So why did he?

To be a virtue signaling faggot 22 years later?

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idk, maybe for the penis shenanigans? or maybe all the benefits from serving (free college, financing for cars / housing)

Come on man. Admit the situation with these kids is fucked up. They're children, they didn't do anything wrong. For the amount of taxes we pay the government should be taking better care of them.

>22 years in the army
Nigga unless you're a general by then, why stay enlisted for 22 years what the literal fuck

Served with this guy

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to serve israel

He's right, they just shot them and burned the villages back then. So much cheaper.

they're children brought over the border by migrants that may or may not be their parents. many children are trafficked over the border. they are safer in U.S. custody than with the abusive "parent" that brought them into a migrant crisis and endangered their lives to various factors.

i do not care what happens to those kids. i hope it gets worse and worse so that Mexicans realize this country is just as hostile and dangerous for them as their own shitty country

>I did not serve

>For the amount of taxes we pay the government should be taking better care of them.




So Jow Forums why did he serve 22 years in the army?

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>I did not serve in the US army for 22 years

Ok pal, vote Bernie then if you really need the help.

its okay to participate in genocide against southeast Asian kids... but do it to anyone else... you're a racist

I don't know when he served, but when I served, we were putting kids in "cages" in Iraq.

Fuck off pussy. We both know those kids are being held in rundown day care centres. Not concentration camps.

Day of the pillow soon

You're correct.
Better care should be taken.
Build a pool and drown each invading family until other invaders on their way get the idea that the only gib they'll get here lungfuls of water.

Why can’t we just give the global elites these children to eat?

Beavis: Hey, get a haircut, hippie!
Butt-head: This isn't the sixties, dillhole!
Beavis: My uncle didn't go to Vietnam just so you could walk around with long, hippy-boy hair with your shirt off, heh, damnit.
Butt-head: Uh, your uncle never went to Vietnam, Beavis. He was in jail.
Beavis: I know, I know, that's what I said. My Uncle didn't go to Vietnam so you could have long hair, see? That's what I meant.

Can someone post that comic with the immigrant girl asking Trump "what if I was your daugher?" and him replying "sorry, you're not my type"?

We should be burning them for electricity desu

What use is the military if it can't stop the simultaneous, multi-level invasions?

if we had a wall they wouldn't be coming here

If you fucking kikes hadn't blocked the immigration funding bill 6 months ago, claiming THERE IS NO BORDER CRISIS TRUMP IS A RUSSIAN LIAR FRAUDSTER then they wouldn't be in such conditions.

man the fuck up and admit the nazis are the only ones with policies that would have prevented these camps you fucking double kike nigger

He did it for the jews obviously
also for a paycheck

to be a welfare queen

Why do burgers suck soliders' cocks so hard anyways? You'd have to be retarded to go to war voluntarily.
>B-But serving muh country!!!
Imagine being this cucked

Attached: Solider.jpg (720x720, 288K)

They did a damned site worse than that in Vietnam. But this faggot missed any real fighting.

So he could fuck bitches overseas while his wife cucked him at home.

So that he could act like a badass while never exiting the government's womb

One thing i've noticed is that 99% of the boomers who claim to have been in the army never severed a single day in their life or they were pencil pushers behind some desk and never left the MEPS.

>lmao treat the people that would replace you with caviar and fine chese goyim

I served 22 years in the army because i hate the idea of protecting our borders

I've seen this same Greek faggot in multiple threads posting against whites. Cheers for the free rent, you oily faggot

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These children should be dumped on the other side of a big, beautiful, 30 foot, concrete, wall.

all I read

it's super fucked up, I honestly wish every day that their parents and trafficking handlers had known better

>So why did he?
Can't you read? He specifically said "I DID NOT SERVE." Looks like a draft dodger.

"Grandpa, you're either holding this fucking sign with us at the protest, or we'll unplug nana."


Why wasn't he protesting when Obama did it?

Attached: obama'd.jpg (750x375, 96K)

Because then he wouldn't get upvotes on reddit

To fight for the gay disco.



Because Obama was detaining unaccompanied children
Trump made *seperation* the default, as a deterrent.

>I served in the military so that my country could be invaded by 10s of millions of people that shouldn't be here

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Because he is Jewish

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lol yes he did. He signed a paper saying that he agrees to be government property.

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Yeah, you served 22 years in the army so Israel could put Palestinians in cages.

>Why wasn't he protesting when Obama did it?

The anti-American lying mass media didn't tell him to back them.

They told him how "black jesus Obongo" was there to help "spread diversity" and this fucking mouth breathing military moron bought into the propaganda.

You're forgetting he's military and he was brainwashed originally to do as he's told.

The mass media is telling him to accept the white genocide currently occurring in America...they do this by using newpseak words such as "migrant" and showing pictures of anchor babies in cages to invoke white guilt.

I think it's disgusting that anyone would care if nacho niggers are put in cages. If anything, they should be executed.


>just admit it
>just accept it

the calling card of the demon bolshevik
no we do not consent, and no you may not come in

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whats the difference between breaking them up at the border (for verification) and breaking families up after they've stayed a while (Obama)?


Yeah you got to get them out in the open before you napalm them.

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>Implying you're not

You wouldnt even need to actually do that. Just put together a fake ass video and spread it in Honduran WhatsApp groups

You are a retard.
We don't need more welfare. Our taxes should be fixing the fucking gaping potholes in roads rather than feed a dumb spic child gogurt and capri sun in the "camps"

He served so we could keep the children of our ENEMIES in cages, not our NEIGHBORS!

Why do you hold military men to a high standard? They're low iq mongrels with no sense of self direction.

Faggots like him are probably why we lose every war we got into since 1945.



The real solution for shit skin kids.

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Kill yourself.

I'm starting to have a little sympathy for boomer liberals.

What choice does he have but to come to this conclusion if EVERY news source is telling him that we're putting babies in cages? He's not stupid, he's just grossly misinformed.