Pol is NOT welcomed!

Let us be absolutely clear. No one from 4 chan or pol is welcome at the War Relics Forum. We have been, and will continue doing our best to remove you people. Regardless if you have paid your yearly dues, if you mention 4 chan, pol, or post any images of stupid talking frogs, you are banned.

WRF is a place for discussing all of history's conflicts, not a place to glorify the Nazis!

Stay off of our forum. You have been warned. If you keep up with trying to infect our site with a virus, we will contact the police and have 4 chan and pol shut down once and for all. Give it up. We are smarter than you.


Attached: zwarZ - Copy.jpg (142x153, 5K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Wow you re a real piece of shit

Lets flood antifa people with this link, maybe they will shut it down LMAO

I'm going to join just to piss you faggots off.

Literally what nigger?

No need to put your name in the post. No one knows who you are.

Attached: 1lNJeUq.jpg (1080x2101, 277K)

imagine that your parents hate you so much that they name you Adrian

Never heard of your site until now.

>War Relics Forum
Never heard of it but I’ll be sure to visit and post some memes soon.

>have 4 chan and pol shut down once and for all.
Set me free senpai

Fuck off ((Adrian)). I bet you're a waiter at a dirty Waffle House. Give me some scattered and smothered then go work a few years as a lumberjack to see if you can get some of your manhood back.

And no more dicks in your mouth you fucking faggot.

warrelics.eu/forum/ GET EM

Attached: Atomic_bomb.jpg (347x400, 27K)

I only every knew one Adrian and he was gay. Ran a restaurant that failed and last I heard was operating an art gallery somewhere. OP sounds like a like minded faget

Sounds jewy

well, that seems to be the point

how bout i come down there and fuck your face with this pistol faggit?

Get off my board faggot.

obv bait attempt at some personal army shit, everyone in this thread is sub 100iq

Good advertisement

A literally who website that combines the worst of /his/ and reddit. Fuck off nigger, you wish you were relevant.

No one gives a flying shit about your irrelevant niggerlovin shitskinned kikehole forum, put a noose in your neck and hang from it, you massive faggot filth

Fuck off, faggot.


Thank god and everything good, nigger.

if this is real, you *sure* are stupid, buddy

baste japbro

If you are not larping, the you are a complete idiot, now some fags are going to raid your shitty site because of this thread

Fucking retards, watch your stupid shit site get fuckin ddos'd, infinite rice packets gooks! Jow Forums has some 1337 h4x0rz heldover back from the golden days of Jow Forums, /i/ baby

Let me be absolutely clear: I've never heard about your gay forum and I'm not interesting in it.

Wow, this place is awesome, I'm joining right now. Can't wait to fuck with the commies.

Attached: 4L_CVTCl0gO.jpg (480x360, 21K)

This nigga needs ad revenue. Don't click that shit

Well fucking duh. Water is wet, fire is hot.

kys faggot


> WRF is a place for discussing all of history's conflicts, not a place to glorify the Nazis!
What's wrong with glorifying somebody, you cold-blooded bullprick?

>gets Jow Forums and or Jow Forums shut down
>gets flooded by autistic refugees
I don't think this faggot thought this through,

I went to the site and I am going to assume the person who wrote this is Adrian Stevenson, moderator of like 15 diferent things on there

This dumb boomer is asking for it.