How do you FAIL to infiltrate Jow Forums?

Its an ANONYMOUS MESSAGE BOARD. We are being invaded by CIA honey-pots and Chinese communist party shills every 15 fucking minutes! They literally are accepted here as family at this point.

How could you fuck up so badly?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>literally posts an article that points out how Jews, Chinks, and Pinko-Commie faggots failed to invade and change the minds of Jow Forums

Have sex, you discord tranny nigger.

Our retards are stronger than their retards

I would personally be quite sad if the N-Glows stopped watching me online, if they stop watching me then no one is watching me and that's just pitiful.

Do any N-Glows actually use TempleOS? I unironically want to use it as my OS, nothing to do with privacy i just really like the bible.

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nice reading comprehension nigger


I kinda like the glowniggers from wherever hanging around. Even if I think they're glowniggers, they're still OUR glowniggers.

Hell, Sharblue/CTR is still OUR Sharblue/CTR. You can't come here and talk to people, even if you try to shill and change it, without taking on what you're trying to change/talk to. They're still faggots, but they're OUR faggots.

Jow Forums has always been the most racially, ethnically, and religiously diverse nazi group in the world. Hitler with its Muslim division and African division would have been proud.

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It's very simple. They're politics just don't hold up to basic scrutiny unless you ban/censor the ones scrutinizing it. What they consider "far-right" is actually just being a normal human being with a basic set of morals.

/ptg/ is a cadre/black cube shill operation

>these are the people spamming Yang threads


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>A site that allows you to freely distribute any opinion that you like without repercussions
>Still can't successfully distribute your liberal ideology on there
I don't want to give Jow Forums too much credit, but maybe we're only accepting of facts on here?




I'm paid more than you to breathe, not read, faggot.

they couldn't get people to join their discord trannies


If your ideology can't hold up without censoring opposing views due to appeals to emotion, then yes, your ideology is shit and you're a retard, but you're also an authoritarian head-in-the-sand retard, which is even worst than just a normal retard.

They didn't get the memo that you've to lurk for some years to fit in.
Not to mention that they're too stuck up to ever create something remotely funny.

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They didn't fail. Well they did at first but then realised that all you have to do to stop Jow Forums is to fill it with shit and cancer. So that's exactly what they do. Obvious ragebait is like 80% of threads right now. Because you fags just can't stop yourselves.

>We are being invaded by CIA honey-pots
>invaded by CIA honey-pots
>invaded by honey-pots

Me and a leaf bro had their location within a few mile in under 3 hrs. They’re fucking retarded

ITT : glow niggers sucking each other off

The Jews already control the world you stupid paki

Shills are too obvious on this board.

Don't reply to propaganda threads at all.

Or write *propaganda thread* in the comments.

How are they supposed to infiltrate when their members need scripts?

They cant say nigger because of feel feel's

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And the best part is IF they lurk for 1-2 years they get flipped. Cognitive dissonance only goes so far.

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too bad the left cant meme

I wonder how many we got on our side I heard that Facebook moderators had a really big problem with believing what they moderate I wonder how many shareblues noticed that the abyss looks back

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>they're OUR faggots

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>How could you fuck up so badly?
By trying to make a serious job out of it. Its a group of people around a table trying to be "anti-trolls", vs millions of shitposters who say stupid shit for an hour or two in an imageboard before retiring back to their ordinary lives.

By "infiltrate" they mean they thought they could do like on rebbit and dumblr and just make accounts, downvote their enemies and take up moderator positions to finally purge the dissenters and rule over the cowed masses

On Jow Forums this basically results in retarded libshits spamming "Trumptouchingwall.jpg" over and over again while claiming that we should support Bernie because corporations.

Inevitably it is impossible for them to ever fully take over, there are some brainlets who might fall for their shilling but the real nature of an anonymous imageboard is that no one care about e-reputation and no one can gain a decisive advantage if the majority of genuine posters disagree with them. This is generally why endless anti-Farage, anti-Trump anti-Bolsonaro anti-alternative conservative candidates always end up failing over time because they can spam a jillion images of Salvini hanging out with Netanyahu but the reality is always going to be that the left is worse and no one who actually thinks is going to pick the left over the right, regardless of how many times they spam MIGA.

