fuck antifa
Other urls found in this thread:
>where, when who what why?
>A fucking Twatter link
As usual, OP is a fucking fag, but bump
Based. Helicopter rides incoming.
"Joe Biggs
Verified account @Rambobiggs
18h18 hours ago
NEW THREAT: Antifa Plans Acid Attack on D.C. Free Speech Rally, Promises To Blind Attendees - Big League Politics"
I wish a nigga would.
>try to beat someone by playing right into their hands, on their turf, surrounded by LE and media sympathetic to their cause
KYS FBI/ C_A nigger faggot
In Portland, you fucking mongoloid. Learn to make a fucking thread.
"Joe Biggs
Verified account @Rambobiggs
Big Portland rally Aug 13th. I’ll be there and I want to call on all men tired of these antifa scum to show up and let’s put a stop to these fucks!!!"
Portland, Oregon August 13th
STFU, nogun. I have to live here.
Profa when?
You can also STFU.
What's wrong with fa?
How epic would it be if a bunch of guys armed with shotguns just unloaded into a pack of antifa in minecraft.
Will be fun to watch the streams.
>watch party?
Bump. I expect big things after yesterday's season opener.
then get smart. Fuck, for a cuntry who has done nothing but fight against rag tag insurgencies for a decade you sure still act like its 1776 and just cant stop yourselves lining up against the redcoats at the prescribed time and place like retards.
Fuck yourself, Unite the Right cunt.
Sounds like "Profa" is the new "Alt-Right"
Some bullshit label to smear regular cons and libertarians as evil nazis. Glow fuck
>anti-antifa protest
>big team HEMA competition
antifa and the people who go to these protests don't give a shit about politics. they just want to beat each-other up
>TLDR nogun sheep herder rant
I told you to STFU
Profa would be people who are pro-fascism or sympathize with fascism, like myself.
Jow Forums already tries to convert libertarians by saying 'b-but the blacks will just shoot you with guns!'
yep, and I said KYS entrapment nigger
>Vanilla ISIS
No. Conservatives go to them because they want to express their views without getting beat up. Wear a MAGA hat in DT PDX or one of the Oregon universities and tell me how it goes.
Antifa and uber-left have made some cities no-go zones for middle of the road cons and even liberals, and it has to stop.
You got some balls talking shit about other countries.
No shit. Good for you, faggot. Stay home.
Fascism is an ideology of peace.
Then I have no worries about you showing up.
>entrapment nigger
Here's a new term you can share with your school mates in September; Agent Provocateur
Entrapment is a totally different thing.
Yrs it is but it wont be any dickless coward faggot of Jow Forums real men like biggs need to form up and do it
Charlottesville 2.0
>EVERYTHING IS AN OP!(continue to let Antifa run PDX)
In the case of Alt-Lite fags like the Proud Boys who literally turn over their members to the FBI, they are the definition of Feds.
dead thread like the dead right
>max summerfag edge
I don't care who lights the match. And unless you live here, I don't give a fuck what your opinion is.
Lol yesterday's protest was hyped for like a year and barely anyone showed up
The opposite is true.
It wasn't hyped at all, and a fuckton of black clad trannies showed up.
>It wasn't hyped at all,
It was the only thing PP talked about for months.
>fuckton of black clad trannies showed up.
Yeah, to counterprotest. The fact that more of them showed up is bad, you know.
>two posts this ID
>It was the only thing PP talked about for months.
It didn't make it out of those circles. I was watching, and promoting it a bit. Nobody knew or cared.
>The fact that more of them showed up is bad, you know.
Because nobody knew it was happening except them. And without any real enemies, they assaulted gay Asian and drunken retard Andy, and PPD. The next one will be much better attended.
Who the fuck is this guy? And does he have any Jew or Jesuit or Soros connections?
How about you stay out of Portland and Antifa stops slapping your ass? No one wants you here.
Somebody did a real number on you, bud. Just sit this one out. You are safe here.
fuuuuck, this is too far away, make it closer to the great lakes so i can drive over
>How about you stay out of Portland and Antifa stops slapping your ass? No one wants you here.
How about you move back to Brooklyn and stop claiming ownership of a town I've called home since '75.
And know this. When I see an Antifa flag on a person, I make them run or fight. Every time. Maybe sometimes I have to wait until I'm free from cameras, but every time. Know this.
Bump. Gunna take a walk now. Maybe clear out a homeless camp on the way.
Is this what is considered white in America?
Reminder, only about 3 of them could pass this test
Come at me bro. Portland banned your ass, go be white trash back in the scrub land.
>The next one will be much better attended.
Yeah like unite the right 2
Oh wait
is my dick what you consider a lollipop, jew nigger faggot?
trump 2020 faggot kike
don't show up
don't show up
thread reeks of alphabet soup
don't show up
thread reeks of alphabet soup
don't show up
thread reeks of alphabet soup
don't show up
thread reeks of alphabet soup
don't show up
thread reeks of alphabet soup
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thread reeks of alphabet soup
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thread reeks of alphabet soup
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thread reeks of alphabet soup
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thread reeks of alphabet soup
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thread reeks of alphabet soup
don't show up
thread reeks of alphabet soup
don't show up
thread reeks of alphabet soup
don't show up
thread reeks of alphabet soup
>founding fathers - white anti-authoritarians
>patriot prayer - brown bootlickers
>proud boys - brown bootlickers
>antifa - white anti-authoritarians
>Implying all such counter protests so far werent organized by faggots with direct ties to high ranking demoshits and soros
Not my problem. Your side didn’t stick with the whole “Unite the Right” thing. Why should I lift a finger to agitate for your milquetoast self to wear a MIGA hat?
This. These groups are just browns trying to larp as conservative whites in an attempt to get praise.
