How does anyone support this bitch?

>in a Hare Krishna spin off cult

>in the Council on Foreign Relations

She's literally no different from the Jews you guys so hate other than the fact she's not ugly. CFR is some new world order shit, look at how many Obama's officials were apart of it. Obama did the same shit with his "I'm anti-war" then started shit in the ME as soon as he was president.

SHE IS a member of the deepstate Uniparty, they just know how to sucker you idiots into believing they aren't by saying "No Israel, No Middle Eastern Wars!".

Attached: download (1).jpg (194x259, 14K)

Other urls found in this thread:

she is one of only 2 candidates that does not take dark money.

Stop being a shill retard

More reading.

I assume all the shills from Tulsi's campaign are no where to be seen today?

She launders it through her cult idiot

>The F.E.C. ultimately ruled that the video was a legitimate (if dubious) business venture, and that the ninety-thousand-dollar loan Reed had received to produce it was not, therefore, an unlawful campaign donation.

Damn cow worshipers. They shit in the street too.

What does her religion have anything to do with her politics you fag

>notably anti-Israel, anti-interventionist
>constantly smeared and ignored by mainstream outlets

lol okay you jew cunt. enjoy the shekels and happy passover

reminder that anybody who looks at Tulsi Gabbard's record can realize that she is one of the few anti- ZOG figures in American politics. any opposition to her comes from Israel-fueled fear, based on the fact that she is the only candidate of the past 20 years that we could see be willing to impose sanctions onto that shithole of a country; don't fucking forget that.

Oh the Zionists just love that she wants to stop the wars and meet with Assad!

Everyone knows that the entire oligarchy is being married off to Zionist Globalists.
Tulsi instead married a fellow Hindu - so you are trying to stop her.

I'd rather be a Buddhist or Hindu than in cults like:

1. Judaism
2. Christianity
3. Islam

How about your foreskin? Still intact?
Or did the rabbi give you herpes when he sucked up your circumcision blood?

Attached: ユダヤ人はアメリカの雲上人だ.png (1599x1522, 2.09M)

>How does anyone support this bitch?
No one does, she's at 1% among democrats. On Jow Forums she gets plenty of threads, and that's called "shilling."

The site that hates Jews is suddenly not concerned with Religion?

>So from that point we were home schooled, until there were schools established in the Philippines. After that all the children were sent to the boarding schools there for intensive schooling. From the small pieces of information that made it out of the schools to me, a lot of the kids were traumatised by the environment, as it was almost prison like. Classes were on hygiene and cooking and all the ways that they would need to serve Chris Butler best. It’s only speculation, but I am certain that this was because places like the US

It's a cult, it's not Hare Krishna, it's a 1000 member cult. If she was a Jehovah's Witness I'd question he credibility all the same.

Oy vei! Do not push anti-war candidates in DNC now, let Biden take over

Attached: goy-meme-5.png (600x544, 155K)

By the way Tulsi Gabbard is European and Polynesian American - not Indian. So this is only a religious attack.

It is why she cannot be swayed by the kikes no matter how much they try to award her or get her in on the game.

Even Bernie - who the Zionists try to slander even though he is a Jew - is her friend.

Attached: ((2020dems))4.png (1598x1029, 709K)

>source: jew yorker
what a turdlet you are

Honorable mention for a CFR asset that can deliver secret messages only when used as a sex toy.

MK Ultra, that's it.

Biden only married off all three of his adult offspring to the Jews.
Oy vey!

Or how about Harris who the kikes are pushing for his VP position?

Attached: KamalaHarris糞女.png (1920x1252, 2.16M)

Does this ring a bell in your empty skull, faggot?

Attached: 1561813068222.jpg (801x411, 79K)

She's a Leftist. That's enough of a reason not to support the cunt. Add in that she is a woman, there's a double whammy right there.

kys jew

>she's not ugly

Attached: tulsi crater.jpg (435x481, 37K)

>notably anti-Israel
While there is hope that a negotiated solution to this problem remains within the realm of possibility, I am cynical. There are a variety of issues, including having already conceded allowing Iran to enrich uranium, Iran’s breakout capacity, and the continued lack of transparency and access for UN inspectors, that are of genuine concern. The objective must remain at the forefront: we must work together to prevent a nuclear-armed Iran.

“The United States’ relationship with Israel must rise above the political fray, as America continues to stand with Israel as her strongest ally.”

The fact that she's a gun-grabbing, open borders, free healthcare shill is ignored on this site. They see "anti-intervention" and just assume she's on their side.

and any christcucks here - a cult let alone actual Hare Krishna has no respect for your western values.

i support full repeal of background checks and abolishing the NFA. this wench is OK taking guns after shooting her rocks off in the middle east it's not fair

Compare Tulsi Gabbard to the Zionists new flame Kamala Harris

Attached: 二番HARRIS対GABBARD夫比較.png (1600x1223, 1.79M)

>Gun grabber
>Open borders
Yeah, she's pretty based bro.

Attached: 1542940164129.jpg (2048x2048, 602K)

Tulsi's race (no black or poo dna)

Let's be clear - the establishment of Globalists, Bilderberg/DAVOS, Rockefellers, and Rothschilds are all afraid of Tulsi Gabbard.

The funny thing is that she is multiracial from a multicultural background. And she doesn't even follow an Abrahamic religion.

Based on her website - she is:
Southeast Asian 25.6% (Note that this DNA is often found in Polynesians - not Poos)
French and German 24.6%
Other European Ethnicities

Apparently she took a DNA test - because I found this data:

25.6% Southeast Asian
*24.6% French and German
*21.4% British and Irish
*15% Broadly Northwestern European
*3.8% Broadly Oceanian
*2.5% Eastern European
*2% Iberian
*2% Broadly European
*1.1% Broadly East Asian
*1% Broadly Southern European
*0.8% Unmatched
*0.2% Ashkenazi Jewish (The DNA companies always add residual 0.1-.5% Ashkenazi Jew to all the results so people become less ''antisemitic'.")

Southeast Asian is actually often found in Polynesian peoples' DNA due to all of the trading and migration during the colonial period.


Attached: TG_ALIVEFNL-8.jpg (2250x1500, 452K)

At least he's not white, I guess I still do.
More than I support AOC

What's their platform?

Based Hindu