The absolute state of Joe
The absolute state of Joe
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where is mommy marianne
He shouldn't have mentioned busing
Just say "white people bad", that's all you need to get elected.
What the fuck is Buttigieg for a name?
>Sanders still candidating
how many times do they have to teach you a lesson old man
This Kamala Harris is kind of sort of hot.
How does everyone not see Harris as a thoroughly unlikable cunt? What's wrong with the Democrats?
To be honest, I think Black people literally just didn't know a black woman was running until the debate.
He shouldn't have entered the race. It's been nothing but gaffes and snooze energy. Imagine being part of his campaign and watching him get btfo on stage by a phony like Harris.
>Gabbard on the rise
literally the only hope
What Trump just did makes this all pointless. He's guaranteed the win. I miss the 2016 election bantz and memes.
Harris is fucking whiter than Biden wtf?
Biden has all the connections and political infrastructure and the entire neoliberal order behind him (just like Hillary) this should be a piece of cake.
You fools. Biden is the easiest opponent for Trump.
his name is butt and he's a homosexual
and he's a christcuck because of course.
Jussie is gonna fuck Kamala
>made up numbers
Her dad's a high-yellow Jamaican mulatto and her mom's a poo who said she was white on Kamala's bc.
Good. Would rather have Harris than Warren, Biden, Sanders, Beto.
>and the entire neoliberal order behind him (just like Hillary)
ZOG will probably support shabbos trump this time around because of his loyalty to Israel over america.
They might just be ready to throw him under the bus to protect king nigger from the Barr investigation.
>Hey joe you remember when you did that one thing literal decades ago? I'm not saying racis n shieet buuuuut... No, saying that your own racial replacement is a good thing since then doesnt absolve you
God I hate niggers
Biden has a tiny fraction of hillary's PAC money though plus all the energy of a humble guac salesman combined with the inappropriate personal boundaries of Bill Clinton.
The absolute state of polls.
>loyalty to Israel over america.
Citation needed, kike
Lol Beta didn’t even make the list
what did trump just did
literally just hopped the border to best korea to chill with kim for a while, solo.
He's right below Booker. I remember just months ago he was praised by liberals as the second-coming of Kennedy or something. How far he's fallen.
for the love of god don't put Harris in charge, this is a first world country not a high school
gabbard is the only one fit to run
I've said it before and I'll say it again. If Bernie gets the nomination, he'll beat Trump. If any other Democratic candidate gets the nomination, Trump will win. I'd bet money on it.
Biden is definitely out. He couldn't even win against a woman and a nigger in 2008 at the end of the Bush era. And it turns out he ran in 1988, too. Time to throw in the towel.
She’s a nigger female, a prize jewel for those retards.
Bernie could have won last election, before everyone knew how socialist he is, now the cats out of the bag and a huge chunk of the moderates who would have voted for him won't anymore. Especially with his sudden interest in identity politics.
the trump presidency 2016-current
Biden is finished at this level.
He looks old and lost and its kind of sad desu. He can barely finish sentences and I think many peoppe are seeing that now.
>democrats will vote for neoliberal sheboon because of identity politics
fuck this
bernie 2020 or bust
fuck you nigger faggots ruining socialism
Socialism was always ruined.
>imlying it's not about the campaign donation shekels
Remember goyims, no refunds.
it's literally nothing
>trump at dmz
>steps into north korea and has private meeting with kim
you have a dude named Butt running for president
why the fuck arent you all memeing this fucker already ?!
>first american president to step foot on nk soil
Your shill skills are weak.
You fail to understand why Kamala is Trumps worst nightmare. Did you see how she eviscerated Biden in the debate? Now imagine her against Trump. He would crumble against her. Now the vote. She had women and minorities locked up automatically. Guaranteed win. She is not a fool. She is a damn fine prosecutor and if there is one thing Trump fears it’s prosecutors. This time next year she will be the nominee and a few months after that Trump will lose handily.
There has to be a "romney 47%" video of harris somewhere.
She's receiving money from shillary donors. She's hillary clinton 2.0. She must be stopped.
Kamala is a joke.
i’ve just been perusing the threads in it and holy fuck are you guys desperate. we are all fine criticizing trump when he fucks up but the shilling has become too transparent.
Democrat leadership is completely cut from the population. Those retards are making the same mistake as they did in 2016.
Their logic is basically: if we can't win with a white woman, we'll try a "black" woman (who, like Obama, is not an African-american). And if it doesn't work they'll try next time with a trans black Muslim woman, etc.
Now, all Republicans have to do is to force her to make soundbites about retarded stuff (she's already started, with promising free healthcare to illegals, etc.)
