Are Russians in a more dangerous situation than the Americans or Europeans? Who has a better future?
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Nope. Amerifats are doomed. You're our only hope.
As far as I know, you guys don't have any epicenters of degeneracy that could infect your country.
We have California and a few other choice places that are slowly spreading to other parts of the country though internal migration.
You guys have a lower quality of life, but will most likely outlast the US when it comes to keeping your values.
I'm sure you can outlast us but the time will come where you will face the problems we have, let's hope your Eastern Orthodoxy and family unit isn't broken.
Make it uncool to act like a western
And you'll probably be ok
I study at one of the best universities of Moscow and communicate with young people from other Russian universities IRL or on the Internet. I talked a lot about politics with them and now I can say that young people are mostly libertarians, nationalists or socialists (stalinist-type socialists who stand for world-systems theory or planned economy). There are very few SJW or feminists in Russia, just several individuals in academia or media who have no political influence.
They have lots of problems, but also lots of perspectives, unlike many Western nations - Americans, Brits, Frenchmen and Swedes. Orthodoxy is becoming stronger and stronger in Russia, there are already fanatical masses. Part of the elite is really conservative and even among the Liberal Yeltsinites there are more conservative ones (like Vlad himself). America has 230 million whites out of whom, 40 mill are actually Hispanics and 10 million are MENA, so basically they are not whites. And it's the source of all Liberal degeneracy throughout the world, even though some regions in the US are normal and conservative indeed. In a generation from now, America will look like Brasil. In 5 generations it will be like South Africa. As for Europe, Italy and Germany have some chances, but the UK & France are completely lost.
they have Moscow, which is a cosmopolit liberal city, like every megapolis out there. Even though a Russian liberal = American hardcore conservative.
Great for you bratushka. In our country young people are 70 % unaffiliated and don't care about politics (though as views most are normal and somewhat conservative while rich kids and upper-middle class kids from the capital are Liberal). The rest 30 % are nationalists, libertarians, fascists and liberals with a very small commie minority.
This is literally all wrong. Putin is pro-Jewish. Russia has two words for "Russian":
Russki is the one for actual ethnic Russians, Rossiyane means citizens of Russia. There are tons of Turks and Kazakhs and gypsies and Yakuts and Finnic people all enjoying being "Russian" right now.
The revival of Christianity is also a lie. Russian Orthodoxy is corrupt and pagan, and most Russians are just cultural Christians. Ask them if they actually believe in Jesus.
This guy is one of the most influential intellectuals in Russia today. You might've heard of him.
Yeah you share a huge landborder with a rising superpower that has no breeding age pussy of its own. Better lube up
>One of the most influential
He's a nobody now, literally got kicked out of his professorship at university, then switched to TV and got his show cancelled
He's as influential as you are
>Moscow is a liberal city
Moscow banned gay pride for 100 years.
He literally influences Putin himself. Or does he now?
Sometimes Dugin is a big troll.
We're goona have a civil war, they will also have a race war somewhere in the middle.
I guess we are better off, but who knows.
Many young people don't share his views (they do not like either eurasianism or traditionalism), but they like his sense of humor. Check the comments:
>Influences Putin himself
Oh really now? And you know this how?
yes, as I said, Russian liberals are still like hardcore conservatives in the US or UK, but in Russian terms it's still a Liberal and cucked city.
>Putin is pro jewish
Dude, not true. Russia voted to force Israel into the nuclear treaty, while your "based" shithole protected Israel from that "privilege". Fuck off already.
Russia is fucked once Putin is out of office. 2024 all the candidates are Jews, your going to end up like Ukraine with a jew president and prime minister and gay pride parades.
I doubt most kiddos on this board can understand Alexander Gelyievich. Perhaps in a decade from now, when they grow up and read more books. Dugin is indeed a troll, but he's also one of the last big minds a white country has given birth. He's not anti-White, on the contrary he's against race mixing etc. He is anti-Western and by this I mean anti-Liberal in every sense.
Putin is neither pro, nor anti-Jewish. He used the Hassidic Jewish sect to curb the influence of International Jewry in Russia. He's balancing between the Liberal elites from the Yeltsin era and the Nationalist circles.
There are no ''candidates'' in Russia. This is not a retarded race for who is going to be the front guy of a retarded liberal party like the GOP. There are 3 different lobbies/cliques in Russia (lots more but those are the stronges). I like to call them the ''white'', the ''red'' & the ''blue''. So basically the ''whites'' are nationalists, monarchists, ultra-Orthodox, imperialists. we are talking about people like the oligarch Malofeev (Tsarigrad tv), Dmitry Rogozin, Sergey Narishkin and some other bad guys in the good sense. Next, the reds are the Soviet nostalgic siloviki, who express a sense of civic nationalism. Generals, former KGB/fSB operatives etc. Finally the ''blues'' are Russia's liberals like Medvededv and Putin himself (though Putin is balancing between all of the cliques). They are pro-Western and Liberal, evne though a Russian liberal is as conservative as Trump, Mitt Romney or the retard from duck dynasty.