Finally. Wish i could be there
Groups that antifa types are affiliated with are easy to infiltrate. If you live in a city go visit your radical book store and look for flyers hanging up. You will see upcoming meet ups and events they use to recruit new people. I've done it twice they don't suspect a thing.
Why did they have to push us this far? We only wanted to be left alone to play our vidya.
Stay fucking armed - no reason to go out & not shoot one or all of these fuckers in the face when they begin with the violent "we don't do debate" faggotry. Why aren't you packing, user?
Based Aussie is more American than all of you combined. cannot take over/out antifa, its not "the antifa", its "the antifas". when you infiltrate/take out one of the groups, you infiltrated/smashed only this one group! the only thing thats unite them is to fight the right wing, the state and the status quo - mostley they fight each other for idiological stuff too, so they are in some ways like /pol, something thats reflects everything on its own and is from the outside imune against manipulation/destruction ans pisses off many people.
..just my personal observation, can be totaly wrong!
Some people get it. For all the talk about glow in the darks and JIDF compromising the board, few consider that they do it because it's effective. And you don't end up getting arrested for finishing a fight someone else started (which will happen and is what limited the effectiveness of the Proud Boys)
Even a glownigger can be right twice a day.
Antifa needs to start dying in the streets to send a message to their (((handlers.)))
hey guys remember fighting back is wrong and anyone who says fight back is a glownigger
that would be seriously epic,
or if someone were to snipe em as well,
in minecraft of course
>calls for a large rally
>plans event for a Tuesday
Na faggot you misunderstand. Strike back, but do not strike first. Glows are the ones telling you to bring paint ball guns and escalate. And no, taking revenge for acts not committed directly against you are not justified. Retaliate for something that happened moments ago at the same event, not days prior in another state. If someone swings a tire iron at you, break their fucking arm.
Destroy communists
Alright, I chuckled.
So drones of peace are not okay?
in case you need a theme tune...
Dante's, at Midnight, sweet meat.
>it's time to take out antifa
if they don't have at least 2 teams of 3 with ar-15s putting antifags in bodybags then i don't care about some cucksoyvative counter protest faggotry
if you're going to do it, challenge them to come to the deep south in a dark red state. or just bomb Portland that day
>People hate Antifa for boomer-tier reasons or because Trump reasons
>I hate Antifa because of actual corrupt, perverted, subversive, shit they're involved with such as drug pushing, trafficking, statutory rape, pedo shit, LGBT nonsense, etc.
Also, Antifa aren't fascists. They're mercenaries, hence why they always sport the whole anarchy and punk shit.
oh no im for that. problem is you get the same pussy 4channers who say dont fight back.
i am for making these people bleed. Personally i want groups of us to tear their masks off so they can be identified
This. Just let Portland police do their job. And do you really NEED to wear a MAGA hat? You are just asking for trouble.
>unironically supporting a terrorist organization of degenerates.
This is your brain on retardation.
>They're mercenaries
mecernaries are trained and actually fight. antifags are just paid to stand around and somehow look beta even though they're wearing comic book villain costumes
There's a time and place user, just make sure we aren't liable for any severe charges, or are at least capable of proving them wrong. Sometimes violence is the answer if things are dire enough, but most of the time violence can be easily avoided if one has a plan.
>And do you really NEED to wear a MAGA hat? You are just asking for trouble.
we're in america you faggot. i can wear any god damned hat i choose and if you have a problem with it you can go eat shit
And do you really NEED to wear an American flag? You are just asking to get your food spat in.
>Anti-Antifa rally
>Somehow MAGA faggots try to hijack it and make it a Trump issue.
Don't people realize that not everyone against Antifa is a Trump-supporter?
Checked. This is the correct answer
not everyone eats at shothole restaurants where subhumans touch your food
Antifa are the unwitting zombie golem army of the globalists, their aims and objectives line up perfectly with the elites they believe they are fighting against, it's amazing how deluded they are
this is true. i'd use the same gasoline to burn antifags and magapedes
Antifa has different types of people for different purposes. You have the SJW weaklings talking the most shit and in the front, because people aren't allowed to hit girls. Then you have the skinny skaters acting as scouts. Then you have the kike not even at a rally and doing things remotely on a computer. You also have the Junkies being muscle. Then you have actual trained people that are more of a last resort or agents of sorts that are introduced to the group as a new special member hired from the outside, much like how a new CEO or manager comes into a company and revamps the rules.
>Anti-Antifa Protest
You are just a fucking pussy to cowardly to fight
God damn. Also areas that allow full mobility of antifa, and downplay all their actions are already controlled zones. If you want to fight puppets, behind enemy lines, go for it. If you wanted direct action to be taken, let the city showrunners know they aren't hidden. Take the protests to their homes, their childrens schools, their favorite resurants or shopping stores. Make them live in what they are pushing. The zogbots called antifa will follow like sheep if you play the tunes they want to hear. Heard them to their masters bed, and let them take a shit in it.
Absolute classic, I though it disappeared from the interwebz and my backup was the only copy...........
>Then you have actual trained people
nope. i don't believe this for one single second
Beat's a milkshake
Do you have a fact based argument? Afaik, most Jow Forums users don't have a dog in this fight. The police and military do nothing to defend the constitution.
Snek flag
American flag
Republican garb
Christian garb
Anti-abortion garb
Anti-faggotry garb
Anti-immigration garb
Jow Forums and kek frog bullshit garb
All of those things would make you a target in Portland. Antifa isn't selective. But sit back and do nothing, because you aren't a snek flagarian.
No, we just let you spin in circles defending corporatism or degeneracy as you sell your souls out to win arguments. Or when you just dig enough and realize we're right.