Why did Republicans convince this bitch to run as a democrat

Everybody knows she's a Republican plant out to destroy our party

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The Democrats don't need any help to destroy their party.

Your fellers tried it on us with Trump. How's your own medicine taste, faggot?

what's wrong with her? she's anti war and supports spending money on hard working american citizens instead of military contractors. I have 0 problem with that.

>only Democrat who isnt a full of shit liar

Fucking lol

>What's wrong with her?
Her CFR membership.

1. woman
2. brown


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>what's wrong with her? she's anti war
>she's anti war

There's your answer

Have you seen her poll numbers she won't be winning shit and besides Republicans love Trump

Right, dems are pissed trump hasn't gone to war and are seething that this decent woman wants to avoid war. She's such a fascist eh? How dare she not want war. Give your head a shake

> be afraid, meme flaggot

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cringe retard
based retard

True. Though they also literally hire people to help them fuck it up. And it gets expensive and that fucks it up more. Corruption through and through is the only explanation why its so bad

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Cause ron did so well in 2008

Let me explain something to you, newfag.
Mass replying like that makes you look like a retard at best and a spammer/shill at worst.

Because I really might get banned for spamming and shilling on this board huh?

Nice try JIDF faggot

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>Implying I'd vote for a woman even if she was Republican

>She's such a fascist eh?
quite so, since that vile mystery meat piece of shit is anti-gun

Trump / Adelson are democrats as well. who ran against anti Israel bias on the left

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Oh so you're convinced by her listing a few committee names and then adding a few platitudes about how we need to listen to lots of views?
And so nothing to worry about that she was a member of the body that international finance uses to control America's foreign policy?
I have some sympathy for you because I don't want to be the guy saying "Trump talks to Russians/Jews therefore he is owned by Russians/Jews" but I can tell you for a fact that if she was truly anti-war then she influenced nothing there except for telling the hawks the normie-friendly anti-war arguments that they need to counter.
And I'm skeptical they even let anyone in the room unless they own them.
I retain my suspicions. And Trump hasn't started any wars anyway.

What a redditor you are.
No, you won't get banned. The jannies will probably give you a medal for it so you should spam your whole high res black cock folder.
But people will see what you're doing and ignore you, filter you etc.

Looks kinda old for 38

Is she a Republican because she's the only antiwar candidate?

my only problem with tulsi
is that she is open borders
pro fag/abortion

Honestly i see trump getting reelected after seeing that most democrats want to give illegals free healthcare, which is insane

I bet she's so fugly without makeup

>Trump hasn't started any wars anyway
he is going to start war with iran,he already destroyed venezuela and he bombed syria
for other things you said I am not going to bother with replay

>is that she is open borders
no she is not
what is problem with that
>pro fag/abortion
no she is not

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Brainlet confirmed.

Your Iran shit is s hypothetical. Silly rhetoric. People said he was going to start a war with North Korea and now he's going to meet Kim again.
Venezuela is sad but remember how rogue the US IC is overseas in South America. They're doing this shit on their own and Trump's choice is to back it up for no political damage at home or oppose it and immediately make his job harder. Strategy is important, even if holier than thou internet autists consistently refuse to understand this.
And finally he didn't bomb Syria. He reacted to a false flag good enough to fool many normies that was supposed to be his cue to invade Syria by blowing up an old desert airstrip after warning the Syrians and Russians to get out. No casualties. It's the most humanitarian airstrike in world history.

((( controlled ))) opposition oldfags

democrats are so pro war now it’s hilarious. anyone else member 2004-2006?

“Every time we launch these interventionist regime change wars, it is not only our veterans who pay the price for them. Every single one of us pays the price,”

"We have spent trillions of your taxpayer dollars to pay for these wars, taking those dollars away from our communities and our people who need them right here at home.”

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All women are

>American education
Ever hear of WW1, WW2, and Vietnam? Can you only think back to 2004?

She made a deal with don , she gets the Dem nomination and gives the election to Don and next elections he backs her.

>Your Iran shit is s hypothetical. Silly rhetoric.
you will see in couple of weeks from now
of course I am not going to bother on other shit you said but here is a link about syria
I couldn't find how much people died in that airstrike but I remember some people did died

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You link to Obama shit then blame Trump on it?

Daily reminder that the Syrian war ends during Trump's term.

There's this weird narrative where Trump has been bombing Syria all along since 2012.


Fuck the people that use this against her.

Fucking weak.

just scroll down

OP is being insincere but he is factually correct. Gabbard was previously never a Democrat, and she believes in weird cultist dogshit.

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>weak, try harder

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>1. woman
>2. brown

Part and parcel of beating the Jews small hat faggot.

He woke up 10s of millions of people pussy faggot.

Go back to re.ddit you dumb faggot

I can't believe you guys are falling for her bullshit. Don't you realize Trump was making the same anti-war statements before he became president? If she was elected I can almost guarantee she'll go along with the neocon agenda just like Trump did.

all presidents in my 40 years have done this, we do not elect anyone, and if we do, they get turned by the men in black once in office

name a single republican issue she is for (except being anti gay when younger, but now being super pro lbgtqsdiofwekrl)

She's pro-spic and supports reparations. She isn't a Republican.

She's ZOG'd about everything except Israel, Sudis and Endless War. So better than Trump.

I didnt know that

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The only thing she has in common with republicans is her love for Russia.

Tulsi shills have been on pol since feburary 2019

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That seems reasonable



>Wikipedia as a source

lol fucking Serbs no wonder you got btfo by Bosnians.

Russian Iranian shills are all Democrats

> Gabbard was previously never a Democrat, and she believes in weird cultist dogshi
Huffington post and shit made this up and you bought into it?
She's had support since she met with Assad in 2017 you fucking retard.

And Trump hasn't started any wars yet. Care to try that post again?

I like how one of her hairs is gray.

She's anti gun you stupid fucks.

>her face when

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Check it kike

She supports torture.


>lol fucking Serbs no wonder you got btfo by Bosnians

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