No more competition for us Millennials

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Zoomers are gay tho.

>TRUMP TO TURN 500,000 ZOOMERS INTO corpses for israel
ftfy. kill em all based iran

die for israel goyim

There is no reason for any white male to join a military who sees them as the enemy

A good way to keep hem on the path to becoming generation Zyklon Z

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good luck, about half of those are going to have to be foreign shitskins just doing it for citizenship, plus I though Trump was going to get us out of wars, not prep for THE BIG ONE? What the fuck happened to that guy?

>into crippled or dead men
>and that is a good thing

were you living in a cave the last few years? trump basically threatened even our allies with sanctions and wants war with iran and china and syria and russia and even turkey...


Excellent source you have there as well.
I mean, No one could possibly just post a picture and some words together and then assume its a factual statement now could they? Nope, not with that source you have provided. No way that could happen.

we are passed due for recession anyway. Recession is GOOD, when the recession hits, its TIME TO BUY LOW.

If war starts il move to the US, someone needs to comfort their gfs

trump will only let indian h1bs in, euros are not welcome

I just put on blackface and pretend to be a nigger

I have a valuable CS degree with 5 years of experience. I will not enlist because I have no family an nothing worth fighting for.

Found the kike!

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>CS degree
First to be drafted!

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get in there zoomers
ill be playing wild arms for the ten thousandth time *sips*

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>US Army wants 500,000 bodies for globalist campaign
Yeah, no thanks

I will quit the gym gain 200 lbs.

> is facing significant difficulties with unhealthy, ineligible millennials
Watch them actually raise the recruitment age.
We'll have boomers at boot camp. Lmfao.

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It’s ok, I’m voting Yang/Tulsi

"people" like this should be executed before they further dilute the gene pool.

>Less than 50% of less than 18s are white according to the newest census
>War happens
>Less than 40% of less than 18s are white according to the newest census


Honestly no snark, they will give a waiver for that and make do PT for months at a base some where and then will send you to boot camp!

When he smiles.

>Cultural Appropriation


What happened to all those trannies in the army? You would have thought they'd see a huge influx of enlistment after they started offering free dick chopping operations.

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>Open wound
>Non deployable
They could never be sent to combat, or even the field.

Then why offer said operation?

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White zoomers won’t join, they’re well off and too busy playing Fortnite. Which is honestly for the best. It will mean Iran will be able to kick our asses since shitskins are horrible at fighting.

Obamas last gasp I assume. It no longer is offered. Not sure what the SOP is on trans in the army, I know its okay for gays now.

Why picture of British?

Its part of my culture

Yeah, that's why it's been so easy and quick for us to attain victory in Afghanistan.

The only way we would actually win there and this is true for all wars of occupation throughout history. Is if we offered land and settlements, and encouraged intermarriage. 50 years, there is a Mcdonalds on every corner, and strbucks in every home. Murica!

Anything less is a waste of time and resources, but We are harvesting plenty of resources from there while we are there, so at least several big businesses are making a profit.

Victory is easy. Occupation with no clearly defined endstate and strategy is different.

fuck israel avoid a draft. redpill zoomers as hard possible on israeli wars, except for spics and niggers they can go die for israel.

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yeah, a new draft may be the catalyst for revo war 2.0 or civil war 2.0 depending on how it turns out. And then, the balkanazation of Murica.

All according to plan. America enters her last war in 2020

Military fag here. A 3 million dollar humvee can be destroy by a $100 ied the size of a cafeteria tray. We aren’t deploying anymore. That 500k is needed to run and maintain military bases. Think sweeping streets, cleaning toilets and doing accounting.

This. No one I know would serve for this shithole. The nation wants me to do for it but can't even give me free healthcare and free college? Fuck that. Only a fool doesn't demand reciprocity for something. The US government can go fuck itself Patriotism is a scam

Good luck getting people without any cultural binding to fight for your cause.

jokes on you. I served in Iraq, and have a college degree

t. millennial that outcompetes zoomies

balkanization is something we don't need. during the conflict we need to use as much white phosphorus, napalm, and vx gas as possible on non white populations.

Oh I got mine. I just a 4k check and have been receiving about 2k a month, another 1k soon. This will continue till about April. At which time I will get a Job making 60k+

All because I served 6 years in the Army.

I can also get Viagra for 8 bucks a bottle. Thanks for that one.

lol, cute

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>Of course I am willing to die for Israel how did you know?

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Dude I can do.better than that straight out.of college and I dont have to help murder babies and villagers for Israel. You are a queen who was too lazy/ stupid to get a real job so you became a mercenary. Fuck your service.

>I served the Jews in Iraq

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Oh I dont care for your praise, nor deed I need your thanks. Personally I think its cringy. But, I had some aweseome experiences. Loads of fun, met tons of great people traveled all over the world, experience many different cultures...All on YOUR dime. And now, I get paid to go to school and will have zero debt..Neat huh? Keep crying. It makes me laugh.

That doesn't mean you still aren't a you're cuck faggot for needing Viagra

I dont need it all. But I can get it for 8 bucks and fuck like an 18 yo for hours instead just a normal wam bam.

