Steven Crowder is a coward who only debates unprepared college students

Steven Crowder is a coward who only debates unprepared college students

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You're a faggot who's literally never done anything.

At least he debates people at a supposed educational institution lol. Instead you have DesTINY who debates unprepared Youtubers.

So what. He's white, unlike you OP.

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obvious. what's there to talk about? Can you come up with something more interesting or are you retarded?

he's peak optics cuck

forever backed into a corner where he can never say anything true or funny because it would shatter his carefully maintained optics.

Every time he has gone to a College he has sent an open invitation to all professors and staff to debate with him

They've never taken him up on it






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T-they're not ready yet.... even though they're approaching their 40s

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>Every time he has gone to a College he has sent an open invitation to all professors and staff to debate with him
>They've never taken him up on it

deplatforming works

Maybe he's afraid of raising children? Maybe he thinks he cannot afford to grant them a good lifestyle and education? Why don't you mind your business you sperging cuck?

>he found out
wow, big news

College students are the most politically active group there is.
He even announces when he is coming to visit.
How are they unprepared?

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He also pretends to be edgy when he's literally a paid shill cuckservative who LITERALLY fucking pledges allegiance to the flag at work every day.

They just adopted another dog, or three.

He's totally not gay BTW

>started his own million dollar media company

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>Eceleb lolberg faggot thread.
Remember the time when a Jow Forumsack triggered him. Kek

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>Steven Crowder is a coward who only debates unprepared college students
Naw, because anybody could come up to him.

Maybe one of them is sterile or has a serious genetic thing that could screw up a kid.

The "unprepared college students" approach him of their own volition. You can't honestly argue "they aren't ready" when they're the ones who approach and engage him of their own free will. If they weren't ready, they could have just kept walking and ignored him.

>anybody could come up to him.

he's not going to debate richard spencer or someone because if he did the jews would shut him down (more so than they're already doing)

ha!!! Faggot watched too much Kyle Kulinski

As if there is anything coherent to debate from the left.

You know leftists are full cringe when they describe full grown ass college students (people who would be most prepared to engage in thoughtful discourse and discussion) as helpless children and victims of a mean bully, who questions their indoctrinated, incubated, and insulated world views.


Unprepared college students. Just think about that for a moment, please.

Crowder has sheets of facts and data in front of him, while whoever is debating him has to remember facts and data from memory. He has a major upperhand no matter what topic it is.

they don't have smartphones?

He also is a sickening shill closet homosexual

I don't know who that is, but all debates should be unprepared.

You know there's a difference between researched debate points vs just googling data on the spot. Please don't be dishonest.

That guy seemed OK, nearly came out and said he was a nati socki and didnt afraid of anything.

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He has to, seething retard, college babies, don't believe anything you tell them, that daddy professor shnozzenstien didn't ass fuck into their subconscious.

So some statistic will be different if someone googles it in advance than it would be if they google it on the spot?

If you can't give a logical/rational response on the spot about something, then no amount of research will change your overall ability.

>he doesn't watch where he debates fully prepared libtards on his show and they always loose their shit and jump to their (((moral superiority)))

>he doesn't watch where he debates fully prepared libtards
Post it

No argument here Owen.

And the one he pledges allegiance to is missing 49 stars.

Yeah by playing it safe politically. Hence being a coward. Surely you're not so moronic.

Came to post this.

Steven Crowder is at his spot all day, and announces them in advance. If you want to do research in advance, you actually would have time to do so. Nothing and no one is forcing anyone to participate "unprepared." If you walk up to Steven Crowder and agree to engage him in debate of your own free will, you're as prepared as you think you need to be. You're being really dishonest here, and your deception has convinced no one, not even yourself.

Crowder could do better, he could atleast have the prepared facts behind his ass if someone got real rowdy. But he does not or does not want to bring them in.

I know he debates people who most likely have not prepared alot and may want to retain a fair ground, but still, to have his point backed just incase would do him alot of good.