Ksenia Sobchak, daughter of Putins mentor, Anatoly Sobchak who is running for President identifies as jew.
Pavel Grudidin, the SJW canidate for russia, millionaire communist is a jew
all of the candidates are jews
Russians are just basic criminals. They lie, cheat and steal for a living. Always trying to shit up the world the same way they shit up Russia.
Enjoy your new kike owners Russia
This is what happens when kikes rule Ukraine
Yes, Sobchak is from the Liberal lobby, also known as Zapadniki (Westernizers). But neither she, nor Grudinin will be president. This is not decided by elections like in your country. I would argue that the next president will be either Medvedev (bad for us Right-wingers), either Vyacheslav Volodin (kinda okay) or some silovik. Perhaps Sergey Ivanov.
> Putin is a liberal
oh dear Putin and the siloviki don't have an ideology except pragmatism and "gosudarstevonnost" and "okhranitelstvo" Russian statism and a siege mentality look up the speeches he did when he was the FSB director in the 90's he said America was Russia's enemy even back then,
Jew shill.
so which ones want to restore Monarchy?
Whomever gets to be president won't matter really Putin will be the leader till he dies it's he's like the Roman Princeps power and relations are maintained by clients and personal contacts if he becomes prime minister or in charge of the Russian senate all power will shift to that office anyway
Well, Malofeev certainly wants to restore the monarcy, but he's just one man even he is dirthy rich. Most know however that this is not possible. What unites them is nationalism and imperialism.
We are talking about the post-Putin era. regardless of the reason. Otherwise you are right. Medvedev was a president but only by the grace of Putin.
I know that in the West it's fashionable to talk about muh evil KGB colonel, who has no ideology, but really, in Russia's environment Putin is the guy who balances between the siloviki and the Liberals, known also as Yeltsinites or Petersburg lawyers & economists. That's why his court has both siloviki like Sergey Ivanov and Narishkin and liberals like Medvedev (by tradition the finance minister is also a liberal).
Everyone is in danger.
The biggest threat currently is AI's use and abuse, and how the internernational community has started an AI arms race.
No where is safe, because the World is like a giant spherical 'board' in the world game.
AI do not ignore any section of any game.
For example. In Go, Alpha go sees the entire board, all the time.
Praise be to the russian artists who made the video i have linked.
I get his views. Basically, he thinks that "western civilisation" is completely based on liberalism and needs to be abandoned by the Russians and to go move to China and Asia as a role-model instead of Europe. .
>One of Europe's largest mosques opens in Moscow
>Scientists claim that almost half of the Russian population inherited Mongol genes
>Russia: Drone captures massive Eid al-Fitr celebrations in Moscow
>Russia: The World's Second-Largest Immigration Haven
>part of the plan /Kadyrov’s soldiers (20.000) are ready to kill Ukrainians
>Crimea: Largest Mosque Ever Built, for Crimean Tatars
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>The Lingering Effects of Krokodil
>Putin's Pro-Islam, Pro-Diversity Speech
>FIFA World Cup 2018 with traditional russian women
>How Muslim Migrants Are Reshaping Russia's Dying Countryside, One Village At A Time
>The death of the Russian far right. How the Kremlin destroyed the far right in Russia, while backing it in the West.
>Russian police detain hundreds in nationalist protests
>Russia nationalist leader jailed for life over hate crimes
>At least 86 Russian nationalist protesters reported arrested
>Far-Right Leader Dmitry Demushkin Arrested Ahead of Upcoming ‘Russian March’
>Russia now has more prostitutes than doctors, farmers and firemen combined
If he's a liberal then it's a liberalism that doesn't exist in the West. Liberal in the Russian context just means pro Western and pro whatever the fuck the West is politically or ideologically at that current moment becaus the Westernizers believe that Russia should integrate into the West being a Christian nation it has more culturally in common with the West than the East and that opposing the combined military and economic power of the West is ultimately dumb and counterproductive there is that faction in the Kremlin and it's extremely pwoerful.
>Love and Race in Modern Russia. Mixed-race marriages are becoming more common in Russia
>From Russia With Love, Thousands of Wives for Turkish Husbands
>Trauma fades for mixed marriages in new Russia
>Russian newspaper encourages Russian-Chinese marriages
>our moslems are special. there are no problems.
Your hope is a bunch of fucking ex-USSR officials and party members that stole some factories in the 90s with a ex-KGB agent as their leader.
That's kind of awkward.
Yes, thank you. I forgot that one. Russians are jew shills, too. They deliberately post lies and disinformation of social media for shekels or kopecks. It's why everybody on the planet hates Russians - they can't be trusted.