Thread for the discussion of paganism
/PAGAN/ General
Judaism is pagan. Rodnovery is not. There are more Slavs than jews, so they don't get a say.
Neopaganism is judaism for goys
Have any of you lot, Christian or Pagan come to the conclusion that the Jews fear both groups as both are spiritually European and so attempt to undermine and foster divide and conquer between the two groups.
We must put aside our religious differences for the ethnic and political good of our cause.
Both Religions are now native to Europe, Christianity began as a Jewish sect for sure, but it has become Aryanised.
We should not foster strife between us as those who would squabble in their backyard as war knocks on their front door are doomed to extinction.
>worshipping fake dead gods
Pagan threads on Jow Forums were initially neutral on Christians, but Christians kept shitting up the threads, reporting them, and spamming bullshit in them.
This thread will have more of the same. There's no mention of Christianity at all in the OP but they'll still raid this thread because they're spammers from cripplechan.
>Judaism is pagan.
>Neopaganism is judaism for goys
what the fuck
>worshiping Jews
Way ahead of ya
Two can play at that game, sweetie
It's the latest hot cripplechan talking point. Somehow worshiping a Jewish rabbi as a god and reading 66 books written by Jews about Jews and following a Jewish religion magically makes them "anti-Jew", while people who are overtly anti-Jew are "Jewish".
>If you don't worship my Jew, you're a Jew!
The Pagan lot are equally obnoxious and divisive.
All it ends up in doing is driving a wedge between the two groups which our common enemy take advantage of.
Adopt a syncretic faith where Pagans worship the Christian God and the Christians worship God through the Pagan Gods as Saints.
We Anglo-Saxons had this for a long time until the Normans destroyed our proud tradition and culture.
Not a game you'll win.
>It's the latest hot cripplechan talking point. Somehow worshiping a Jewish rabbi as a god and reading 66 books written by Jews about Jews and following a Jewish religion magically makes them "anti-Jew", while people who are overtly anti-Jew are "Jewish".
reminds me of this meme
Both Pagan and Christian religions have been infiltrated and subverted.
Both by the same people.
Attacking each other over the same cancer that consumes both of us is pointless.
Hail Wotan and Praise God.
Death to the false Christian and Pagans.
The main dogma of neopaganism is hating Christ like in Judaism. It's a watered down Judaism for non-jews who like metal and viking cosplay.
>The main dogma of neopaganism is hating Christ
>like in Judaism
thats not the main point of judaism either wtf?
Many of the 'neo-pagans' are simply atheists larping, typically as a reaction against Christ.
Notice how the 'mainstream' pagans are all Liberal, atheistic and rabidly anti-Christ while 'co-existing' with all other religions.
And Judaism is set up with the rejection of Christ as the coming of the Lord and in the Talmud it revolves around hating Christ and his followers.
>Both Pagan and Christian religions have been infiltrated and subverted.
No, they really haven't. Asatruism arguably has back when it was forced into worshiping Jews and Jew morals when a Jew-worshiper from Norway decided to abduct everyone's kids and threaten to murder them unless they converted. But Fölkisch polytheism is explicitly race-based, which means it is not possible for Jews to infiltrate. They are excluded at the door for being Jews. Same with non-whites. This is the key difference between the systems: One is explicitly ethnonationalist, the other can never be.
Greek polytheists are figuring this out as well. Non-Greeks are frowned upon, but not directly excluded, making them more "open" to foreigners than Fölkisch polytheists while still being explicitly pro-Greek. Greek polytheists have figured out obedience to the Jewish god only earned them the 4th Crusade and centuries under the Ottomans. Then, once they finally took their capitol city back, other Christian powers forced them to hand it over to the Turks again. There's a long series of betrayals which have rightly built up animus towards Jew-worship as an ideology.
I really don't care what Christians worship, but as long as they shill for open borders and obedience to Jews, they're going to have enemies.
>thats not the main point of judaism either wtf?
found the kike
>Somehow worshiping a Jewish rabbi as a god and reading 66 books written by Jews about Jews and following a Jewish religion
looks like you only have 66 left to go champ
The earliest Western documents (in the form of literary works, art objects, and mythographic materials) concerning same-sex relationships are derived from ancient Greece.
The formal practice, an erotic yet often restrained relationship between a free-born (i.e. not a slave or freedman) adult male and a free-born adolescent, was valued for its pedagogic benefits and as a means of population control, though occasionally blamed for causing disorder. Plato praised its benefits in his early writings[17] but in his late works proposed its prohibition.[18] In the Symposium (182B-D), Plato equates acceptance of homosexuality with democracy, and its suppression with despotism, saying that homosexuality "is shameful to barbarians because of their despotic governments, just as philosophy and athletics are, since it is apparently not in best interests of such rulers to have great ideas engendered in their subjects, or powerful friendships or physical unions, all of which love is particularly apt to produce".[6]