Destiny has argued against people who call themselves "Political Youtubers" who when challenged, seem to fall completely flat on their ass and come out as not having read a single datapoint about anything they are talking about.
While Destiny is one of the morons for whom the sky could be on fire and they would not believe it until some fucking poll/statistics told em so, he does have a more solid backing in long term problems.

>No argument here Owen.
Based and bearpilled

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>sperg teen talks complete nonsense
>says capitalism is violent because you have to pay taxes
>calls autism if you diagree
That kid is going to have a lot of fun looking for a job.

>right winger
>no child

lmfao. Even Ben Shapiro has more credibility!

He's avoided debating David Pakman, Sam Seder, Kyle Kulinski and Michael Brook.

It's weird that Jared Taylor has also avoided debating those guys as well.

It's almost as if the right and conservatives are actually scared of debates - especially with people that know their stuff/policies.

>Crowder could do better, he could atleast have the prepared facts behind his ass if someone got real rowdy. But he does not or does not want to bring them in.

he could probably stomp the Leftoids but in these situations the right wing celebs purposely throw the game so as not to offended the jews with the money that support both anti-racist communism and Israel first jewish ethno-nationalism.

>While Destiny is one of the morons for whom the sky could be on fire and they would not believe it until some fucking poll/statistics told em so, he does have a more solid backing in long term problems.

I don't listen to midget gamers on youtube because I am not a faggot but I take it he denies the biological reality of race?

I take it he's also pro-tranny yet in contradiction of his ideology not pro transracial?

Lol, yes - those are unprepared dumb degenerates. Look what happens Steven debates a literal college kid on policies and not memes.

He gets BTFO so hard in front of everybody that he literally kicks the kid off. Embarrassing.

They don't want to be associated with retards.
Nobody wants to debate these fags but people in their own little altright bubble.

He's a grifter


So college isn't preparing them?

LOL you have no idea what it takes to start a business. You're the coward and you'll forever be a loser because you're too much of a pussy to take risks.

Did you even listen to the kid?
He's talking like a 16 year old blog poster.
His definition of of capitalism is cringe and it was the kid who first called autism.
He clearly has no fucking idea about violence the role of government, articulating himself like a hippie, but with right wing ideology.
Fucking shit man. How cringe can you get?

Steven Crowder is just an awkward weirdo. He brands himself as comedy on the whole, but then expects to be taken seriously with his "change my mind" series and others, and gets mad when people don't take him seriously. I have nothing against him except that his brand of "comedy" is not usually very funny to me.

>gets btfo and proven wrong
>resorts to buzzwords and no argument

Lol, he's a brainlet. He only knows memes, which is why he's shilling for a literal "cuck" conservative.

>crowder got btfo
>by a kid who can't articulate his argument and calls you autistic
>a kid who literally has no idea how taxes work and thinks capitalism is oppressive
Watch your video again and tell me with a straight face that the kid is not retarded.

>awkward weirdo
That tries to act chad.
That's the bit that grinds my gears.
If he'd just embrace his awkward weirdoness he wouldn't come off as such a sickening phony.

Why is he dressing himself and his employers in women's clothes?!
Is he dare i say it a fag?

>lithuanian brainlet having a meltdown after getting btfo and proven wrong

OK lets take this from the start, believing in tans people are legit and not trans racial is not a contradiction.
what you call denying the reality of race is not what he does. race is real in the scene there are definitionally biological differences but the way we categorize race is arbitrary and stupid. being white didn't mean being from Europe till resonantly as Italians Spanish and Irish weren't considered white though they do now . Africa is the most genetically diverse place though they are all considered black. you could be more biological close to some Chinese girl than two people in Africa would be.

gender however is relative and as bond to genetic as you think.

also insults don't prove your point retard


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Honestly he seems really scared of the left, despite how tough he tries to look, I wouldn't be surprised if he is worried they'd attack his kids.


Why is this controlled opposition faggot brought up every week?

