For some reason people have stopped using the term "Illuminati". We always refer to them as "them" or ((they)) or "the elites" or "the globalists" or something. I think that when people started calling out the illuminati, there was a campaign to label the term "illuminati" as a stupid term, that there was no such thing and that anyone who talked about them was a fucking retard or something.
But since we're on a board where it's perfectly fine to talk about how the Jewish mafia and Zionists are a problem, which is true, there is a Jewish mafia, then there should be no issue with discussing the existence of the illuminati, who do have jewish mafia elements to them, but run much deeper. In this thread we shall discuss the nature of the Illuminati, and any information about them.
I'll also post pics of this card game with every post. Fun fact, this card game was created by Steven Jackson games, and was discontinued because the Secret Service came in and started raiding the place where the cards were made. Who can say why?
The Illuminati includes political, economic, occultic, pedophilic, celebrity, and scientific groups. It is a massive conspiracy, tied together, united in purpose, but sometimes conflict erupts within the organization/club itself. At least thats what I've been led to believe.
There is also undoubtedly a stronger amount of disinformation than there was before. The censorship of information is greater than it ever has been, and as has been recently revealed. A.I. supercomputers delete information on the daily, searching out forbidden knowledge that the illuminati does not want revealed, removing it from the web, or otherwise making it fringe or almost unknown.
The same atmosphere of occultic, secretive, and sexual behavior exists. Their general attitude hasn't seemed to change. But their methods of censorship have become more refined for sure.
>For some reason people have stopped using the term "Illuminati". We call it what it is. International Jewery. You can keep your little card game fantasy names.
Luke Barnes
Jow Forums itself is a honeypot, one of the few places on the web where conspiracies can be discussed, and it is also used as a way to point to conspiracy theorists and brand them all as right wing nazis. Every form of rebellion is being shut down, and/or turned into a honeypot or a psyop.
Andrew King
>We call it what it is. International Jewery. You can keep your little card game fantasy names.
Jewry is only part of what it is. The Rothschild family, which are Jewish bankers, with an elite family bloodline. They believe they are descended from Charlemagne which is why they have continuously engaged in incest for the sake of keeping their bloodline pure. They themselves have told their followers, that Charlemagne was the descendent of Christ and Mary Magdelene, a blasphemy to be sure.
Jacob Ward
>A.I. supercomputers delete information on the daily, searching out forbidden knowledge that the illuminati does not want revealed, removing it from the web, or otherwise making it fringe or almost unknown. Here I'll solve you're little faggy investigation. They're gnostics of Left Hand Path, and Kabbalahistic Jews have become their masters since the banking-media cartels replaced human interaction.
Right Hand Path were the guys who created science, also known as deists. See pic...
And prepare for some "german-bro" proxy Canadian christian asshole to spam a bunch of lies and memes he took from old 8ch threads
>They themselves have told their followers, that Charlemagne was the descendent of Christ and Mary Magdelene, a blasphemy to be sure. Yeah we all saw the (((Spielberg))) movie and read the stupid larp books. They're for retards like you and other assorted Alex Jones fans
Stop trying to cover for the kikes by spreading disinformation and muddying the waters. There is no mystery, no intrigue. It's a cabal of slimey kikes. Call it what it is or take your fucking card game and shove it up your ass kike.
It's not the Illuminati, it's the eternal Moloch of Zion, the Jews.
Andrew Watson
Gnostics, Left Hand Path, Kabbalahistic Jews, Right Hand Path, banking media cartels. All of that is true, and they are certainly groups of the encompassing illuminati. But the thing about these groups is that they are intentionally confusing, each faction believing themselves to be the truly enlightened ones, never being given the full picture. Which is why whenever illuminati whistleblowers came out, along with the possibility of them simply being psyop shills, the ones who had legitimacy would show us that there is so much convoluted bullshit that they feed even their higher tier members that it's meant to be impossible to get a grasp of what the true plan is.
Ultimately, I suspect that the highest tier people enacting these plans are demon-possessed individuals. After all, only the fallen angels would allow themselves to have full access and understanding to what their full plan is. At least that's my take on the whole thing.
Luis Stewart
no bro its more than kikes. look into the Dutroux affair and other pedo scandals. you have jew and gentile elites involved.
it isnt just kabbalist cahals, bu also old noble and wealthy families. they have brought in other families, who have spread slowly the bloodline luciferianism. there are bloodline luciferians in most major cities. even some small towns are totally made up by them. this shit now exists in all classes.
read about the Dutroux affair
Franklin scandal
the finders cult
westminster pedo dossier
mcmartin preschool
the presidio
Josiah Carter
Illuminati are based and nothing to do with the kikes. There's more than one elite you faggot.
Dominic Peterson
It doesn’t really matter what you call them, it all means the same thing, and everybody knows who (((they))) are.
The Nephilim protocols are involved in this. There are several different possibilities regarding this, but generally, they are trying to use Nephilim DNA/genetic material which is still supposedly present within humans, and they have been experimenting with it in hopes of unlocking the potential of demonic/fallen angel DNA.
Essentially, it seems to me that they hope to use the bloodlines to unlock the way to create the anti-christ. That's what the jewish luciferian bloodlines seem to be all about, finding a way to give birth to the anti-christ.
Noah Turner
Weishaupt was born a Jew who converted to Catholicism and became a priest.
Juan Young
I think it does matter what you call them. The term "illuminati" allowed normies to begin accepting that there is a global cabal of luciferian elites. Now that nobody can actually use that term anymore, as it has been shilled against so heavily, anybody who simply states it is the kikes/jewish mafia bloodlines will be labelled as a fascist nazi, which is not actually the case.
