Who knew Ricky Gervais was based?

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hes not go home boomer

Next he'll be converting to Christianity

>Next he'll be converting to Christianity
yep. Even though you cannot see the rationalities for the existence of God, it is very hard to deny that irreligion collapses societies.

Islam knows this, christianity knew it, and it is written in ancient Hindu texts as well.
>irreligion corrupts women
>women corrupt offspring
>corrupted offspring creates hellish life for everybody

I wouldn't care as long as it's a good flavor. Like strawberry.

I always wanted Ricky to round up the feminist man-hating women in power and show them the dog mating video from The Office.

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Assault is literally defined as a threat of violence. Acts of violence are considered battery.

It’s cement. You want a cement milkshake?

So any type of threat is considered assault, and actual physical violence is battery?

he's a milquetoast atheist and not at all interested in ethnic and national identity. he's hardly based

Lots of comedians are very pro free speech for obvious reasons.

Objectively wrong

No, they're a moran

Most comedians are bugmen who cower in fear of being controversial.


A twitter cat?

I did.
The show Derek was great

Rational common sense

Believe it or not this used to be mainstream as little as 5 years ago.

Hate to agree with a memeflag, but this.
I'm not the least bit religious, but societies need some underlying commonality to thrive. The purely secular West splintered into grievance culture once people stopped being community oriented.

Considering how many acid attacks there are in London I don't want anyone throwing any liquid at me.

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>Being this new

He's the new leader of the alt-right.

Gervais has always been based. He has always used the guise of 'comedy' to spread messages of truth. Until recently, comedy was a legimitate way to do so, but now they want to take that down as well.
anyway, slide thread devolving into religious discussion so sage. just wanted to say that.

Comedians and musicians used to be the counterculture. What happened?

Hey guys I bet you didn't know that the left are full of shit.
Here's them being hypocritically for the 101234 time.

everyone is turning on antifa, cause they are disgusting

>normal human opinion
We have really fallen as a species.

>Who knew Ricky Gervais was based?

He's creating a strawman to knock down, which is pretty much his stock in trade.

These "people" he's raging against only exist in his own imagination- that's why they have no names.

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have sex incel

Funny that simply pointing out something logical makes one "based" in this clown world

He based.

how could one man be so 'vais'ed?

Faggot but still based

He was in support of Herr Dankula

Lose weight, Shim Xir Hamgalaxy. Assault is actively whacking someone about, say, the face, something that should be done to you for making such a retarded declaration.