For those who don't know:

>Crowder wears and sells panties to men
>Crowder forces his male interns to dress as women
>Crowder dresses up as a 'tranny' on many occasions.
>Crowder has done a public interview in which he wears tiny panties revealing his bulge while pushing his junk out toward another man for extended periods of time

Crowded claims to be a Christian, but the Bible says that dressing a man as a woman is an "abomination". For those who don't know, this is the absolute WORST term for sin God uses in His word, and it's used VERY sparingly.

they seemed prepared enough to form mobs and vote for any politicians willing to cater to their non-binary otherkin shit. You're not wrong about him being a coward though.

Both baseless and irrelevant to the point, you utter cretin.


also what you call acknowledging racial reality is ignoring socioeconomic differences and look at the IQ results that don't say shit about genetics with the reality that environment has on ones cognitive ability

I guess him dressing up as a woman disproves all of his arguments, especially those against transgenders and libtard fags.

Sauce on any of that?

proof is irreverent on the right listen and believe like all the other malicious morons here

Didn't he do a show from some Apple or Google campus recently?

His arguments are true. That's the draw. People get stuck in a left vs right paradigm, though. They don't understand that he is the steam valve that takes away the pressure to do something real about things.

If you dont know that the radical left is crazy, or you don't know that basic rights and human life are sacred, then you are fucked in the head and don't deserve airtime. The absolute state of the media...

Exposing his nonsense is a step toward truth. He is not the epitome of righteousness, and neither is the neocon right.

Yeah, his own videos and the things he sells. If you don't know that then you don't have a say in the conversation. It's common knowledge.

So sauce me if it's so common.
You made the claim, you back it up.

So what's his nonsense?
That he's kind of cringe and that automatically makes him into a fag who doesn't want kids?
Fuck off.

Tranny babe, ranger panties, his ranger panty interview with Shapiro, and I cant remember the interns he dressed as women but that info is readily available to anyone with Google.

Off the top of my head. If you dont know about those basic things then why discuss this?

It's your claim.
If it's so easily googlable, you google it.

> teen talks complete nonsense

hes actually won

I didn't say he didn't want kids. I said he is living contrary to his faith which he holds as truth. How can you trust a man like that?

Yes, his arguments that I have seen have been sound. But they're blaringly obvious. That's why he's popular.

fuck you talking about
race and gender are both social constructs based on biological differences reinterpreted through cultural goggles that include nothing but generalizations and stereotypes. They are literally the same kind of categories
And yet, if a white woman paints her face, starts to sell crack and calls herself black - she's a psycho racist retard all the while if a dude puts on a dress, cuts off dick, leaves an open wound and calls it a vagina and himself a female - that's a legit gender change. That shit is nothing but insidious patriarchal move to make an excuse for perverted males to actualize their sex fantasies and enter and take over female spaces and feminist discourse. The fact that the numbers of mtfs to ftms are like 10:1 is not a fucking accident. 1/10 of them mentally ill (maybe just gay) and misguided about what being a female actually means and 9/10 are just fetishist rapists.

You don't care enough. That's the point I've been making. His followers hear a couple good arguments and turn into eternal yes-men

You're right, I really don't care about e-celebs.

The way you argue I can tell you're a regular listener. You pretend like an informal Jow Forums encounter is a formal debate. Then suddenly, when it suits you, you say it doesn't matter. Same style he uses, that kind of scattershot of possible strength technique.

Anyway, I just wanted to stir up people's thoughts. Influence is a blinding power and a power that blinds.

Take your meds.

Read the Bible

Do you have any texts that are actually worth reading to recommend?

If that's not worthy of your time, then you're a fool who's not worth my time to recommend reading, whether you believe in it or not.

I don't believe you do a lot of reading, at all.
You don't actually know of any good texts, do you?

You're a fool. Why should I share wisdom with you? I've recommended the most impactful and powerful piece of literature in all of history, and you act like it's a piece of trash. I have nothing more to say to you. Enjoy your last laughs, I'm leaving.

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It's true, remember when he fucked up? Big time! He couldn't debate a young guy, so he started molesting him to derail his though train, but instead came out as a loser.


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