Do you know that Germans are the most worthless race and subhumans? Everything they ever touched turned into shit.
Do you know that Germans are the most worthless race and subhumans? Everything they ever touched turned into shit
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Those are Galicians user.
Okay, I'm listening.
State your case Jow Forumsack
The pic shows crime rates btw
How about you give back the land you don't deserve anyway then if you don't want it stupid polackensau.
No, giving back german land = giving land to muslim migrants
When Germany will finnaly awake, and when we will take back our eastern lands we can think about it
That means poles are shit too, user.
Germans touched you for over 1300 years since you immigrant slavs arrived in germanic lands.
baza w chuj ziomek
those lands were ours since dawn of polish nation.
Die, faggot.
Actually agreeing with you here. Today's German state should be abolished immediately.
Germanics have been there since before Slavs were even a thing.
Well Poles accualy can trace back parts of their DNA to eastern germanic tribes like Vandals, we are essencialy mix of Venedians (so called northern Slavs), East germanic tribes and Sarmatians
germanoid is a vile creature, as vicious and as greedy as the jew, yet he lacks kike's ability to scheeme. it is heartless creature that takes joy only in killing others. it is jew's perfect gollem.
fuck off ladyboy
so it means poles are mutts?
Factually true, that's whay I don't get where all the claims come from that former Eastern Germany / today's Western Poland is ancient Polish heartland.
>Russia talking about mutts
Yes, we consumed every single ethnicity that was present in central Europe and created nation of littelar Aryan Ubermensch but now like half of us are jew mutts so we're still fucked
What is so hard to understand? lol
The tribes which make a country have nothing to do with what a nation is. They were a basis for its creation but as you may know things have changed since the 5th century on all dimensions.
To some extent. We are mutts between Germanics, Slavs and whatever else was here but still mostly European.
car and copper cable theft at the border. there isn't anything worth stealing the more you go east
Thare not worthless nor subhumans, they just made some bad calls, they sit on two chairs, nothing wrong with that cooperation is good, what is wrong is siding with a side pledging friendship and then turning around and staying them in the back, doing this back and forth throughout history and not with US and Russia, back and forth! They are starting too look like india, lol! In terms of being a joke to cooperate with! Not to mention what they did in WWII, sick!
Good thing about Germans is they do work hard, they are smart, we're N now it can be disputed! And they do treat their ears in the world better once they are no longer useful! Meaning they know everything, everyone is eager to cooperate with them on that front!
A frigin contradicting occurances, good and bad! But it's the state of them now!
Today's Western Poland has last been slavish a thousand years ago before German settlements in the region. It isn't Polish heartland and has never been, I don't know what you mean.
>P*lshits calling anyone worthless and subhuman
>I don't know what you mean.
You can't know what I mean because I haven't made a point yet kek
You're full of prejudice before the argument even started. What do you mean by Western Poland? Does the province of Greater Poland count? Gdansk? Upper Silesia?
So what you're saying is German should annex the former territories of the German Empire. Surprisingly based polack.
>Pole who is logical about it and wants to trade Eastern territory for Eastern territory
You are a rare thing.
well they are no longer german, have not been since the war, they are all mongrel rape babies now so they are just ivan fritz genetic castoffs. the japs have a word for german "muda".
Western Poland is everything that was annexed from Germany in 1945. The German east in 1918 had a sizeable Polish minority, but only in territories annexed in the partition of Poland. But most of it has been German for hundreds of years.
Not surprising. They love scat.
Retardation is not as common as you would expect.
>Salty poland thread
co do chuja? chcesz im oddać Gdynię? już chuj z gdaniskiem ale gdynia powstała poprzez krwawicę naszych dziadków i pradziadków
East Prussia is German too.
at least we have national identity, and not getting raped by gangs of vicious sandniggers
Your national identity is getting invaded. Just admit that you're little spoon to Germany's big spoon.
