
Can you guys explain the meme to me? Why are we trying to meme this broad into the white house?

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Are we?

Because we're retarded

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media says Jow Forums trolled the online polling for the debates. I assume Jow Forums had something to do with it.

This. There is some serious shilling going on

It's her BOTs retard


why would she have BOTs out of all the candidates? she has BOBs if you know what I mean :^)

We are not.

what did he mean by this

Because the other "choices" that the burgers have are all LITERALLY Jews, married to Jews, or married their kids off to Jews (ALL 3 of BIDENS ADULT KIDS married JEWS)

She has listened to Zion, but doesn't act for Zion

Attached: TulsiGabbardFam.jpg (700x466, 333K)

Fuck off, Schlomo.

>you guys

I had nothing to do with this.

This. I respect Tulsi Gabbard but she's not particularly offensive in her rhetoric (though ironically the fact she's rational and uses logic is offensive to the left). It wouldn't have the same effect as meming Trump into office.

That being said, Tulsi will never win the Democrat Party nomination, Trump is still our best option for 2020.

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oh. I see.

Here is a rundown of the other candidates

Attached: ((2020dems))4.png (1598x1029, 709K)

kys shill we hate this shit skin slut

pol is a KAG board

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(((We))) are, we arent.

You can tell why the other candidates are getting pushed - they married themselves or kids off to the kikes like trump

Attached: ユダヤ人はアメリカの雲上人だ.png (1599x1522, 2.09M)

Because she will end the military industrial complex and we can stop fighting wars for Israel

when they say that, its usually 8chun using this place as a disguise

republicunt spotted and identified, airstrike ready

>contemporary politics
lol no

Oh snap. You niggers figured it out? How do I download the app? I never got a clear answer in that thread.


I want one for research purposes goddamnit.

shills, there were probably 50+ threads the two days after the debate

Kek wills it.

Attached: putmeinthemiddle.png (1768x5801, 2.47M)

kekistan is a dead meme
fuck off normie

>oh wow someone used their script for a get
>put me in the screencap!

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There is a hacked version of the pirate bay. Worked fine for me.

It's probably just straight up fake desu.

we aren't. some faggot shills are. quite possibly the same shills who comprised the YangGang before the wheels came off of the chinky tiny peepee wagon. you really think we would be for a shitskin woman who's dad is a muslim and who wants open borders and free healthcare for illegal immigrants?