Why does Eastern Europe not have feminism?
Why does Eastern Europe not have feminism?
The don’t have time for Marxist bullshit
Why are these subhumans always squatting
>2nd world, almost 3rd world country
Yeah, the muslims will get raped instead of the other way round like in Sweden
Western companies hire "instagram girls" to show off, just watched one sad example..
Women do make it into male dominated fields, when they deserve it. But #metoo culture is absent and I guess that's an unpleasant factor.
They have, nigger.
good exercise
They do, just not as radical
Feminism is a luxury only rich countries can afford.
Because Jews don’t bother with racial trash. Why do you think that there is no feminism in Africa?
>Why does Eastern Europe not have feminism?
Why does polcels post without thinking?
they have
Thinking eastern europe doesn't have feminism lmao
bitches already get what they want
It does, it just isn't as crazy as in the West.
Gee if u think white Slavs are subhuman then I can't imagine what u think about the Greeks
they are materialistic whores but they aren't delusional materialistic whores riding to slay the patriarchy and save the minorities and fags like western women are
It’s a myth that they don’t have feminism. As long as women are allowed to act whorish they have atleast some sort of feminism. A large amount of internet pornstars come from Eastern Europe. Certain countries in Eastern Europe may have less of it like Poland but on that I can’t comment.
Lack of seating in the yard outside their commie block + it's too cold to sit on the ground
They live in post feminist society.
Cos women are smarter here
is there an inverse correlation with cheating rates I wonder?
Ukraine does.
they do, it is just viewed as pathetic by everyone else
>bunch of dykes try feminist movement
>get put in prison
>muh porn meme
We outweigh the rest of the world by far
Do you really believe that Eastern Europeans would be down for staying at home, cleaning, and raising your children? How could you believe such things?
At this point, the only women who aren't tainted yet are Muslims, some parts of Asia, maybe some Latin American countries. Whites invented liberals, they are patient 0 for feminism and women breaking free.
Fucking yikes
Eastern women have higher IQs than western and know they can get a lot more out of a man by acting like women.
Pretty much the same things I think about our Brit bros
Slavic women have higher birth rates and younger motherhood ages than any country in Asia. Northeast Asia is the least fertile region of the world.
you aren't slavic thought
Idk about Eastern Europe but we are already in the post-feminist society
They dont have modern technology that makes women obsolete, so the women havent atarted a civil war for male attention yet
lol. guess they all moved west
OP pic is fake. They are not eastern women.
Heel down, comrade found. Heel to sky, western spy.
keep believing that comie
Poland is not a third world country. It's already becoming very Americanised, and shit like socialism, LGBT, feminism etc are just going to grow naturally. Mark my words Poland will also be flooded with shitskins when Western Europe will be too black and unattractive for immigrants.
It's a wash. Certainly not higher, and if so, it's only from economically backwards parts aka hoodlums/gypsies.
fucken kek
Can't sell professional victim hood to people with real problems
communism in the Eastern bloc either removed the need for feminist movements in said countries, or were oppressive enough to stamp it out and keep it from properly organizing in the Eastern bloc, whichever you prefer to believe
This, but unironically.
It will
yeah but women there can easily leave the country and marry someone in the west
have you ever seen how many russian marriage sites there are?
Took the words right out of my mouth. Angloshits somehow think decades of communism had no lasting effect.
Because Eastern European women have been working and having families forever.
Even more so under the control of USSR
they dont need muh feminism to feel empowered
forgot to change the flag
There's a reason all that shit is coming from the left. The Soviet Union DID try free love homosexual bullshit. It was such a disaster; they ended it so quickly most low IQ commies don't even know about it.
You don't even know your parties own history you stupid fuck.
Ameritards thinks Marxism is about feminism
Shut the fuck up you filthy burger. All the degenerate shit in society comes from rich capitalists and imperialist countries.
>Londonistani talking smack about commie blocks
I've never met a commie that wasn't a mewling retard. You don't even know your party's history ffs.
Glad you're not an exception.
>China and Pakistan has women suicide rate bigger than men.
LOL why?
what a fucking joke
frenly reminder our gramps fought for the degeneracy we see today
This video was made by feninists but it's pretty good. Who would have thought retards could have good opinions
You don't know jack shit. You're one of those retards who thinks Lenin literally went out of his way to legalize homosexuality. When it was just that they threw out the old tsarist constitution and didn't really have time to think about it.
now show a map that breaks down abortion in western europe for muslims and non-muslims
it's the muslims keeping the rate down, moishe
Because they already lived under communism for 45 years
This too, there's plenty of pozz in Poland. Just go to any city in the former German territories
Cope more faggot. Free love was policy of the Soviet Union. Your quick google attempts won't save you from your own stupidity.
