FINISH THE WALL. Simple as that. How fucking hard is it to finish the wall?

FINISH THE WALL. Simple as that. How fucking hard is it to finish the wall?

Attached: 13-trump-finish-the-wall.w700.h700.jpg (700x700, 81K)

If it's that easy you do it

Im drunk af so fuck the wall

Pretty hard with no money to do it with.

Drinking is for narcissists.

maybe you're new but Orange Faggot is a traitorous subhuman who was put in power to calm the whites

Attached: Dwj-UBLWsAAbXfK.jpg (500x682, 85K)

I'm impressed by how much he's done already.


seems like the traitorous rats always find money for their puppets

Attached: 1550289602504.png (933x697, 515K)


I bet (((you))) are

Attached: 1553537795310.png (810x601, 434K)

puppet *masters

I am

Go put some bricks in there or whatever the fuck a wall is made of

Orwellian phrasing detected. Where has it 'started' exactly? Is re-erecting existing fences 'starting wall construction'?

daily reminder ALL politicians are servants of the jew

Attached: traitorous rat.jpg (1147x1058, 155K)

for now* ;)

It could have been done by now if Trump fought for it. Instead he ignored immigration for 2 years, then caved on the shutdown.

you need a permit for that goyim.

As soon as Nana & Chuck give the OK, but first, Drumpf has to take care of Israel!

Attached: Trumppuppet.png (640x318, 185K)

he was a puppet from the start.

notice how not one judge sued Orange Faggot for anything he's given or done for Israel. They never seem to have the right amount of "republicans" or "democrats" when it's time to help Americans. nope, it's always "in 2 years *IF* we take muh senate, muh house, my courts"

they all work for the same cause ..jews

This. Doesn't he realize he is the President? DJT not Pelosi and not Schumer.

The hedge will be planted any day now.

Latest news!
Just arrived in a bottle picked up from the sea!
It's hard because the Congress is filled with obstructing and/or corrupt faggots who need voting cattle, weapons, and/or cocaine and human fuck-toys for the elite to flow freely across the border.
We know this all the way across the Atlantic ocean, how come you don't see it in your own home?