The truth is stronger than lies

>shitposters who say stupid shit for an hour or two in an imageboard before retiring back to their ordinary lives.

Shit pisses me off. I'll sort by new, see an obvious rage-bait thread with zero replies, it's so bad it should slide right off the page, go read an interesting thread for a few minutes, back to the catalog and the rage-bait thread is up to 20 replies and I'm sure over half of them bumped it up. Fuck em

Ideas, man... they don't have the right... ideas...

I remember that. Did anyone check it out?

Don't you people understand? They're not trying to infiltrate the user base. They're trying to infiltrate the mod team. That's where the power lies. This is what they do. This is all they ever do. Take control of the moderation and shut down everyone and everything they don't like.

Yeah, we found it some user went and put a sign on thier front door.

Okay, Jue
>reddit spacing
>bad terminology

ok yeah sure mate ur correct, but to be fair this is exactly what the left says... the lefties all think they are just normal human beings and everyone onthe right is evil and wrong..... and the 'centrists' (barf) all think they are just normal human beings and it's everyone else who is wrong.

Do you see the pattern here?

It's ALMOST as if the second you identify with anything in any way you are part of the programme, or as they say on the streets, THE SYSTEM GOTCHA

never forget

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Fuck David Hogg.

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Blah blah blah, states attacking, this or that intel agencies.
It's corporate lobby who are literally investing and picking people to run as candidates, this is all about liberal global corporate/banking powers. Civic activism is co opted by think tanks who even make draft policies adopted by parties, also funded by corporations, congressman are literally becoming their yes men, they run it all. So next time when you wonna point to some intelligence agency, remember that they all work for money, and who owns the most money? They super rich, banking rackets, extortion and smear campaigns by the media as well owned by them. Nation states are more and more losing power. Reason for adoption for mass illegal immigration and race mixing propaganda. To weaken the power of grass root democratic process more and more, so much so that all parties running for elections look like almost the same, especially towards important economic policies. And last but not least, to lower the wages of the working class. This shit is all about money and who owns most of it with the inherent power that comes from it.

They all got converted by our superior memes

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What they mean by "fail to infiltrate" is fail to change the boards narratives and culture.

They are sheep who actually care what society and others think of them while people on Jow Forums have generally felt like outcasts of society for a decade so you cannot change the culture or narrative.

Jow Forums does not give a fuck, they do and dont understand why we dont

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This attitude is why they will eventually win. Do you not remember the fucking Antifag mod that was deleting all the threads we made about calling the fire marshals to shut down the fire traps they were using as gathering places? He got caught but how many others are lying in wait, deleting a thread here, banning a poster there, just little moves that go unnnoticed until one day Jow Forums realizes it's no longer Jow Forums?

Yea, buttfucking men and chopping your dick off because you think you're a woman is normal and morally sound.
I see the pattern. You're a fucking faggot. Can't refute my first point either can you? Worthless fucking homo

If you look closely, you’ll find that while Conservatives understand Liberals, but don’t agree with them, Liberals on the other hand seem to have a very poor, shallow understanding of Conservatives. They don’t even know what they’re disagreeing with, they just know right is bad, and work backwards to fill in the why.

also, liberals are far more likely to unfriend someone or cut off communication with someone over political views than conservatives. It shows a fundamentally immature mindset. Which is also why people tend to lean more conservative as they get older.

there really is a wrong side, and a RIGHT side here.

>OUR faggots.
Nah. Yours maybe..

>shitty ID
I'm always suspicious of that kind of shit. I'll see a mudshark porn bait thread, report it, still there an hour later with 50 replies while political threads are 404.

That attitude doesn't change Jow Forums
antifagmods are the reason this happens
we need an autist to be a mod on Jow Forums

The problem is, a lot of people swing in periodically to see who Jow Forumslacks are getting behind, and there are enough shills to constantly muddy the waters

David Hogg was raped by Michael Jackson.