Skąd wgl ten zjebany pomysł? Mówię o powrocie do zachodnich granic z 39'
Poza tym moim zdaniem Polska powinna zaanektowac całe Ostprussen, łącznie z Królewcem,tzw "Ziemię odzyskane" mogę wracać do Niemiec, i tak są kurwa biedne, zniszczone i bezużyteczne
Na wschodzie, przy zmianie obecnego reżimu politycznego można rozbudować infrastrukturę przy stałym dostępie do taniej i wykwalifikowanej rusinskiej siły roboczej, perfekcyjne miejsce na rozwój polskiego przemysłu, w którym aktualnie brakuje pracowników. Potrzebujemy tylko dalekoidących zmian ustrojowych
it was given to teutonic order as a fiefdom by polish duke, kondrad mazowiecki. why don't you stick to drinking foster and looking out for abbos stealing your petrol. and no we are a small spoon that to biggest spoons in europe were needet to deal with. we are a nation of heros that will never bow down to krautnigger's evil nature
Never go full retard, Piotr.
Sounds a bit harsh m8.
No get back to wotk cleaning my toilets
zgadzam się z polityką, ale że nie chcesz powrotu granic z 1610? chłopie my jako polska mamy prawo, nie, mamy obowiązek władać światem i odwdzięczyć się naszym oprawcom zadając im takie samo cierpienie, jakie oni zadali nam.
>we are a nation of heros that will never bow down to krautnigger's evil nature
What's it with Poles and their pathetic delusions of grandeur. It took us 36 fucking days to erase your country from the land map.
The only thing you ever did was stage a pathetic revolt at the end of the war, when German troops were already depleted and you still lost.
>what is wartburg?
See? You know nothing about Poland.
In 1945 Poland annexed parts of Mazovia which were Polish heartland since its creation. Silesia is a dispute because it was partially Polish and partially German since its creation.
Typical German weaboo.
Zdajesz sobie sprawe ze Zachodnie ziemie Polski są o niebo bardziej rozwinięte od Wschodu, prawda? Jaki Polski przemysł gościu? Jeśli jest obecnie Polski przemysł to on i tak sie rozwija a nikt nie będzie dzisiaj się uprzemysłowiał tak jak miało to miejsce w XIX/XX wieku.
Żadne zmiany ustrojowe Ci nic nie dadzą.Kresów nie odzyskach bo geopolityka na to nie pozwala. Jak mielibyśmy je odebrać w tym momencie skoro Ukraina jest pionkiem USA przeciwko Rosji tak samo jak Polska?
Prussians are Slavo-Baltic mutts. Argument discarded.
Winged hussars are heroes so I kinda understand.
Do you know that op is a faggot
They guy will tell you how the siege of Vienna was already won and Poles only took the credit for the win. After all he is Austrian.
po pierwsze primo, nasza mapa powinna wyglądać tak, po drugie primo w polsce potrzebny rest król (albo dobroduszny dyktator), po trzecie primo to co powinniśmy rozwijać to obronę przeciwatomową i umocnienia wschodniej granicy. mając uforyfikowaną całą wschodnią granice bylibyśmy w stanie wypowiedzieć wojnę ruskim, wykrwawić ich na fortyfikacjach a potem ruszyć na rosję w celu odzyskania dawnych granic
What is the purpose of this thread except division among whites?
>give back poland the land germany took 500 yrs ago
>save all poles from nazi slavery and genocide
>poles hate you anyway
>my greatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgrandfather was geman, don't mind the fact that i'm nigger
>In 1945 Poland annexed parts of Mazovia which were Polish heartland since its creation.
Excuse me what. Mazovia hasn't been under German control since the congress of Vienna. And I've given you my definition, Mazovia is not a part of Western Poland.
there is a copypasta that states that stalin was a deep covered polish agend send by piłsudski and that all atrocites were commited by ruskies out of their own volition
Bullshit and you know it. You ruled there for about 200 years while Germans lived and ruled there for probably a millenia.
>Do Danzig and Schlesien count as German?
Did they have 90% German population?
It is amongst Poles, hence why you make those threads. It's always the same, when you see a Pole making a thread it's 100% of the time either "hurrdurr evil russians" or "hurrdurr evil germans". It's all you got apparently.
Your national identity consists of vodka and crying about muh evil Germans and Russians.
Oh and stealing German cars, obviously.
