Is it racemixing

I am Polish and my girlfriend is Portuguese, would our offspring be considered a mutt?

I think yes because Portuguese is at most borderline white, but she says it's not because Portuguese is white.

Then again some consider slaves not white and I am not very sure either. So if neither Portuguese nor Slavs are white is it race-mixing? Will a Portuguese-Pole mutt be closer to white or further from white than the parents?

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It's not necessarily race mixing but you're still putting together two very different bloodlines. At least find another slav.

Portuguese is most definitely white, also it doesn't fucking matter just be happy.

Jesus christ you brainlet. If you live her and you guys are good together than stick with it. Dont throw your life away because a bunch of 300 pound unemployed virgins on a Japanese cartoon forum duped you by telling you nonsensical stories about genetic purity and "master" races.

So many fucking idiots on this board. The fact im still here must mean im one.

German flag?


Cool story abdul. But in fact she is retarded to have a children with a slav mutt, a people that achieved nothing on 2000 years of history

about the white thing, well thinking about it it was iberians that even created the term white, when you were living on caves.
But yes we are blacks

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and your pole-portuguese son will genetic cluster in the red-dot. kek

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Poles and portugeese people are so close on the gene pool that it won't even matter
Your child will be white polebro go make some little europeans
Maybe vacation or something

A co kurwa problem masz biedaku pierdolony że nie uciekles z tego lasu jeszcze? To zapierdalaj za 1500 głupia cipo i cierp

Yes, your offspring will be considered mutt.
Yes, you should dump her.
Yes, you should come back to Poland.

That's all the answers you need, disregard anything else.

>300lb desperate and unemployed virgin gives people life advice

Yep your one of us bucko :)

it's okay bro. America was built like that

>but she says it's not because Portuguese is white

You really need to ask your gf if she actually knows the history of her own country, it seems not. Calling anything in Europe 100% white is pushing it, in the Iberian part only if you are crazy.

Slavs and Iberians are both Not White to the kinds of people who who call one or the other Not White, so who cares, really? Hans, Deiter, George, and Thor aren't going to think your baby is much better as a fullblood Slav.
On the other hand, you are obliterating any Ports or Poles that would be born from you two. Your Mutt will be White by most people's definition but your two sub-races move slightly closer to extinction.
On the third hand, Whites will be so lucky to escape extinction at this point that trying to preserve every little clan and tribe at the cost of a full litter of white babies is absurd.

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The south americanc clueless monkey will teach what europeans are.

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genetics are less imprtant than culture.
the bigger question is what identity your child would be raised with.
if you are just going to embrace global judea-americanization then it doesn't matter what mutt mixture your abomination comes out to be

this, and anyone who has spent any sort of time in america or a "global city" understands this is where we are headed.
it doesn't matter who whites consider white, it matters who browns consider white and on that front both ports and poles are slated for extermination/replacement

Agreed. It's not really you who decides who is White or not. It's the mass. And that mass is non-Whites. I would never reject a Portuguese that is fleeing to my house to find shelter from niggers. Fellow Europeans can have their infighting if it really has to be once everything is secure and not as we are in danger. White nationalism is unironically the red pill. Kein scheiss.