Why the fuck are they allowed to get away with attacking people?
Portland Antifa Making Chemical Burn Milkshakes
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Because every fascist deserves death
Because the mayor is on their side and explicitly told the police to not intervene. Which of course means Americans who stand against neo-communist terrorists are in charge of their own safety and should bring the appropriate weapons and deterrents, including bats, clubs, mace, and photography equipment to unmask and ID neo-communist terrorists.
Because you won't do anything to stop them, pussy faggot. Sit there and whine and cry, that's all you'll ever do.
Suck a dick, I have way more respect for them, at least they're going out and doing stuff, not just masturbating to catgirls online and decrying the fall of the West.
Adolf Hitler speaks to Americans
Fascist aren't people.
Two different paths in life! Franklin Roosevelt took power in the United States as the candidate of a thoroughly capitalistic party, which helps those who serve it. When I became the Chancellor of the German Reich, I was the leader of a popular national movement, which I had created myself. The powers that supported Mr. Roosevelt were the same powers I fought against, out of concern for the fate of my people, and out of deepest inner conviction. The "brain trust" that served the new American president was made up of members of the same national group that we fought against in Germany as a parasitical expression of humanity, and which we began to remove from public life.
Gonna be interesting to see how the media defends these degenerates after some kid drinks one.
because right wingers don't fight back. How many politicians are condemning antifa and the Portland mayor and police? 0
Why would antifa stop when they get no resistance?
I mean this tactic is like a serious escalation of the violence level, it's the equivalent of throwing acid on someone, if the legal system is just gonna be like "lol we're not gonna do anything :^)" then the logical next step is to respond to "getting milkshaked" with serious / lethal force. If the state's goal is to contain things and keep it from escalating they need to prosecute these people, otherwise it *will* lead to people getting maimed or killed one way or the other
Hitler had the leaders of antifa shot and dumped into pits. Their wave of communist terrorism swept him into power, the antifa foot soldiers were absorbed into the SA.
I'm seeing someone serving milk. How is that cement ?
because the cops support them, same reason the KKK was able to get away with lynching blacks
>t. kike
how plausible is it to buy some skunk water?
I welcome this. The continued breakdown in social order will only benefit us. Here's the thing about communist revolutionaries, they can never be satisfied. No amount of purging can ever be enough.
On the right wing side, once the Jews are exterminated, once the brown people are expelled/subjugated, once the degenerates are crushed, the time for violence will be over. Not so for the leftist, they will continue, because they have no ideology other than 'struggle'.
So, document these chemical attacks thoroughly and well, and let the corrupted cops and courts ignore them. Let this embolden the communists to ever greater atrocities. If we're lucky, this will spark the fire. Once lit, this fire will only be extinguished with blood, commie blood.
Milk doesn't come with a hazard symbol on it.
Neither are commies
these look like fascist individuals to me.
Where's the cement?
I thought that in murrica everyone has guns. Why dont these protesters start shooting each other?
Every Communist is already dead, on the inside and arguably brain dead as well.
They used quick dry cement in the milkshakes apparently the Portland PD are asking anyone who was hit with one to come forward.
>dress up as antifa
>grab one of these shakes
>hand it to some kid of some leftist at the rally
>kid drinks it
This is all in minecraft of course.
maybe right wingers should indulge clown world? based food fights, when?
What does it says ?
>A reporter for Reuters described its effect in the following words:
>Imagine taking a chunk of rotting corpse from a stagnant sewer, placing it in a blender and spraying the filthy liquid in your face. Your gag reflex goes off the charts and you can't escape, because the nauseating stench persists for days.[4]
>However, when tested in India, the product failed miserably:
>We used it on a captive crowd consisting of CRPF personnel and general public. But they managed to tolerate the smell without much difficulty. [...] Those who can ignore [the] smell can drink the liquid also. [9]
Fucking pajeets
Because they're mostly surrogates from the UK and still operate on knife-law logic. They have been shot at, nobody talks about it because threads like this are made by shills.
It's a generic drowning warning label for toddlers and shit
that stuff in the containers is quick drying cement it'll leave acid like burns and permanent muscle and tissue damaghe but it's cheaper and anyone can get ahold of it. I hope one of these days antifa hits the wrong person with one of those and tat person defends themselves.
This is when you show up with a "not a flamethrower" and raise their heat a little bit. If your lucky all that shit they are handling is "not flamable" & "won't" lite. Honkhonk
just be armed in general keep a gun i nthe back of the truck and some buddies around and protect the civvies, obviously antifa is a bunch of terrorist, self defense is legal if antifa keeps doing this shit someone will eventually.
Its probably not a cement container. They just used the buckets to dispense it. While cement can be found sold in buckets it usually comes in bags.
>Portland PD are asking anyone who was hit with one to come forward.
Knowing portland PD, that's so they can beat the victim about the head and shoulders. Portland PD are Assholes that let Antifa attack old people right under their noses.
>thinks cement and milk are flammable.
was the intention to burn people with the cement? or thinking it would harden in time for them to be basically throwing bricks at people?
That meme is actually true.
Did they run anyone down with their car? No? Then SHUT THE FUCK UP!!
Look at this naughty goy, finally learning.
If the police, courts, media, and government won't protect you from violence, then there's no need for any of those systems. You are in charge of your own protection and the protection of those around you. The police and courts LITERALLY EXIST for the sole purpose of making it unnecessary for you to have to beat or kill someone else to defend yourself or others. If they refuse to do their job, then guess whose job it becomes?
That's right. Regular old citizens.