Underestimate her at your own peril. She is the only one who can actually beat Trump minus Bernie.
>Trump brings up her prosecutor record
>Draws contrast between that and his first step act
>Gets enough nogs to vote for him
>Wins re-election
Not to mention a west coast elitist cunt isn't going to turn the rust belt back blue.
kek I know a liberal who kept insisting that he could beat Trump even though he couldn’t unseat Cruz. Now she’s fully behind Biden and shits on Berniebros and YangGang. Wonder how long until Harris is her new pick
Liberals are fickle and devour themselves ultimately.
Blacks won’t care. She offers free stuff. Same goes for the Hispanic vote. As far as the rust belt, any Democrat will carry it. The union working class regrets voting for Trump and will be voting blue again, just like in the midterm, especially suburban women.
Pretty sure she is universally hated by everyone except for white women. The Democrats have just become the party of fat white middle aged females.
Until he gets a Lamborghini or another house.
>downgrading a milestone development in diplomatic relations with the most closed off dystopian country on earth with the potential to start WW3
Leave the shilling to us, goy - you need to be less transparently reddit next time you pretend to not be retarded.
Biden would beat Trump. Harris actually has one of the lower chances of beating Trump.
Blacks like her
>Harris and Warren
So one nigger woman who's been pushing for impeachment, backed the Jullie Smolett case and thought it was real,
Another one who is a fucking joke and essentially embarrased herself with the 0.01% native american nonsense
This will be a steamroll for Trump.
What a joke lmao
No, blacks don't like her at all. Only white women like her because they incorrectly believe that blacks like her.
Obama wasn’t liked by blacks at first until his breakout moment. Kamala had her breakout moment and ROSE afterwords. That number will only keep going up.
I hope you don't mean kamala. Black people seem to be likely to either not vote this time or vote for trump. If it was up to blacks Farrakhan would be president in 2020.
I'm fucking terrified guys
>Kamala had her breakout moment and ROSE afterwords
Nope. She rose only with fat middle aged white women, not blacks.
>not vote or vote Trump
Moron, blacks will vote 90% Democrat no matter who it is.
You guys all definitely want a senator from california, a woman senator, running the country. Trust me. California is a utopia and they just want to spread it to the rest of the states.
Of Kamala? Because you should be...
Leftist here. I'll vote for Sanders, Warren, Harris, Gabbard, or Buttigieg. I won't vote for #Yanggang or Booker. Undecided on Biden.
Is harris that screaming black woman?
Translation: Harris has shown her Yid masters that she can do a better job of kissing Israeli and (((bankster))) ass than the rest.
None of them, not even Harris, are nearly as good at deepthroating Netanyahu's cock than Trump.
None of them, not even Harris, are nearly as good at deepthroating Netanyahu's cock as Trump.
Lefty here
I'll only vote for Yang or Gabbard, fuck the other corporate cunts. Bernie sold out.
Burgers must be seething right now, only white male boomer candidates are bernie and biden
I too have some Tatar blood in my veins fellow Ivan, but let's control our horsefucking urges.
>thought it was real,
She engineered it
Enter Stage right. Well my oh my it's Hillary Clinton!
It's refreshing to see Jow Forumsacks help each other integrate to board culture.
Wait, can EVERYONE vote on the democratic candidate?
Your system is truly broken.
not really, as Biden has a slight shot at winning the rust belt.
Harris has 0% chance at winning the rust belt, she'll win Commiefornia guarenteed, the rest is lost.
false support
she is throughly unlikable with a grating voice and irrotating cadence
there are some middle aged women who can be swaye dto vote for her but mostly dems will just stay home this time because they do not ha e a truly inspiring candidate
Kamala-Jussie 2020!
Kamala would get trolled by Trump the same way Hillary got. Trump isn't restricted by political correctness or pandering.
Thinking of registering as a Dem just to keep Pocahontas out of it if she's up that high. I don't really care as much of Biden or Harris are nominated.
Voting Trump of course in general election, if I bother voting at all.
The Union workers don’t regret voting for Trump shill. And if they did what is the alternative? The party who wants to continue the trade deals that ruined their way of life and flood their communities with third worlders?
Do you think that they hate “White Privilege” and “Toxic Masculinity” to give up their guns?
And Republicans don’t need to win the Black Vote. Democrats have to get over 90% of the Black Vote to stay competitive. Because If they fall below that Florida, Pennsylvania & North Carolina become un-winnable for them. And Virginia goes back to being a Red Leaning swing state.
Bullshit.....Blacks always loved Obama.
they could never have put Biden in the real race because the "creepy Joe Biden" videos would be too powerful to overcome.