Why can't right wingers start milkshaking anarchist and journalists

I mean, it's already established that milkshaking is not violent at all. Why not borrow the tactic then?

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It's gay. Just bring a slingshot or something.

we are trying to get to boogaloo here ivanovski

milkshakes are not boogaloo. one of the antifa retards that brings guns to rallies needs to pop a shot off

in minecraft

Leftwingers can milkshake people because they're protected by the legal system, if a right winger milkshaked a political figure they would get the book thrown at them.


because the legal system protects antifa, especially in places like portland

Because I am an adult.

it would be better if conservatives used cream pies.

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because milkshaking is fucking stupid and the utmost display of powerless cowards pretending they are delivering a decisive blow when at best anyone milkshaked is mildly annoyed their outfit is ruined but ultimately what does it accomplish??

Nothing but self congratulatory wanking and a vicarious sense of triumph for all the other powerless cowards desperate for the minute dopamine rush of "having fought the good fight"

Nice false flag thread. Sloppy job FBI.

A cream pie with razor blades and glass would be good

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whoa whoa whoa--Jow Forums is a board of peace, fren

Is there lye in the shake?

Because only faggots throw milkshakes at people.

I'd rather shoot them at this point but there's a thing called politicians and the faggot pigs

I think Antifa and SJW use milkshakes specifically because lactose tolerance is 'white privilege' (even though the milkshakes they use are vegan)

We need to come up with an equivalent that is communist or SJW 'privilege'. SJWs are into freebleeding; Use pigsblood or something. Communists are into starving and bread lines; use dough made from wheat or corn.

someone needs to disguise themselves as antifa and begin open firing on innocents or whoever antifa is protesting

This unfortunately.
Most likely. Or something awful.
I like this idea. Perhaps some refining. A very cheap and not very tasty, but not toxic or dangerous lemon or lime meringue could be made cheaply and they are more stable than cream in storage and transport and in flight. If we added a steamer to the base it could be made more aerodynamically stable.

Water balloons full of cheap beer or koolaid fired from those big sling shots could be good too.

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What the fuck happened here? This shit is weird as fuck.


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our milkshakes come in the form of bullets

Like did they all know not to drink the milkshake? What if one person on their side wasn't wise to it and drank it, weren't they concerned about that?

Go ahead and try. You’ll get to take a nice, long vacation to the slammer. And when I say long, I mean LONG. We’re talking 4 lifetimes worth.

thats a jew tactic

We don't care about making our enemies look silly on Facebook. This is why the left does 1000 attacks that do no damage, just trynto make us look silly on Facebook, and when we attack, we kill 50 of them.

>we could teach you but you have no SCAR

they expect one of us in the wreckage

To defeat the jew, one must become the jew.

They're get imprisoned for biological terrorism.

Fuck off kike

that good grammar be


They don't even mention the attack on Andy Ngo, and they don't specify who was responsible for the violence, instead just using vague language like "demonstrators attacked police," leaving it open to the reader's interpretation.


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Oh no, a typo! Also,

>not starting off the sentence with a capital letter
>"themselves" used to refer to a single person
>"open firing"
>no ending puncuation

Neck yourself.

because it's gay and womanly. a man punches a dude he doesn't like. a women throws drinks at him

how is an incorrect contraction or forgetting to say "they're GETTING imprisoned" or whatever a typo? are you forgetting half your brain as well?

stfu sideways cunt

I meant to say "they'd", you fucking idiot.

Attach razor blades to the back of "its ok to be white" posters and hang them around lefty areas. In minecraft of course, I dont advocate this irl

t. FBI
but seriously, assaulting people/use of force to resolve ideological differences is degenerate and unnecessary when you can logically express a superior position.
Assault is literally cope tier when casting an adhom spell fails to add debuff: anger to a target.

well you hit two keys and punched in an "R" and an "E" in the place of where one "D" should've gone. Nah I think you're just a big 'ol dummy lol




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>muh optics
HAHAHAHA what a fag
the solution is simple: quit wasting time waiting on antifa to fire first. They're waiting on us, because they know we have the guns. So just disguise yourself as an ANTIFA and never let anyone know that you're otherwise, and you've sparked the fire.

Only kikes and shills dissuade things that threaten them on this board.

Just shoot them or beat the shit out of them if they fuck with you.

Left wing faggots waste time in the streets that shit is MEANINGLESS.

Have a family, be successful, redpill everyone you meet.

Koolaid and beer filled balloons would be pretty good Antifa would be all sticky and reek of stale beer or suger

The right goes to jail for political violence

The left gets hired by Columbia for political violence

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use bottles of fermented piss instead, and tie an M80 to it. You've got shrapnel and a biological hazard.

Has anyone happened to report on if the newly weaponized dairy has had an affect on just how many boys have been brought to gather in areas of particular land used for specific business? Assuming, of course, that said boys have returned to town in the first place.

Because we're not brainlets and know it just makes your side look bad to be acting so anti-social.

anyone on Jow Forums? idk but the fed is watching antifa. they're their political attack dogs.

A small group inserted could do a lot of damage just punching out other antifa on a signal. Not only would you give most of them their first taste of violence, there's the psychological effect that their ranks are compromised

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You can use your own piss to make white phosphorous

Why does anyone need to fire in the first place? This is about issues that affect our society, and a war of attrition is still two steps back in terms of reaching any ideal living conditions.
Not to mention that groups under persecution tend to build a resilience and prosper like animals backed into a corner. You should always look to win without lifting a finger.

dead bodies send messages

it also adds on to the toll of right-wing violence. people are going to look over antifa because they've been programmed to. if they see people disguised as antifa beating up other antifa, it's instantly obvious who the assailants are and then all media attention goes towards them.

if you disguised yourself as antifa, and shot at some people who antifa were protesting, got caught and never revealed your true political identity, you would have just done more than 1000 infiltrated anti communists at 1000 different protests.