Yeah that's what I thought. I could very well be milk poored in the bucket for all we know
t. devil's advocate
Throwing bricks
wtf is even going on here?
It's a cat litter pail repurposed to hold whatever is in there. The graphic is a warning label to not let your niglet fall in the bucket. The other side is the brand information.
If throwing food is okay, then you should be able to throw blended meat smoothies at the vegans...it will be far more devastating
Wouldn't slipping an m80 into one of the cups fuck up everyone around the table?
Escalation is as escalation does. how dumb
wtf.. my dog has started to react to this.
I am not kidding, I put him on she raised her head ears out, turned it off, down again
what have I done?
They're waiting for the retaliation so they can start thought policing and rounding up the "dangerous radical alt-right Nazi's" you dip.
These are the liberal elites modern red guard.
It looks like powder in the buckets and milk in the pitchers. I think they were pouring cement and milk together and calling it "milkshake" so the cops didn't consider them weapons.
>Mugging Antifa = Waiting until they start burning flags and tossing a mug full of flammable liquid on the crowd
Interesting idea
Meat and peanut butter, mixed with henna dye. Henna stains the skin for a month or more, making them easy to identify in public.
that's the goal, retard. the state needs unrest / threats to justify its existence
how about you don't go in the streets to chimp like a stupid ape. form lobbying groups with like minded people. organize town halls where people who attend donate $50 or $100 to your senator / rep and make them come to you, listen to what you have to say, take the phone calls and listen up to your leaders between town halls, etc.
learn to be white you stupid cretin
>antifa continues escalating unprovoked
soon, lads
Weimar Republic baby here we go!
How many more steps until we get to open shootouts?
As said upthread, I want you to continue to escalate.
Rich kids playing dress up as proletarian revolutionaries.
Yeah it could be too, I just need concrete proof (pun intended) before validating
use zyklon-b (ironically, to kill lice and remove insect infestations) :)
him and his friends
half of them would probably have an allergic reaction die if you put peanut butter in it
They wouldn’t have gotten away with it if I was the person they were fucking with. There were plenty good rocks and stones and shit on the ground, it’s really easy to just pick one up and chuck it at some faggot who hits you in the face with a milkshake.
These people get away with it because the people the bully let them get away with it. If they know that for each of their actions, an equal or more violent one will be dealt immediately back to them, they’d fuck off so fast
well it does here too user, probably everywhere, but eyes would be raised if people started to carry bags of cement wouldn't it?
so they obviously just had in plastic containers not to be stopped or raise suspicion
So you think that white powder mixed with milk was for human consumption?
Citizens united!
I'm guessing it's powdered milk or something.
The whole cement thing came from a tip the Portland PD was looking into but since not a single person who was milkshaked has said otherwise, I'm guessing this is just another exampleof Jow Forums histrionics.
What I don't understand is why someone doesn't just simply infiltrate this group wearing a Che button and mask, have homemade nailbomb, drop it somewhere in the middle of the group inside a backpack, then detonate it, killing and maiming tons of antifa communists? It would be super hard to find who did it. You'd probably get away with it if planned correctly. That's the beauty of these masks, use it against them.
There aren't rocks just laying around the middle of an urban city. Rioters usually break apart curbs and sidewalks to get stones to throw.
I know milk can come with different forms, like powder for instance. I don't see cement, that's all I'm saying
I support this, who will be first to do it?
(((legal system))) is against nationalists just like everything else
Start with yourself, rat.
You’ve been handled with kid gloves so far. Do you really think you can take on millions of armed redneck survivalists when they shut down your food supply?
There are indeed rocks just laying about in the middle of cities, I live in one. Bricks, too, are great.
Burn the Fash!
I wish Jow Forums would be more suspicous of claims made here
I just read chems in shake b4 posting. Didn't see it was cement based. Point still stands.
Cement vs a cone of flame @ their face.
I hope they feel this gung-ho when they milkshake someone with a gun after this wet cement shit is common knowledge.
I feel like people are much more gung-ho to hurt as opposed to getting hurt. I just spent 2 days in hospital with a minor surgery and have 4 stitches in my ass and I am coming to the realization that anything that puts someone in my position right now is a bad route.
I hope we all manage to de-escalate this political hostility but at the same time, I won't feel bad when one of these idiots gets aired out. It's disturbing that they're being basically allowed to do this as long as they don't kill anyone.
How's the weather in Langley, glownigger?
Bullshit. There aren't simply rocks and bricks within arms reach at ant given second that are available to be thrown at a moment's notice.
I hope this theory sticks, bro.
>I thought that in murrica everyone has guns. Why dont these protesters start shooting each other?
Drawing in Multnomah county is the only thing they'll arrest you for.
Hey man I'm chilling in my house one way or the other I'm just saying those are the logical steps of force escalation in the absence of law enforcement doing their jobs "to own the racists"
Is it okay to drive cars into them now?
Right-wingers are all bark, no bite.
All they can do is post baby babble frog memes from their basements, meet them IRL and they are harmless little boys who cry and run away, JFL.
Burn people with a caustic chemical. They would have just thrown actual bricks if they wanted to throw hard objects.
The cops would take that torch from you and arrest you. You might get away with it if you were antifa. Have you even used a torch before?
Nah, I've just always wondered why they don't use their anonymity against them, the wearing masks and shit. Tons of antifa have attacked folks while masked and got away it. At the very least protesting while masked should be illegal. I think they did make it illegal in a few states and the cops were seen taking the masks off antifa fags
Eric Clanton got no jail time. Trump does nothing except tweet. Conservatives are pussies