Anyone getting the feeling that Trump is toast no matter who the Dems nominate in 2020?

Anyone getting the feeling that Trump is toast no matter who the Dems nominate in 2020?

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about 99% sure he won't be president (again)

Trump is going to win, but I am all for the fags and pinkos to getting their hopes up like 2016 for maximum salt flow.

Yet he is moving toward peace with NK.

Getting the feeling that OP is a faggot.

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Trump is going to win, we approve of him as the leader of the US. That's all that matters.
He will nuke iran in his 2nd term.

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>comment by some dude named Corn
I'll leave it at that.

Trump will unfortunately easily beat whatever retard Dems pick, and the white population will easily fall to 20%.

Dems still haven't learned you dont win an election by running against the voters on the other side. As long as that's the case their odds of winning remain minimal and polarization/radicalization will continue.

Nah, that's just political theater. North Korea is not giving up their nukes any time soon. They saw what happened to Gaddafi.

I feel like a lot of these people are ready to break.
I wouldn't be surprised if there were mass suicides after he wins again.

Why are you afraid to let us have a real choice? It's always some wacko pro-Jew like Clinton or some MIGA like Trump who throws us a bone with a fake promise to close the border.

Aside from Yang, Gabbard, Sanders, and maybe Booker they are offering NOTHING DIFFERENT

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>credibly accused of rape
By who

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I don't need no stinking feelings from David Cornhole.

At least when North Korea attacked our spy ship, we were in their waters and they owned up to it.
They also didn't try and murder all our sailors on board.
If you think about it, North Korea is a better ally than Israel as they are an honest enemy.

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I did, then I saw the debates. I was totally resigned, but the way they acted there, the insane shit they said, it was just too much.

It feels good. It feels real good boys. It feels like Trump is back on the menu.


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Not at all. I got the exact opposite feeling when I saw the Dem debates. Nobody on that stage knows how to deal with Trump.

Why do democrats think they can win by calling Trump names? He doesn't give a fuck. The voters don't give a fuck. They'd be infinitely better served by focusing on how useless he's been and how he puts Israel, Saudis, and corporations above Americans. Look at fucking Elizabeth Warren, she's like 150 IQ and she got baited into sperging out about being 1/10000th Native American. She's a fucking idiot, she should have just ignored the entire point. Why the fuck don't democrats use populism, that's their singular appeal?

If anything, Trump will win by a narrow margin. (Popular) dem candidates have done nothing virtue signal for illegals and rural America absolutely hates it. I mean, they debated in Spanish, can you believe that shit? If they can keep America’s eyes on the border until 2020, Trump will win.

go Hillary!

No lel Trump will win again

Stop giving kikes what they want niggers

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I liek how you think burger.

Before or after Iran nukes Israel?

no he has already won

they are out of touch of everything, most importantly the american people

But in all honesty the Zionists will win - regardless of whether or not Trump wins or the mainstream media & DNC's chosen candidate wins.

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Unlikely. I mean were at what, 56% now and people are already getting nervous about white identity rising. When you're 95% you dont need to think about being white. When you're 56%, less so. Doubly so considering the disparity of birth rates between blue and red states. The white kids that are being born are primarily from right wing areas. Meaning the longer this goes on, the more concentrated, concious, and angry the white opposition becomes.

And once it comes to blows, we win automatically unless we're outnumbered 30-1, and even then it's still even odds. How many niggers do you know that can build a fighter jet? Maintain a rifle? Coordinate military logistics and supply trains?

Chin up my dude. I know shit sucks now but nothing that cant go on forever does, and this cant. Move into the heartland, buy guns, and have kids. We've never lost a war against inferiors before, and we're not going to start now.

Trump is destined to win.

Because their base would turn on them creating a low turnout. They made their base crazy zombies and now they're stuck with the monster they created.

Never going to happen, the US will intercept any ICBMs on our behalf before they even reach us

Thank you so much for defending us, our greatest ally!

