confidence that anybody you encountered was white. There was no censorship either.
Food is less bland today too, I find. Ingredients were better quality before, but the range of dishes was much narrower
The world was still sick but we just werent aware. People were more optimistic and life was a but more genuine
Ah yes, the 90's. War, sanctions, mafia everywhere, oil and tobaco smuggling...those were the days
Also it's not propaganda to read directly from the CIA the coups they did, just to liberate the markets of countries. You are the brainwashed faggot.
Eisenhower was the first president to start ordering interventions.
Sorry, didn't notice you were posting from a shithole country
>Back then the internet was white. You could assume with a high degree of confidence that anybody you encountered was white.
Absolute bullshit.
Back then it didn't matter because people didn't fucking broadcast it. It wasn't important. But you're full of shit if you think the internet was white.
Anime was better.
>The world was almost exactly the same, what are you talking about?
Even lefties admit that there have been huge changes in our society over the past several decades, although they approve of the changes
It started far earlier than that, 1940s. Maybe even earlier.
I remember the BBS era of the early 90s. The internet was a hell of a lot more white than today, just like society as a whole
Diablo 2 on dial up
You didn’t see as much of a heavy indoctrination as today. Liberals were more like “we disagree and I’m glad you have the right to say that!” Today if you espouse a view not held in the database of ever narrowing viewpoints, you can feel the zombies turn on you. You can feel the tension in the air. Eerie times.
Leftists were always insane but it seems that today they sense their own power and are much less afraid to push confrontations with right-wingers to the limit
Yeah, we had the same shit too.
It seems like they're all preparing for some confrontation and showdown with a literal nazi, so when the opportunity arises they go full retard with the hopes that someone films it and puts it on the internet. It's similar to how niggers are confrontational with police because it nets them respeck from other niggers.
The only good thing in the 10s was Dark Souls.
Literally that's all there was that was good.
Until the late 90s, the internet was just the Anglosphere and Western Europe. Eastern Europe came online in the late 90s. The early 00s you had Brazil, China and India come online. Since the late 90s the internet just gradually got less and less white. And then in 2008 there was a huge acceleration of non whites pouring onto the internet with smart phones.
The average internet user has also gotten dumber. It's easy to tell the difference when you have lived through the changes and watched them unfold.
I can recall when the internet could be kind of tricky to use, what with Gopher, Archie, Veronica, FTP, Usenet etc. You couldn't just connect and get right to finding things
What about retrowave?
Shit, I meant
What were the 90s like in Russia?
Horseshit. Nonwhites have been part of the internet since Usenet days. Asians, Hispanic people, even Africans. Zone 5 of Fidonet (Africa) was one of the largest.
Actually I was born in 1990, so I didn't see the whole picture back then. Russia in 90s was a decaying state. Oligarchy rose up. State factories were sold to bastards who bankrupted them, and millions of people became jobless and sometimes even homeless. State-scale hunger wasn't far away. The bandits sometimes had more power than the police. Criminal gangs killed each other and common people on daily basis. First Chechen war was a bloody massacre, thousands of young conscripts were killed in ambushes by islamists, who gained the information about them from their greedy sold out commanders. Saudis and US military specs taught the terrorists in the special camps and sent them to fight Russian military. The payment was so small, that everyone could afford only the food and some fake vodka. Heroin from Afghanistan sold out like candies. Those were the hard times.
Yep. That sucked. But we had Snickers.
thats when we postively absolutely entered the sicko dimension.
>We are not ready, none of us are. But there is no escape. The circumstances will force us.
I'm ready. I was raised in the race war 90s.
It goes back all the way to Hellenistic times with Alexandria and its Jews and in-fact WAY before even that with Babylon. You Americans however consider McDonalds and suburbs "traditionalism" and probably think the 18th century was "ancient" .
Non localized internet. Now, most savely remain within their countries mindframe.