/SIG/ HEIL! Self Improvement General

Thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=hMfGdzhOEX0

It’s time to clean your house. What have you done today to improve your mental/physical/spiritual wellbeing user?

>What is /SIG/ and what is it doing on Jow Forums?

Since Jow Forums is an anti degeneracy board it is only logical that we try and promote the healthiest lifestyle possible. We are against drug abuse, alcoholism, pornography, gluttony and laziness. Taking care of oneself is incredibly important in order to make any sort of positive change in the world. Before we can know right from wrong, we must enrich ourselves spiritually. Before we can argue we must improve our mental knowledge of philosophy. Before we can take back our communities, we must be in top physical condition.

>Why should I self improve?

It’s almost impossible to not indulge in the decadence of the west these days. It has created a mass of MSM slaves focused on vanity and material things, which the powers that be exploit in order to make a submissive population. To truly be independent and righteous individuals we must re-capture our manhood.

>What is the general philosophy of /SIG/

To truly live is to struggle. You must internalize this truth in your being and actions and spread it to others whom you care for. Society as it is now will not last, it’s volatile. The Natural Order shall prevail, as nature is inherently Fascist. You as an individual can always choose to go against the flow and struggle and persevere while the rest of society rots and withers away. It's not an easy path, but you go on because you know that you are in the right and that in the end you will be vindicated. Live to live your life correctly and that will bring happiness to yourself and those around you.

>Basic advice

-Stop drinking sodas and eating junkfood
-Prepare your own meals
-Go outside more
-Stop watching porn
-Start gardening
-Get Jow Forums (natty)
-Read books
-Get 8 hours of sleep
-Move out of the cities
-Learn a trade

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Other urls found in this thread:


Read: How to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie.

A handbook for dealing with people and seeming most rational. A social guidebook for autists, but also good for helping learning how to properly deal with the ignorant and the shutoff.

Read: Models, Attracting women through honesty

A self help book hidden as a pickup book. Basically teaches you to follow and try to be your ideal self, women will come to you when you do and the ones that do will actually love you for what you are. It pretty much says be honest in your life and all your actions, with what you want in life, and everything you want will come to you. I literally married my nazi dream girl 2 years after reading this so say what you will.


/sig/ is political

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Be the change you want to be in the world.

Help those you love, say how you TRULY feel. Dont be ashamed to hide your love for your people, dont be afraid to express your disgust with the world.

POLARIZE. Force people to either accept you or reject you by showing them your true colours. If they leave, you save time, if not they will accept and be closer with you. I have no regrets about constantly publically debating on abortion, degeneracy, on-white racism, and gun rights. I have made many friends and definitely helped show others its ok to be themselves.
Be the one who paves the way for the ones behind you, if you show your powerlevel... the will come.

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Work sets you free


I publicly express discuss with abortion and everything else in the world online, at work places, in public wherever its brought up.

Its no longer time to stand silent, if you arent being your true self, you are giving into jewish fear tactics and losing the man you could be right now

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Swede cuck, your women belong to us.

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alt thread theme
> bitchute.com/video/0Zl7qIWUIta3/

- intermittent fasting (not just for weight loss, but also helps with aging, and cognitive function)

Porn, drugs and alcohol are ok when moderated. Your new cult is pretty bad.


Slave to the wage...

found the jew.

only if you waste and do not save. its so easy to not get ripped off and waste money. Anyone who says they are living cheque to cheque has a drug habit, a party habit, or spends too much money on pleasure.

its easy to spend money, its hard to save. Save, get some porperty, build up.

Renting forever is slavery


Well you are free to give your life arbitrary limitations which won't make you happy.

>wir mussen die juden auzroten
I wouldn’t call him a jew.
Probably a /b/tard.

cringe all you want my friend.

I'm not the one who isnt living life and being the change I want in the world

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Tool time

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t. Shekelstein


This is you


say the line again juden, cry out in fear again

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You will perish in a revolutionary holocaust juden


Spent all yesterday in the sun working out and cycling. Today I hide indoors and read Jow Forums because I am sunburned into crispy bacon and my arms feel like rusty hinges.

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keep bumping our thread

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I'll keep bumping it every time you post cringe


>Start gardening
Is bee keeping close enough?

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This is the most important thread ever. Thank you OP.

You accidentally posted this on /v/ you dumb nigger

Bump for as long as the mods and habits
Jannies don't shoah it

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Bump for home.



shoo shoo jew



Eat organic food. Drink flouride free water. Only,

And bump


imagine needing porn drugs and booze to be happy

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Some of yall say to grow something. What's a good fruit or vegetable that's easy to grow? Ive never grown anything in my life.

Last one

can anyone post the original picture?