No it wasn't. You're just a dumb burger who doesn't know anything about history.
So they were only pro-faggot because of incompetence? That's a new one
Feels bad man
Because they are being taught well by their boyfriends/husbands.
It's not , but feminism stems from Marxist subversion tactics. Problem is the marxists are gone (in the east) and now we're stuck dealing with the shit they started.
"In America, pussy whips you, in Soviet Russia, you whip pussy".
Checked for thot patrolling cossacks
Says the commie retard. Where are the Soviets now? Why is every commie nation left on Earth starving all the time? Why is every commie-lite nation a dumpster fire shit hole? Your retard ideology doesn't work, but congrats on dedicating your life to making sure your party leader can chug Hennessy and fuck bitches while you slave away in a coal mine. Takes dedication to oppress yourself.
Aндpe Aндpeич Bлacoв гepoй y пидopcaoв. Oн кcтaти кoммyниcтoм был. He тaким кaк coвки, a пpям opтoдoкcoм кoммyнизмa.
Europe and America need to borrow these guys
The soviet union was literally sending food all over the world and its collapse was the greatest tragedy in human history. There was a famine in north korea because americans sabotaged the union and the 90's were hell in cuba because of the lack of aid. Also 4,000 russians alone were shot by police protesting the dissolution of the union. Gorbachev and Yeltsin are traitorous scum who sold out their own country to american imperialist dogs.
Although you could look back in history say feminism starts wherever, you could say queen Hatshepsut was the first feminist or some other dumb shit like that, organized feminism is obviously a branch of marxism you dumb leaf. And it was explicitly designed to destroy the family (which was interpreted as patriarchal and therefore anti-communist/egalitarian).
Why is arianna grande pretending to be a Slav?
>Greatest tragedy
Sure kid
>Cuban famine
It's a tropical paradise with a year round growing season, no reason they shouldn't have been self sufficient
Also, the Soviets were a net importer of grain. Passing the grain along to there little butt buddy client states doesn't prove them to be an especially effective exporter of food. Helps if you have a surplus to start with.
Unlike western cuckholds and azn beta inceloids, we don't sperg out at our women and hit them like passive-aggressive morons who snapped.
We dominate them in a manly way, respecting and understanding their femininity, we know what to do when they nag or are just cunts.
We dominate our women by presence or physically alone, backhand every once in a while shames her and does not hurt.
Of course there is feminism in eastern europe lol.
Feminism follows the same class struggle theory found within Marxism. In the case of Feminism the ruling class is all men and the oppressed class is all women. It’s all painfully stupid.
I didn't say cuba had a famine retard, I said north korea did. North Korea literally does not have enough farmable land to be self sufficient. It needs outside aid to be able to feed all its population.
what are you talking you dumbass, its fucking ground zero for FEMEN
They never had liberalism, since they never had as much Church-State conflict
You’re retarded, Soviet Union encourage feminism. Hell abortion is very prevalent in the former Easter bloc.
but they do
Femen doesnt exist in Eastern Europe anymore. They were all arrested, some escaped and set up shop in Paris
in china women kill themselve when they havent married till 30
in western europe they party till 30
because the crouching slav has no gender. it simply is
They do have feminism but you never hear about it in the West
yeah, but at least our feminism wasn't encouraging women to become whores, they were able to work in same places like men, for example my babushka was working as a guard at a factory.Back then they were very decent, it was very easy to find a girl into her 20s that was virgin and even unkissed.
They probably do. Most if not all Russian/Ukrainian women are whores who leave the moment you go through a hard time. So they just take all your money and leave
fucking based
how these bitches leave like they won in a war
they are probably equally radical, but they are less numerous and don't have such a high budget or a platform to speak out
When you stand up after a good squat all the blood rushes to your head making you very smart.
That really just proves my point though. The richer the country, the more easily feminism is able to take root. Women are unable to compete for influence in countries where survival of the fittest is the prevailing mode of functioning.
1. if that bitch gets indocrinated, she will sleep outside in the dog's house
2. we already had these problems and realised that the best way to deal with commies is to behead them.
>Most if not all Russian/Ukrainian women are whores
> literally all Russian/Ukrainian women are whores