I mean I dont "need" booze in order to fuck your mom, but it sure makes it a lot easier.

This won't happen, it's a marketing move to scare other countries. Same thing he did with "calling back" the drone with only 10 minutes to go. I can't believe you retards are falling for his schtick. It's classic negotiations, and Trump always makes himself seem extreme/crazy... yet how often does he do extreme crazy things, and how often are they rescinded at the last second when his opponent does what he wants?

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I'm here in the hope of brilliant gifs mixing zoomers doing the fortnite dance and Iran / war.

I also went to school free but I studied in high school and got a scholarship instead of hiring myself out to the military industrial complex.
I paid taxes for the first time this year so your leeching didnt hurt me at all. I hope you invade some nation and step on an IED, you worthless faggot.

>We are harvesting plenty of resources from there
From Afghanistan? Like what?

Opium and boy pussy

55 yr old literal Boomer Jow Forums and ready for duty.
When you find me, my foxhole will be surrounded by thousands of bodies of Enemies of The Republic.
Please bury me with my Congressional Medal of Honor.
See a very select few of you in Valhalla frens.

its comfy tho, neet life on steroids

A draft in 2020 with the Internet would burn this country down. Only ones that would go would be a few whites and the rest would use the race card. Then again, I don’t blame anyone dodging the draft and I’m a vet. Fighting for Israel and the Saudis. Fuck that shit.

The Tranny-maker needs more able bodied males to meet its 2022 goals.

So he's training them for the upcoming civil war?

It's funny how the Army can't admit it, but the reason we had to get rid of the draft the last time was due to lazy niggers and their negative attitude demoralizing other whites around them.

Really? Never heard of this. I know that in WW2 the blacks rioted a few times.

national socialist revolution :D

Learn to look up things, fatass.

It should be 100% women to make up for all the wars they missed.

WW2 was only draft, i dont think you could have volunteered

>A billionaire from Jew York with jewish kids and grandkids said something so it must be true
An hero immediately.
Shoo shoo Jow Forumsraeli.
You're already senile if you think any white with half a brain from my generation is going to willingly fight for the jews.


People routinely volunteered. The draft works via a lotter calling up days of birth. The call up birth dates as they need men in order.
Fun fact: WW2 had a higher draft dodging rate than Vietnam

Wasn't Trump the anti-war candidate?

There were plenty of volunteers, but the draft was instated in order to control the flow of recruits.

>Your vote matters, goy.
Die, kike.
We're not a white nation anymore and haven't been for sometime. As long as Western Europe gets its shit together soon and prospers, that's all that matters.
We grow a metric shit ton of opium for drugs there. You really thought the jews would let any land, even shithole land go to waste when Judaism must still be enacted? Fuck no...

Bet that thing smells like queefs

It will be for the war with Mexico

Actually China.

Nope, china will help us as they can grab land

You don't know how to read. There is a high probability that you aren't white.
*race war
>Trust me fellow goyim, I'm a ZOGbot just like you'll be!

>forced to be surrounded by a bunch of dudes for months/years on end
better than being surrounded by women though

>Ha! I served the jews personally already so I won't have to again!
You sure owned them epic style dude.
Nobody cares old man. The fact that you brag about needing jewish medications to do something every MAN can do and you can't is the only funny part of your rambling.
This isn't (((/ptg/))), you senile old boomer fuck.
>I can be a degenerate for even longer now with the help of jewish drugs.
Who exactly are you trying to impress, old man?

they'll fix that
a sacrifice i am willing to make

You're already senile.
You are a retard.
>Wasn't a billionaire from Jew York with jewish kids and grandkids the anti war candidate?
An hero immediately, brainlet.
Don't copepost.

>Trump to turn another generation of what could be decent men into cannon fodder for Israel
I know you all are smarter than this.

>be me
>get drafted
>shoot first Israeli I see when I'm over there
>spend the rest of the time in a comfy federal prison and "dishonorably" discharged

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2017 - Trump avoids war with North Korea
2018 - Trump avoids war with Syria
2019 - Trump avoids war with Iran

Have you been living in a meth-fueled haze of sodomy in an antifa squat house the last few years? The neocon kikes have been staging false-flags and pushing for perpetual war but Trump has been refusing them every time.

Unlikely, probably sent to gitmo or kike prison for "questioning" about your undeniable cooperation with the egyptian/syrian government (or whichever retard they want to declare war on next)

Yeah, that could happen too but fuck it

Honestly more redpilled zoomers should join the service, just be smart about it. Don't be a disposable grunt, be special forces, officers, etc.

yes yes more bodies for Israel MORE BODIES FOR ISRAEL

IRR already expired

opium AND Lithium

Time to start fragging draft officers then

t. retard
> implying any kike would actually be helping the US fight their wars.
I don't think you know how this works.

Yeah I'm not going to let my white zoomer ass get drafted for weimerica after all it's done to me. Police zogbots will fuck off after lead starts whizzing past their heads because they do what they do for a pension. I'm full of piss and vinegar for the sake of western civilization. These zogbots will never take my ass alive

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They have more active troops now.

I wanted to be a zogbot but I'm medically disqualified from all service, celiac disease