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Gonna let you in on a little secret.

Most Americans, like the VAST majority of Americans not only don't give a fuck about Blue Checkmark Twitter profiles, they actively hate and despise them.

That is not to say anything regarding the distribution of regular normal Democrats v. regular normal Republicans, but Social Media is a bullshit barometer for sensing the pulse of the American people.

The biggest mistake that shitlibs made was to huff their own fumes and incubate inside of their own echo chamber.

As we are not a direct democracy, they SHOULD be working on winning over swingstates and flyover country to appeal to the electoral college. Instead, they persist to out progress themselves and that ain't reproduction, it's masturbation.

Trump will win, not because Trump did well, but because his enemies are doing things so poorly.

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naw, none of the democrats are electable

>credibly accuses
Opinion discarded

>vote for me because i'm not him
Dems still haven't figured out that trump is what most americans want and it's all due to mass migration across our southern border. If dems ran a candidate that promised to shut the border down and expel illegal immigrants and followed through instead of pretending we can provide free healthcare and policing to the entire world they'd lock the presidency down for at least a decade.
Dems still haven't figured out what the last two elections were about; they're too focused on using illegal migrant populations to spike urban census data and capture more of the house to see what that policy is doing to their positions in the state legislatures, senate, and executive

Because if they do anything but call him and his voters names, they legitimize them. Attempting an honest dialogue with them means accepting that they have legitimate complaints & concerns, and that's absolutely a non starter.

Trump has the backing of Bug ZOG, so he’s untouchable.

Also Dems are running on clown world positions like giving “free” healthcare to illegals and banning semi-autos, and tranny shit.

You have to go back pablo

kill yourself, rat shill


But is trump going to make sure trans-woman can get abortions for free?

Hilarious, considering what the bookies have to say about it. All this idiotic posturing from leftists but how many of them actually have their money where their mouth is? Joe Biden is the closest in the odds and he's not close.

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>Elizabeth Warren
>she's like 150 IQ
Wew lad

they are busy flooding red states with niggers who all vote blue anyway

Nope, that's just you lefty faggots

In 2012 Democratic turnout dropped from 69 million in 2008 down to only 66 million. Why? Because moderate dems were tired of Obama's shit.

Republican turnout increased from 58 million in 2008 to 61 million

In 2016 Republican turnout was increased to 63 million, Democratic stayed the same despite overall turnout increasing by 8 million.

In 2020 Democratic turnout will drop another 5 million and Republican turnout will be 2-10 million larger

So you're a fucking retard with 1PBTID trying to blackpill despite dems looking like shit and losing the moderates for a third election in a row.

At least one of the Dem candidates ticks each one of those requirements.

>credibly accused
Yeah everyone realises now the Left is full of shit when it comes to believing women.

That guy is a shill, you're responding seriously to a shill pushing "amnesty don" memes even though visas are down by millions since Trump became president

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It's a long term strategy. Shilling for illegals might be a short term loss for them, but long term, it means an entire new voting base locked in for them in California and Texas, as well as the rest of the border states.

Wait, is that last bit a sneaky "Russia stole the election"? Holy shit.

What did the betting odds do after the debate?

Trump will 100% win 2020 and there's nothing you shill niggers can do about it

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No, I think that if it isn't Biden he stands a better chance b/c the rest are too radical/polarizing.

That's fine. Hopefully someone else reads it and takes the white pill

I think that post need more buzzwords.

why can't this go on forever? south africa is down to 10% whites and they never rose up, they just made peace with living life under siege.

Buzzword overload. Also isn't that the faggot that was writing articles claiming the dossier to be true and sourced in the FISA warrants?


David Corn's Net Worth. One of the wealthiest TV reporters, David Corn's net worth is estimated to be around $100 million. As the journalist did not open up about his wealth, thus his statics are still not known. Talking about his earnings, David earns through several TV shows and journalism.