Thats a deal i can live with, so when will we Kill all the sandniggers and build our Eternal European white ethnostate?
>we are a nation of heros that will never bow down to krautnigger's evil nature
except when you did in: 1772, 1793, 1795, 1939
>They guy will tell you how the siege of Vienna was already won and Poles only took the credit for the win.
So you do know the truth after all?
and your national identity is to fuck everything up for the rest of europe. as for your ocupation, if we bowed down to you there would be no poland. you were trying to destroy this nation and yet you failed
>if we bowed down to you there would be no poland
kek, poland is only there because Jews wanted it to be. You have forfeited your right to exist on October 6th 1939.
>In 1945 Poland annexed parts of Mazovia which were Polish heartland since its creation
They were so frickin Polish they decided to join Germany in a plebiscite after WW1
I have no respect for Poles since they never complain about Stalin literally moving their border.
Weak ass bastards that are only good for complaining and cleaning toilets.
A na chuj nam to. Nawet gdyby ten dziwny pomysł wyszedł to takie "superpaństwo" rozjebałoby się od środka po paru latach.
>destroying Rome
greatest thing our ancestors ever did, if you lived in Roman times you wouldn't glorify them
>destroying eastern Rome
that was venetians and muslims
>ending the catholic churches degenerate rule over europe
second greatest thing any european people ever did
>Germany is responsible for WW1
that's just retarded
>taking poland based on dubious claims
Because 1 million Germans in Danzig was really dubious, should have just given it back.
>Angela Merkel, single handedly responsible for the migration crisis
sure thing bud
funny, you forfeited yours in 1938
z Ukraińców zrobić niewolników i z zamordyzmem państwo będzie trwało i trwało
I know it must be hard for you to understand but: Austrians are Germans and them joining Germany in a plebiscite is not comparable to poorland losing a war.
>basically all poles are angry about eastern border
Forfeiting means there was a fight. We joined willingly, and would again. Austria is a part of the German nation.
But nice diversion.
jews ...
then why are you existing after 1945?
Both Amurrigans and Russians needed us in their 3D-Chess.
ah yes kikes are protecting us so much that they're shiftng entire blame for holohoax on poles.
The German Reich never surrendered. What you call Germany today is just occupied territory.
Caps are gay Piotr
And so are you
>durr you boles lost war so you don't have right to exist
>abu abu we are important, because ((((they)))) wanted us to exist.
look who's more of a kike puppet
Poland's shift to the west was just to weaken Germany. Your nation is just a tool.
at least i'm not nigger
Polackenlümmel, STFU.
>they're shiftng entire blame for holohoax on poles.
Seriously you are so FUCKING STUPID it makes me angry. How can you seriously believe that? All the Israelis are saying is that you HELPED the GERMANS in exterminating the Polish-Jews. Which is true. Never ONCE did they even TRY to shift the entire blame on poland. Fucking quit believing your own propaganda.
Forgot 1815 and 2004
are you actualy mentaly retarded?
and as for capitulation i want to remind you that poles fought on all european fronts of ww2
>durr you boles lost war so you don't have right to exist
I never said that, I merely educated you in the difference between a plebiscite and losing a war.
I left out a lot of dates, could have included the times the Teutonic and Livonian order screwed over the Poles and Lithuanians for centurys
>english-german translator
>poles lost on all european fronts of ww2
there, corrected that one for you.
>Oh wow he's trying to use correct words in a language that isn't his mother tongue, better insult him
This is why poles aren't well educated
Because modern nationalism is a mythos created out of whole cloth in the 19th century. It was fundamentally a creature of liberalism, and just an earlier phase of degeneration.
>what is monte casino
>what is division 303
i know that you need to wewuz because you're geting replaced by sandniggers, but please don't ignore facts
And it was fault those morons from Sanacja. They involved us in ruining alliance with UK and France instead get along with Germans about Danzig.
>what is monte casino
>what is division 303
literally never heard of it.
What? Where did I make a mistake? STFU and Polackenlümmel.
t. Wolfgang Knedlicek
Neither am I perogi maker.
My family owned niggers.
You are just envious, toilet cleaner
t. Israel Grzegorzewicz