Why are Americans so obsessed with fast food?

Why are Americans so obsessed with fast food?

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Cause we're #1

Cheap and easy is great for poor and lazy

Complete myth. It's fucking expensive.

Why are you obsessed with Americans?

Because it's hard to fathom how a nation of slow impulsive mindless consumerist swine could amass so much power so as to rule the planet.

Jow Forumsing reviewbrah eating a corndog

Because we basically invented it and have a massive supply of such restaurants. McDonald's is the modern American equivalent to the town church - it's a landmark and there's bound to be at least a couple in every county.

You can’t? Got dam, you’re dense son!

Tasty treats on the fly. What all of life wants.

How can one man spend years eating and drinking so much shit, and still be so thin

He just poops it out son

It's yummy, and we have a million varieties of it.

We are exactly as the Romans were.

I had a perfect body until I hit 30. I never worked out, drank a lot, and never watched what I ate. I got in really good shape as a teen and it just seemed to last for over a decade.

Getting old sucks.

That's his job.

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Not in USA.

It's called convenience cuisine and it's the nutrition of modern day efficiency. Fast food is as revolutionary for civilization as the discovery of agriculture thousands of years ago.

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it is expensive everywhere, cooking is cheaper, I can get 1.5kg of meat with honey-paprika marinade for the price of small BigMac menu

It gives me comfort in my otherwise empty and hollow existence, surrounded by hive minded consumerist automatons sinking my country to shit

exercises and cutting sugar and jewbohidrates jelp

I drop $15-18 at fast food joints all the time. Granted that’s only when I don’t give a shit how much it’s gonna be but I’ve done it dozens of times. Off the top of my head, one of those “gourmet” burgers, a large fry & a milkshake is already like 12 bucks; throw in another sandwich and there ya go, 20 fucking bucks. One person.

powerful calves and unblockable veins

Because it tastes good? It’s literally designed to be addictive. Anyone that says it tastes gross is lying


they amassed most of it before they became that

Fuck off

I don't know man, there's Tom's Burger in front of my nearest McDonalds and their menus cost almost same but their burgers are different league than McShit, but they call themselves slow-food or whatever

So is real food.

Sometimes I feel like there's a bunch of retarded faggots on this board.

Real, high quality food, is expensive. Yes, you can buy a can of almost-expired 3 year old beans for $0.50 a can. Yes you can buy chicken 2 days from expiration (or on expiration date) for 50% off. Yes you can buy tons of "fresh" GMO lettuce or gassed tomatoes picked early, grown for size, not taste, and for very cheap. In fact the barely-more-than-water lettuce and tomato are probably the exact same produce the fast food place is buying, except they buy in bulk and get it cheaper than you do.

And then you can mix all these super cheap fast food I mean grocery store ingredients in 30-90 minutes. Your time has no expense; you work for free.

And then you can eat the delicious human kibble of tasteless franken-rice and expired beans. Every. Day. Probably slathered in some vegetable oil-pretending-to-be-butter. Because this is definitely what it means to live like a frugal but health-conscious human, and not a caged animal eating whatever slop its master has made available.

Or you can eat fast food, save yourself 60 minutes of effort, get the same total garbage food at a 20% premium -at most- over the basic bitch shit you bought from the grocery store. If you actually consider your time as worth more than nothing, you're just short of breaking even.

Or you can buy actual high quality ingredients, and make actual good, high quality food instead of gruel fit for a dog, and wind up spending as much as, if not more, than you would on fast food.

I swear to fuck so many of you brag about getting the cheapest bullshit food from the grocery store acting like that's any better than what you eat at mcdonalds. You are buying the exact same garbage that the fast food stores are buying, but they are buying it in bulk at cheaper prices than you.

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>anyone who says it taste gross is lying
would agree if I didn't learn to cook, and never experienced what it was like eating fast food after taking a very long break. it taste like shit, and destroys your insides.

Lmao what? 5 dollars for a burger and fries plus drink is not expensive. And that's without combos/deals etc. You have no idea what you're talking about

Fast foods make you slower. Really makes you think.

or you can learn how to cook properly you incompetent zoomer

Where the fuck are you going where its 5 dollars? In AZ a whopper meal is starting out ~7-8 bucks.

Fuck off ausfag. Fastfood doesn't do shit to you if you're running burning it off. Our work days are longer and our structure revolves around the automobile.

It ain't bad done in moderation but yes as a straight up Sicilian making my own shit is easy as fuck. But still I'll cut a bitch for a Whopper if I'm in the mood for it.

Convenience I guess, i dont eat fast food hardly because it's a waste of money. Sometimes I'll get French fries from McDonalds though.

shut the fuck up, retard.

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Yeah, it's like 8 bucks in my area, no idea where you're getting them for 5 bucks.

>paragraphs full of bullshit to justify eating like shit

It's fast. And it's 'food'. And we're tired.

No, paragraphs of the hard honest truth that you're too fucking stupid to accept.