How come Jow Forums is against socialism?

If we mine this, we could literally make everyone on the planet become Bill Gates, and even turn all the cities into El Dorado. The future is bright comrades.

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I love how dumb these people are.

How is this still getting posted? How come you don't know basic economics?

Jow Forums btfo

We should just print off enough money so everyone is a billionaire. Why haven't we done this yet?

>gold asteroid
I can already hear jews rubbing their hands

You personally wouldn't see a dime of that money, but you WOULD have to pay for it with higher taxes.

But who am I kidding? You live with the folks, and smoke weed and eat Cheetos all day.

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You stupid faggots, we don't bring it to earth, we mine it and use it to explore the rest of the universe.
For fuck sake you single minded dumbasses. Get your heads out of your fucking wallets jews.

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Basic Economics == Crapitalist economics. Doesnt apply in a socialist society where supply and demand doesnt dictate the price of the fruits of labour

>implying Jow Forums is against socialism
Jow Forums just wants the nationalism part, too

Also, the golden asteroid will deflate the value of gold, not make everybody rich. Would be good though, because gold is pretty useful industrially because it's almost entirely non-reactive.

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You think that’s a bad thing?
Do you know how useful gold is? Your processor uses a gold alloy because of its consuctivity and malleability. Imagine how cheap processors would become, imagine how much more powerful they could make new ones to meet the price gap created.

yeah and at the rate they've been moving in recent years they'll succeed in bringing back a small sample in 2092

So National Bolshevism? That's basically Stalinism and Jow Forums despises him

>basic economics
Are you retarded, I love these posts.

Sell this soulless metal back to the R•thsch•lds while you still can. I'm keeping a single lunar coin for each of my wife's and my birth years. Sell the rest while you still can.

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No you've got it all wrong

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>Do you know how useful gold is?
It's not.
The price of gold is not a limiting factor in processor development.
Having more gold will not make CPUs "more powerful".
The value of the copper in the heatsink on your CPU fan is worth more than the gold used in your computer.

There was nothing "socialist" in Hitler's National Socialism, he was just your average megalomaniac fascist like Mussolini

>stalinism is natbol

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It's iron and sulfur is why it looks gold lol.
This is the world of media liars.
Check the burg names of those (((scientists))).
Some stupid ass is going to give them billions to mine it lol.

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We had that some 30 years ago.
We were all millionnaires, and I would get a 1000 as daily school money.
Shit was cash. Or cash was shit, depends how you look at it.
Then the socialist government ran out of food.

The State paid mothers to stay at home and raise children, user. Not to mention the universal healthcare

>make everyone on the planet become Bill Gates
That's not how wealth and (((the current world order))) works.

Ahhhh wait everyone is a billionaire..........but then everyone has the same amount of money......... so uhhhhhhhhhh then I will be as rich as everyone else is my poor ass I am still a poor as nigga

>Because 'socialism' is poverty for everyone
If this is real, it would severel change my mind.

Socialism can only work in a homogenous society.
The (western) world is (unfortunately) increasingly less homogenous (thanks to faggots like you), therefore socialism is retarded.
/pol is pretty much not retarded, apart from faggots, paid shills, & commies like yourself who keep torturing yourselves by bombarding /pol with idiotic questions with obvious answers.

Just like Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Norway, but of course those are not socialism according to Jow Forums right

pol hates reality, they are idealists

>those are not socialism according to Jow Forums right

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Whenever there is a thread about it, Jow Forumstards repeatedly claims they are not socialist countries

You know nothing.
Been lied to.
Once you learn you live in a world of lies you might get better.
Your idol Churchill is a war criminal and exterminated more than 1/3 of the white race. Then he opened the doors for the Jewish Russian Hellstorm that killed all the rest of the men and raped and murdered the women and children.

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yeah I remember this . morning - we had the money for my reeboks. evening - its the diadora for you mate, inflation ate your reeboks.
All hail Videnov and his crew

>continues to believe in imaginary socialism
There's already more than enough resources on earth for everyone to be wealthy. Or there were.
If you believe in this Hope and Change tech bullshit then you are worse than a socialist, you are a reddit capitalist.

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Socialism is one of those things that ONLY works on paper and even then only as like a short, one paragraph elevator pitch.