>losing SCOTUS for a generation
>Texas will go blue
If this is their plan then im guessing they've got to many browns in their strategy sessions

Every single one of those descriptors is wrong.

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idk man...the average normie Republican boomer is still going to go to bat for him I think with as much fervor as they did in 2016

i don't think the nogs are going to come out in droves like they did in 08 and 12 unless the nominee is black. spics are a toss up quite a few of them are voting Republican now too.

idk I give drumpf 60/40 odds

>Credibly accused of rape

And what was it at its highest? Whites were always outnumbered in Africa. When thing got bad, the smart ones left. The difference is twofold. One, were not outnumbered here. Not yet at least, and not absolutely for a while yet (blacks and Latinos arent going to perfect allies). And two, we've got nowhere left to go. Africa wasn't our home. America and Europe are. The south Africans weren't backed into the same corner we're being backed into.

This. Also
>favoring 13% of the population while insulting 68% will win an election

>Yet he is moving toward peace with NK.
lmao how retarded one has to be to believe in such bullshit? Kim is using Dotard like a doormat he is. Btw "peace" was already announced by Trump and then Kim did whatever the fuck he wanted anyway.

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The dems border policy has legal beans voting R in record numbers

*buzzwords that have lost their meaning, no substantive criticism of Trump*
This is why the Dems will lose.

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Working-class whites in the Rust Belt aren't going to vote for an anti-white SJW shitstain. The only way a leftist can win the RB from here on out is by embracing cultural conservatism. Ain't gonna happen. Leftists will never ditch Globohomo.

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Scotus just blocked citizenship on the census, at least temporarily. And yes, if immigration doesn't stop, Texas will go blue eventually. I'm not saying it's a perfect strategy, but it is one of attrition. As long as mass deportations dont happen and white people dont go to war over it, they win in the end.

This is a troll post right? Cause the dems have no chance

It's still less than 50%. As long as that's the case immigration is a win for Democrats, legal or otherwise.

Do you see trump wearing glasses? No. You know why? He's already got 2020.

>getting the feeling that Trump is toast no matter who the Dems nominate in 2020?
Every Dem candidate supports having borders and free medical care for illegals and even 'free' education pay for by raising taxes. Only a few percentage of voters would be retarded enough to vote for those policies. I think you got your prediction backwards again CNN.

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there's nobody they can line up to compete with him
anybody they line up to be a bigger populist than him wont be taken seriously (yang and aoc come to mind)
noone else than a populist will beat another populist
no establishment-cock-sucking republic which fell into populism ever goes back up without passing by the empire phase first

the coming years are going to be interesting
the democrats surely arent showing any signs of getting in power again before at the very least 2024, possibly later
the Right has found a constituency for a long time: the trump voters, the white people who dont want to lose the country (it's their country but it's also everybody else's: the other constituencies are leeches, rats on the ship)

Trump has changed US politics for more than two terms
The mistake of the lefturds is they fail to understand wtf happened to their fuckfaces
They still dont understand what Trump did and why people support him
Michael Moore understands it and laid it all out in july '16 but lefturds are too fucking dumb to understand fat cunt Moore

There lies a real reality shock to all those lefturds. They're not just globalists, they're intellectual prostitutes and for most of them it comes with a mental impairment which makes them unable to understand wtf is going on even after being bitchslapped and skullfucked on a world stage. They cling onto the hope that the future will erase Trump's victory and presidency. That isnt going to happen. They'll never wake up from their nightmare.

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BTW this is Hillary's campaign all over again
>I'm not Drumpf! Vote for me!
that's not going to cut it

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yeah but the more we wait for the harvest the larger it will be
imagine a republican populist victory in 2024
Somebody who's something like Trump 2.0
Now that would kill a maximum of lefturds

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>Trump is going to win
based israeli nationalist
>He will nuke iran in his 2nd term.
ok you're the spawn of satan, you're going to hell

The Democrats are so fucked it's unreal. I think Trump may grab a few more states depending on how things go

>ok you're the spawn of satan, you're going to hell
God's chosen people, only go to heaven, my baguette fren.

