There is ZERO evidence that undocumented immigrants drain the system

It’s just too bad the alt-right doesn’t accept facts.

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Go be a nigger somewhere else, ya nigger.

>tfw no latina weather grill gf

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Let me ask you. What wages do you think illegals work for? Is it fifteen an hour? Minimum wage? Below? Isn't it illegal to pay them so little?

I want to know where all these "hot hispanics" are, because the ones in my town all look like horrible goblin creatures

Below the age of 28, in places like LA or Florida where they can't get away with being fatties because of bikini season. Up where I'm from they just wear yoga pants no matter what and its gross

This is a wonderful opportunity to pause for a moment and give thanks for the great contributions of the African American community to our society. Their peaceful and generous nature make them ideal neighbors, lending testimony to their exceptional family values and parenting skill—unrivaled by any other culture. Their commitment to academic excellence enriches our schools and serves as an example to all who hope to achieve prominence as a people. Real estate values are fueled by the influx of African Americans into an area due to their caring and respectful nature of these communities, an example of all they have achieved through their enthusiasm for self improvement by hard work and a self-reliant nature. Without their industrious and creative drive, we would be poorer as a nation.

The 1%s goal is to turn the whole of the USA into one giant South America, where the wealthiest enjoy a position of calcified privilege and most everybody else is in a modern day slave class fighting for scraps.

Attached: wealth_disparity_brazil.jpg (1900x1265, 573K)

Ass fags are retarded.
Only a step above foot fags.

Slide thread. Sage goes in all fields

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Last year they released a study that shows that we loose 75000 SEK / migrant every single year.


It's one internet search away.

what are genital flaps

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Aye chihuahua

there is ZERO evidence, if you just ignore all evidence

Thanks user, I'm off to drain my system right now.

inmigrants of any country are traitors and deserve to be shot

There is also no proof that burning money makes you poorer.

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Well above minimum wage with paid vacations dumbshit

shes wearing a padded underwear

It was colder when they weren't here, just sayin

It's illegal to have an illegal working for you

I'd cum into her padded underwear and force her to wear it if you know what I'm trying to communicate here

Imagine blaming Republicans for not having free college free healthcare and wondering why you have crippling debt when there's 30 million+ people taking it away from you.

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What? They drive wages down. In Japan, CNAs don't exist because no immigrants. Just one example.

>Nigerian nigresses pregnant come to UK
> Everyone around the world comes to uk
> Uses NHS
> Never pays


fuck off you utter brainlet. I havent even got to local police forces, border and customs agents, translators, human trafficking, the list goes on and on.

But of course, you suck so much dick you have filled that space in your head where a brain should go with semen.

id like to see you post than on a left reddit and see if they call you out as a far right troll.

because you just know the only reason they would think that is if the statement wasn't true.

California alone spends $2.5 BILLION+ on K-12 education for 250k+ illegal immigrants.

There’s no way they contribute that much in taxes, not to mention the other costs (crime, college, work placement, benefits, health care). Plus there is the unseen and unmeasurable cost such as overcrowded schools taking a toll on the potential of legal Americans.

The cost is astronomical. Anyone who says they are a net positive are liars or are gullible.

What's even the point if you have to look at that pig sty all day.

My favorite shill threads is the ones where they just flat out lie to get attention. Just say something so incredibly incorrect that people have to make fun of you, like a biological need.

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finally a good meme from this.

God u ppl are awfull at pseudo intellect

Jews want that for the whole of the world. A dumbed down, brown, controllable labor class

She could drain my system if you catch my drift

Kek’d at your meme m8E

>if you just ignore all evidence

It's a kike\liberal argument. Did you not think that is was based on a straight up lie?

Attached: liberal arguments.png (324x382, 281K)

Bait, check her insta.

I love that woman

1. Go to your local ER after you have an accident. As you bleed to death, wait for 7 hours while 3 villages worth of coughing illegals crowd around you to get a free checkup. None of them are in need of emergency medical care, but hey, it's free.

I was told that you have to arrive in an ambulance to avoid the mob of sniffling beaners, so NEVER drive yourself to an ER again.

Attached: illegals-mocking.jpg (500x324, 96K)


Yes, the sky is green.

>0 evidence
Its literally up for grabs on the street, what you mean might be 0 literature and in that you would also be wrong, so you didn't burn those books hard enough for people to pick up on it

>illegal immigrants Tax the social service to the breaking point.
>illegal immigrants have brought crime rates up 700%
There is ZERO evidence that undocumented immigrants drain the system

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What's the name of that cum receptacle, you filthy fucking spic?

Illegals with clinical ailments wouldn't be seen before you if that were the case. Bleeding, airway, stroke, or chest pain move to the front of the line.

Hmm, life was objectively more pleasant and more equitable and comfortable for Westerners when immigration was strictly enforced, and before capitalist, as well as socialist, Anglos and Jews and Catholics got too greedy and decided to destroy the world via the third world.

Yanet Garcia