Joseph Bell
that is essentially what paul bonacci said in his taped deposition. he said the so-called MONARCH program was to usher in antichrist
Brayden Thompson
will check out this nephilim protocols you mentioned
Ayden Mitchell
>bbbbbut it's not just the kikes! Nice try Saul
Elijah Robinson
They have been doing some seriously weird genetic experiments lately. We know that they mix human DNA and animal DNA, which I can't help but wonder if that is something they did in the past, resulting in minotaur type legends and such.
But they are undoubtedly working to unlock the Fallen Angel DNA which is dormant within humans. If you read about Nimrod and his work on the tower of babel, you have to wonder how exactly he achieved his giantism, it might be that the blood sacrifices, and the pedophilic sacrifices they do have something to do with unlocking those traits.
Jordan Perry
I don't want you to mistake me user, it's definitely the kikes. What I'm saying is that the kikes have a demonic bloodline which they are going to try to use to give birth to the anti-christ. If i had to guess, the ability to actually bring forth the anti-christ is something they have been running a trial and error type thing on for a long time now.
Angel Cook
you are dumb bro. non jews of wealth particularly are allied with them.
take this as an example. the masonic congress of wilhelmsbad. happened in the late 18th century, and was the point at which jewish lodges were brought into acdeptance and jews could join any lodge.
Matthew Barnes
So if it's (((bad))) to use either term, why not just tell the truth and say it's the kikes? Unlike "illuninate" we have actual evidence of jews being in disproportionate areas of power compared to other ethnicities. And usually when you show them the evidence, it becomes no longer a crazy sounding conspiracy like "illuninate"
Isaac Turner
scriptures say that the antichrist or his false prophet will be born of the tribe of dan. protestant, orthodox, and catholic fathers have discussed this in scripture.
Eli Sullivan
You are forgetting exactly what the situation is user. To give an example. I have a friend who suspects that 9/11 was an inside job, that JFK was assassinated by the CIA. Do you think I am going to be able to convince him by telling him outright that it's the kikes, and that jews are responsible for everything wrong in the world? Are you stupid?
In the words of Morpheus, you cannot be told what the Matrix is, you have to see it for yourself. If I suddenly thrust that upon a person who is questioning the situation, they will be absolutely unable to accept it. The problem with the redpill which I guess you have seemed to have fucking forgotten, is that it is not an easy pill to swallow. I don't know why you dense motherfuckers think you can just tell people that it's the kikes and they won't go into denial.
Redpills must be taken in small doses. In order to be able to fully accept the truth about the Jewish Synagogue of Satan. You have to first understand the nature of the Luciferian elite, and you must also have an esoteric understanding of theology.
Some people are simply reactionaries. But normies are not, the only way to redpill normies is to slowly introduce them to the truth that there are occultic pedophile elites, and you can't do that by starting off with how Hitler did nothing wrong.
Jayden Wright
And you're an asshole. A lot of people are allied with kikes. They'll be next. I don't care about lodges and mysticism and all that bullshit. I care about educating the people wondering who's fucking idea it was to flood white homelands with shitskins and who is really behind pushing all the faggotry. Once you show people that there's always a jew sounding name or two behind damn near every degenerate policy, news article, "movement" etc it's no longer a stupid sounding conspiracy like "illuminati".
Sebastian Reed
the illuninated lodges which live on in the grandorient lodges are very real bro. it isnt just jews, though the jew cahals are probably the most powerful groups pulling strings.
im not disagreeing about jews running shit, but im getting tired of the spurging about jews and that everything is jew. shills have been pushing this shit, trying to push people into the kafkatrap
Christian Green
>Gnostics, Left Hand Path, Kabbalahistic Jews, Right Hand Path, banking media cartels. No, god damn it. The Banking cartels are the jews. The right hand path died after the Civil War.
> I suspect that the highest tier people enacting these plans are demon-possessed individuals. After all, only the fallen angels And that's why these people exist, like you they're crazy religous fairytale larpers.
>We always refer to them as "them" or ((they)) Fuck off, JIDF. >Le daily wacky conspiracy threads by JIDF JIDF like to push irrational conspiracies like faked moon landings, le Illuminati/Masons, flat earth, absurd 9/11 theories (there were no planes), lizard people etc. etc. to do one thing... to make people that discuss information outside of what the (((MSM))) gives us look retarded and to cover up for jews.
This is called well-poisoning and gas-lighting. Jews do this to keep normie goyim from looking into or thinking about legitimate non-MSM information too much, e.g. the jew subversion of our media and government or the exaggerations and outright lies surrounding the holohoax made for political gain.
9/11 is a good example... Israel had a big role in 9/11. How to well-poison this subject manner? Make sure any threads about 9/11 include discussion of "there were no planes", "it was CGI", "a nuke brought it down", "an energy weapon brought it down" etc. and other absurdities. This will get any normies to reject ALL non-MSM information about 9/11, including what they want to cover-up (Israel's role).
Jews control our media. Jews control our banking. Jews control our academia. Jews control our government. Very real and verifiable. Something people need to know and understand. “But let’s not worry about that, goyim. Let’s discuss flat earth, bigfoot and aliens”.
No this image is entirely real. You are either misled or a shill my friend.
Jack Baker
illuminati is not wacky. same wit masonry. look into the grand orient lodges and also look into masonic ritual abuse. it isnt just the jews you idiots. yes the jews are a major crux to it but you fucks are becoming miopic or are shills yourselves.