What have your experiences with Jews been in real life Jow Forums?
What have your experiences with Jews been in real life Jow Forums?
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The elite globalism pushing jews are one thing, but the elite can only exist because of the 'regular' jews. Jews are far more politically engaged and culturally aggressive than other peoples, it's why they are so 'successful'. There are basically no jews who just want to be left alone, the type of person that makes up the vast majority of other races. 99% of them are in a constant state of striving for dominance and ethnic self-promotion.
They get into everything, any institution, and steer it towards protecting and enabling the tribe. Many of them aren't even fully conscious of why they do it, it is just completely ingrained into their culture. So, there‘s the grand jew globalist conspiracy at the top, and the overall trend in behavior (that results in various smaller schemes) towards the bottom.
Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2. Read through this thread, it's all there...
In real life: I swear they attract bugs or mites as they seem to smell or get me itchy.
the pilpul is real and nonstop
obsessed with money and you owing them all the time. untrustworthy, sneaky, deceptive.
My uncle married a legit Ashkenazi with the hook beak, lived in Israel in a kibbutz in the late 80s etc
She instantly gained 80 lbs, slipped on some ice (this is Canada after all) and promptly retired due to "pain"
Also alienated him from his white daughter (had her before he met the jew) and said it's either her or me
They were alright.
They're like dogs, some are just bad and others are okay. In groups however they are dangerous and follow the loudest one in the room.
The very few I have met have been talking holes in my head.
crypto jews larp as whites, infest places of power and education, and endlessly shill for bad things.
move around from place to place, so they have no issue shitting up a place. like gypsies.
user is allergic to the jew.
find a way to reproduce this in the general population and you've just successfully invented instinctual jewdar.
I have three.
The first experience I had was with my first girlfriend in middle school who was an ethnic jew but christian apparently. She was the first person who even made me consider what my opinion on homosexuals was. Before that, I honestly was to young to know or care what a homo was besides an insult. She influenced me to be a leftist for a good portion of my middle school and highschool years. I cringe about it often but im over it. I made a joke on facebook because I didnt know what the holocaust was, "remember the holocaust". Posted that right on her wall and her mom made me delete it. I was more based than I even knew.
Second was this stinky family at a well known store. They had yarmulkes on and they smelled like absolute bo. They had jew curl hair and huge fleck of dandruff hanging out. The had oily skin and just were disgusting all round.
Third was this jew woman at a political rally I went to. She said that she could get us cheap dentist appointments because her uncle was a jew and he was cheap. I told her thats not what people mean when they say jews are cheap.
They literally dont shower, its an orthodox thing from what I understand. They force women to bath when they are on their period. So these jews go around smelling like shit and have massive flakes of dandruff. They really are filthy.
My dad's a Jew
All random encounters from school and growing up:
Fat Jewess was caught stealing football stickers out of peoples coats at school breaktimes. It had been an ongoing problem for a long time until a teacher caught her out.
Another fat Jewess asked for fifteen fish fingers when having tea at a friends house. They come in packs of fifteen.
Second fat Jewess and her mother managed to get wedged in a door frame with another person whilst all trying to pass through at once.
Fat Jew called Sugarman, everyone called him "Sugs". Get in trouble for calling him "Jugs" and "Sugar tits".
Ask a girl with a big nose and last name "Goldspink" if shes Jewish. Shes says no but I don't trust her. Sleep with her anyway.
Meet a Jewess on a night out, tell her the Auschwitz joke about my grandad falling out of a guard tower. She acts like I'm Hitler reincarnated and her friend I liked stops talking to me.
Aside from their continued agenda of genociding my peoples, those are all of the interactions I've had in my life.
I am Jewish, and my experiences with the Jews have been very good.Every day, I look in the mirror and I say to myself, "Holy shit I'm so fucking awesome."
I made them jump pretty high when I tuned in a bunch of people to the Hezbollah TV station. They should keep their fingers out of my pockets.
I like most of them but the anti-nazi and anti-drug ones are fucking hysterical
Fuck i didn’t realize there was so many in the midwest
I don't think I've ever met one.
why the fuck do they hoard garbage and dirt everywhere?
if you say anything about the holocaust being sort of exageratted they flip out, it's their religion, they are taught in this in saturday school
they completely deny holodomor and how bad, genocidal communism is
they always blame the nazi's first, that's why I don't like them, you lose a lot of friends when you stand up to them, because they will go behind your back or use emotional rhetoric
Some of my cousins are jewish. Growing up we'd all celebrate Christmas at my grandmother's house, we never really thought anything of it. My grandmother would even buy them Christmas presents.
With Jewesses, pretty good, as they are sexually uninhibited and can't get enough.
With the men, bad, as they size you up and try to figure how many shekels they can extort from you.
lol based grandma