>And once it comes to blows, we win automatically unless we're outnumbered 30-1, and even then it's still even odds. How many niggers do you know that can build a fighter jet? Maintain a rifle? Coordinate military logistics and supply trains?
dunno about murrika but in europe we're toast
keep muslims out

Tucker Carlson. If he runs I'm fully onboard for the end of the republic.

Emperor Carlson. Got a nice ring to it.

>orange man good

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It's far easier to get reelected than it is to get elected the first time. Biden if he stood a chance at all would have thrown his hat in the ring in 2016. The fact he's even running at all, let alone leading the pack shows how much trouble and the lack of political talent the Democrats are facing.

History also goes against democrats, especially when looking at previous controversial Republican presidents seeking reelection. Both Reagan and Nixon dominated the polls despite constant outcry from the left. You could also throw Bush jr into that lot as well, albeit his reelection could largely be a side product of 9/11.

I don’t know. I think Trump is in a uniquely tough spot. Even during the bush times leftists were not nearly as inflamed as they are now. I suspect the turnout will increase for democrats in 2020

and outside of rhetoric, nothing will change. there is no political solution involving Donald Trump he's just the other bread on the kosher sandwich

That's a problem of will. If your people had the energy in them to fight, you'd win handily. But western Europe is covered in a moral ennui that I'm not sure it can recover from. Eastern Europe, though, still has the kind of vitality and confidence you dont see anymore in France or Germany.

I dont know man. I wish you the best, but I'm not optimistic when it comes to western Europe. Never give up though.

By pic related

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The legal beans here in CA stre getting fed up with the extra heat caused by their indio brethren. They know the difference between poor mestizos and successful castizos.

Twitter outrage doesn't translate to a numerous voter base. The internet amplifies those voices and distorts reality.

And they are still less than 50% Republican. Again, as long as they vote for dems more than half of the time, they are an absolute win for the dems. It's just a matter of how fast thay victory comes.

No, I honestly think Trump is going to win again. I really dont care who wins though because i dont think anyone is actually going to improve this country. Every election faggots on both sides get their hope's up and champion these politicians like they are the ones who are going to change the nation and take us into a new age but once they win they dont change shit and things actually just get worse. Too much partisanship and political gridlock for anything major to change. It's pretty much just idiots fighting over which ruling class faggot gets to fuck us in the ass. There is no utopian future for the west.

>black lives matter
>no niggers protesting

>The fact he's even running at all, let alone leading the pack shows how much trouble and the lack of political talent the Democrats are facing.

I agree, they had to beg him to run because the guy didn't even want to run lol.

Harris is the only one who can win because she can just act indignant and shout "I'm a nigger woman bow to your identitarian God!" and instantly garner 90% of the Democratic vote. Biden was eliminated in 2 seconds for being a white male up against 2 layers of identity.

Absolutely retarded, Harris isnt popular at all and shes being attacked by black activists like Tariq for being a token who isnt african American. The black vote is a meme, they have no actual power. That's why they've stopped pandering to them and started speaking Spanish in their debates.

He'll win uncontested. The democrats have shifted so far left that they now only cater to progressives who would have voted for them anyways. They are losing moderates in their ignorance.

Tim Pool covers it pretty well:

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i'd almost feel happy to see these cucks get BTFO'd once again...

He's only running now because Hil's health has declined ro the point she cant go out in public anymore. His best chance was last cycle but Obama had shit on the country so much by then it was a lost cause even if Hillary hadn't bought the nomination. He'll win the primary but not without being torn to shreds by the hoi polloi of the woke dnc. Following that he'll lose against trump and they'll go back to calling the electorate racists etc just like last time.
I swear the left has no conception of aexondary and tertiary knockon effects of their rhetoric