The moment you analyze any deeper than that it all falls apart. To say nothing of actually trying to adopt socialist policies.

Or it devalues gold to a point where Jewish people commit yeetus yeetus self deletus. We shouldn't go there goys.

Imagine understanding this little about economics.


They aren't, lol. Nowhere near. They're more socialist than America, but nowhere near a real socialist state. And they also only perform that decent because they consist of a mostly homogenous white population.

>Imagine thinking that raising taxes for reach people will make poor people less poor

Actually Mugabe did this and everyone in Zimbabwe is a trillionaire

Their trillions of dollars can’t buy anything though

>How come you don't know basic economics?

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>imagine that memes are strictly literal and always lead back to DUH DEMZ
You need to go back.

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Even the Danes say they are not socialist, you crooked toothed fuck.

Well I'm for socialism, maybe not in it's current form but it's still better than "elitists version of capitalism" (funny though how Jow Forums defends capitalism while the majority being somewhere between the middle and bottom)

"When everyone is super, no one will be"
based Incredibles teaching children economy

only gold pressed latinum has any value.
who cares about common metals.

If everyone on earth becomes a billionaire, then the value of the currency decreases to almost nothing you fucking idiot. A can of coke would be like $4000.00

Good got.

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so we can all be billionaires like they are in Zimbabwe, like they were in Weimar Germany? Sounds great!

It's way better to make every jew a trillionaire. The jews deserve that asteroid because of soap & lampshades.

How fucking stupid are you Ahmad?
If everyone is rich, no one is rich.

This is some Zimbabwe level shit.
Literally, Zimbabwe printed more money thinking it will make them all rich, even printing 1 hundred trillion notes. Now, look at those filthy niggers.

Import Nigs and Shitskins and the IQ levels drop pretty fast.

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Because it's fucking awful. Trust me faggot you wouldn't want it.

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Venezuela tried to set a price for goods, now they're all fleeing here.


>thinking that mining tons of gold would actually make people richer rather than just make gold less valuable

lrn2economy dude

Cool, gold will be absolutely worthless now. I hate jewelry fags

So this is how the jews plan to kill off gold and keep the fiat ponzi scheme going. Looks like (((nasa))) studios will be giving us another fake moon landing soon with this asteroid. "Your gold is worthless now goy, invest in more boomer stocks". Crypto FTW

The first country that will take ownership of that asteroid will become the master of the earth. It will be the situation of Spain in the 17th century only multiplied by 1000.

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>Everyone gets a billion quid
>A loaf now costs £1,000,000
Retard. Stay the fuck away from economics.

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if everyone is rich
noone is

The gold is not going to be distributed. It will be kept by the first country taking ownership of the asteroid. No matter what happens to the price of the gold that country will become the master of the planet.

>thinking (they) wont hoard the wealth and fuck over everyone else

Come on many years have you been on this planet

Precisely. Look at Zimbabwe. The land of starving trillionaires.
Jesus Christ as long as people like OP are allowed to breed, we literally cannot advance as a civilisation.

- This is not news, I heard about this asteroid some years ago in a program about space exploration.

- The asteroid is mostly composed by iron, not gold

- The (((journalists))) never factored in the cost of exploring the asteroid. Best solution would be to park the asteroid in orbit or crash it on the moon.

Forget about redistribution. It makes no sense. Taking ownership of the asteroid makes sense for a country because it can knock out the economy of the rest of the planet overnight. No matter the devaluation the country possessing the asteroid will have the absolute majority of the wealth of the world.

If this actually does happen I’m going to put most of my money into put options for gold/precious metal stocks.

Im thinking this asteroid of gold likely doesnt exist to begin with, and its going to be more of a psyop "landing and mining" with faked images and videos of warehouses of bullion just to devalue the perception of the value of gold. But of course if it exists amd can be mined, some jews somewhere will hoard it

>As much gold as you want but nothing to eat

There was a Carl Banks story about this, you know? Uncle Scrooge lands on a gold asteroid, there was an alien stuck there with all that gold and nothing to eat.

Just the existence of this story and this supposed golden asteroid, the more it gains traction and public knowledge, will have a devaluing effect on gold. Media will be pushing this shit for sure

t. Spanish Empire

You can eat gold dumbass

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you fuckers eat this shit up

when will caperntards learn