Why? because then the FBI has no choice but to put their attack dog down.

Everyone knows antifa are a bunch of faggot loving, vegan s o y s who throw bricks and m80s into crowds. Imagine if the population had a legitimate case where one "Antifa" had a firearm and shot at people antifa were protesting?

attrition warfare is never ideal, and when one side sees an opportunity to press their advance, they'd be wise to take it


Antifa are the far right's greatest allies, even if they are way too low IQ to realize it. They paved the way for the Third Reich by violently attacking normal, everyday citizens they disagreed with, and they are currently hard at work paving the way for the Fourth the exact same way.



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The thing is, as much praise as the shakers get from lefty media and twitter, they are actually arrested and prosecuted for assault, even in the UK. Do you want that to happen to you?

>Be American
>Get concoction of Ph value 12 thrown at me
>get shot

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>your own piss = DNA evidence

>communist rally
>grrr bash the fash
>down with capitalism

>riding in a rented truck that has its prices advertised on it
>holding a plastic pitcher purchased from a big box store with the marketing label still on it
>wearing manufactured shades

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>frank frazetta
Fuck yeah.

No violence, my friend.
The alt-right needs to start dressing up like Antifa.
Once they do that a few times they announce a new rally, don't show up, and Antifa just attacks themselves.

I'd rather use animal piss

Messages send messages.
Completely disassembling an opposing message and maintaining the status quo when you’re already in the lead is way more valuable.
The problem here is that your advance is the wrong sort. These antifa people have never achieved anything remotely ideal. They don’t occupy cities that turn towards anarchy, and they can hardly tell who their “opponent” is until someone starts talking let alone their allies. It’s doomed to fail.

>member of a (((journalism))) website
>talking bad about the (((media)))

Yeah, not really. Especially not after it's processed into white phosphorus. Fine, I'll use someone else's piss.

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>maintaining the status quo
If that's what you have in mind then you'll be sadly mistaken.

haha nice, this could actually work

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1. its pathetic means of protest
2. unless its the soi stuff. I hate throwing milkshakes (or good food) away. Anyone here a Wendy fan who love frosty? I wish they were closer

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Now that summer is here it should be plain old water. Spray them with harmless water while watching them cower and then laugh in their faces as the police stand around shrugging their shoulders.

Not even a drenching. Just a few squirts to make them freak out because their minds naturally assume everyone is as vicious and violent as them.

Nah rather shoot them.

I know youre trying really har to fit in, but the whole
>durr y do commies use cell phones
argument is as low IQ as it gets

because right wingers pay for their own food

Because you don't disrupt the enemy, when he is making a mistake.

The more leftists are acting out against normies, the more normies will be blackpilled on rule of law. Their tactics will only serve to push the rest of society towards the right. I would refer to Weimar republic, but at least the commies back then actually had some legit grievances

Antifa wears symbols that they use to identify each other. Crossed out swastikas, pride flags, covered face, etc. Join antifa. Surround them. Become them. Let them feel a sense of community with you.
Then start chanting M.A.G.A..
Before long Antifa won't be able to trust each other.

>it's doomed to fail
you're implying we just sit it out and let them fizzle out, that's objectively stupid; we did nothing up until the campaign season of 2016. We watched as they burned venues where right-wing speakers chose to criticize the world we live in now. Sitting around and waiting for a "doomed organization" to fail is foolish. That's about as foolish as letting bolsheviks slaughter you and your family for not being communist, but being okay with it because communism will fail and the bolsheviks will eventually cease to exist.

Imagine this

A pie tin full of whipped cream

But it isn’t whipped cream

It is freshly dispensed Expanding foam

On face. In HAIR. On glasses

What’s their other option? Build their own truck and implements, without the requisite materials and tools used to do so? People who use this argument are straight retarded.

Dumbass, they aint killing anyone. Nothing anyone can do. Mockery is probably the best tool. Deception as well. They're not intelligent. If they were they would realize that everything they are doing is a waste of time.
They're always going incognito.
Go incognito as them.
Spread the wrong message.

I've already joined several places where they play house shows in my local area. I know where they live, I know what they do, I know their favorite music and what they like to eat.

I'm just waiting for something lol I've already redpilled a lot about the jews, but every time they speak out of line in their house, another member corrects them.

this method sounds viable but it's essentially sisyphus's method of escaping his afterlife

The police protect Antifa

And then one day, for no reason at all...

never claimed they were, dumbass, but they will. they meme about gulags and killing the proletariat as much as natsocs do about gassing jews and hanging niggers. if they get a chance to enact their "utopia" with the safeguard of laws being passed that favor their ideals, then another bolshevik uprising is imminent. My solution is quell them once and for all.

>Expanding foam
What damage does this do? I'm unfamiliar with expanding foam

They're going to be mindfucked the second they hear about people dressed as Antifa holding signs that say "Build a Wall" and "4 more years".
They hold such pride in being a part of antifa they will become furious. The amount of triggering will be monumental.
Next time peaceful protests are held, dress up like antifa, stand with the conservatives, and peacefully support Trump and the constitution.

wet foam dries quickly, and if it gets in your hair, your clothes, or whatever, it'll ruin it. If it gets in your eyes, you'll need to seek immediate medical attention and if it gets in your hair you'll have to cut it all out

You basically just pointed out the conclusion I led you to: that it's impossible for them to be communists and not be hypocrites.

Their other option is to not be communist fucks.

>whoa whoa whoa--Jow Forums is a board of peace, fren

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You're autistic

oh okay yeah you got me

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I'm sure you know a great deal about false flagging, special agent.

>don't do anything to shut down your opposition goy

Lets just use guns instead