Do you not see the correlation between the two? THAT is how you change a board's culture from the top down. You post shitty bait threads, don't delete them, watch everyone flock to them while actual Jow Forums topics get ignored or deleted if they can get away with it. Eventually Jow Forums becomes nothing but shitty bait threads and the users realize the sub has been lost.

> from Melbourne, Victoria
if we don’t nuke this place, can we at least spray it with the ebola virus?

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Memes are grounded in reality. It must be a real uphill battle to meme when your side is debating abortion rights for trans women while the orange hitler is taking historic steps towards peace.

They couldnt make it past the signup process

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If only they could use the word retard in their own groups to each other.

Yes but it took two to three days after that. Threads died off.. leafbro had it down to coral gables I think, I suggested in was in a corridor of a low rise suburban type layout. Other anons found the diner link.

They want total meme war but can't even get the gold account pass to post the dankest memes.

>I came out the womb memeing.

Do they have examples of their memes?

this is why we will always overcome

> I came out of the womb memeing

This is the next generation, guys.

Jow Forums IS the infiltration. It IS a CIA honeypot. Moot was literally a Jew.

The left are actually master memers. But it always backfires.

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>How could you fuck up so badly?

They kept switching goals from headline to headline. They expected us to forget every news story like normies do and just move with them like goldfish.

You mean like "learn to code"


glowniggers all run windows 8.1

>How do you FAIL to infiltrate Jow Forums?
Well simple, you see;
This makes it impossible to infiltrate, at best you can try to flood the site with distractions but all they'll cause is people to recognize them as an outsider because they dont know the lingo so their posts feels out of place and they get called out and ignored
>Turns 360 and walks away

>article was written over a year ago

They've been waging a "meme war" with us for over a year and we won every skirmish without realizing we were at war? Unless by "meme war" they mean filling the catalogs with endless, transparent attempts at slide threads and Trump concern-posting. If that was their goal I guess they accomplished it.

>He doesn't know about the secret inner circle of wizards that protects Jow Forums within an arcane warding.

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>They literally are accepted here as family at this point.
They like that too. They can't help it, but this is the only place on the internet, where they don't feel empty.

Just tell the progressives there's a pro-Trump rally in the middle of the desert and let dehydration and spiders do the work.




1-If you are a shill, open this link, there is the pastebin choice if you are afraid of someone logging you.
1.1-If they dont allow you there is something shady going on and you should be afraid of it.
1.2-The text is called new order of barbarians, if they tell you the site have virus, ip logging or something like that, search at your prefered web search site and read it at another site, there are more than one with the text. There is also the pastebin, I posted before.
2-Read the entire text.
3-The text is not so huge, this was not made to make sure you read something and stop working while doing it, you can do both at the same time.
3.1-If they dont allow you yo read the text saying you can't read external links at work time, read at home, remember the text is called new order of barbarians, again, new order of barbarians.

If they aren't telling you everything they wont allow you to read the text.
If somehow not even them, know everything, and allow you to read it, then read it anyway, the way you act will be influenced by the text and they will force you to quit or whateaver and you will see they werent telling you everything.

>in the middle of Australia

>i came out of the womb memeing

Just call everyone you don't like a fed or a jew. No one will be able to tell you aren't from here.

Freedom of speech makes them obsolete. Why do you think they are so hellbend on censoring it?

Truth cannot be defeated without censorship.

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This and right-stuff-pilled

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That's it. These cunts get the bullet too.

>How do you FAIL to infiltrate Jow Forums?
"infiltrate" to them means change the topic/narrative/direction of the board(s)

fuck off fed, go photocopy your phone somewhere else

2 years before you should post here
go back

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Says it all. Kill yourself.

See? No one can tell you're a newfag, jew.

Well, the people that make up groups like shareblue are painfully retarded and weak, both mentally and physically. They’re functional retards. Nothing more. ’

>accepted as family
Hello Shareblue.

>Meme lab

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Good morning, Jow Forums. So sorry to hear about your CIA problem.

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It's pretty obvious to me this site has all of the males retards in the dominance hierarchy.

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they cant meme

I just don't care anymore.

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>Eventually Jow Forums becomes nothing but shitty bait threads and the users realize the sub has been lost.
Reddit fag spotted.