Taylor Swift just got JEWED



>This is my worst case scenario. This is what happens when you sign a deal at fifteen to someone for whom the term ‘loyalty’ is clearly just a contractual concept. And when that man says ‘Music has value’, he means its value is beholden to men who had no part in creating it.

>“When I left my masters in Scott’s hands, I made peace with the fact that eventually he would sell them. Never in my worst nightmares did I imagine the buyer would be Scooter. Any time Scott Borchetta has heard the words ‘Scooter Braun’ escape my lips, it was when I was either crying or trying not to. He knew what he was doing; they both did. Controlling a woman who didn’t want to be associated with them. In perpetuity. That means forever.

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we warned her, she didnt listen

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will she write a song about it or just get fatter like her mom?

Add her to the Trump curse collage

>it's just like paying the toll, it hits you eventually

I remember this whore got all liberal in the press
I remember because I never paid her any mind again.

Good riddance. She actually chose this with her words and her worship.

how are jews so lucky? So many just barely escaped the gas chamber

Now we wait for her to blame white people. The symptoms of internalized Judeo-Leftism are routine and predictable.

Good, she’s a lefty. Learn things the hard way

that was like 9 months ago pothead get it together
cool it with the antisemitism bro

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based dragon ball poster

>Scooter braun is a disguting jew

Jesus christ Taylor calm down

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Dumbass liberal got what she deserved. This is your brain on liberalism folks.

So she got Brittany Speared huh. Stripped of all accomplishments, wealth and family once your usefulness was gone. Inb4 she anheroes.

Niggers I went to High School love to see her get BTFO. Why does she make them seethe? What did she do in the past? (the butthurt has been going on for a while)

Literally who the fuck is scooter and why is it so bad he owns her songs and shit now? An answer besides "he's a Jew" please, because everyone in music is.

>Expecting us to have pity when she just got done shitting all over us for shekels.

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Bro she has a 400mi net worth. The guy bought her catalog of songs meaning they'll both share the profits of these songs from now on

I dont know why shes so mad

Bohoo. She made her bed.

>is in music business
>doesn't understand what "music has value" means
>doesn't understand that giving away rights to your work means you no longer have any rights to your work
>business men making a deal is "controlling women"

Get a grip, T-Swizzle.

>"Braun is a filthy kike. An absolute jew, he needs gassing. I will crush his judaic family"
DAMN she's ruthless!

>Controlling a woman who didn’t want to be associated with them. In perpetuity. That means forever.

So fucking hot

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brauns a tick in a coon dogs ear right now


How do record companies even exist in the current year with all the commercially available computer production and distribution options. You should be able to build a home studio for a few hundred grand at most. A list celebrities have no excuse

just google kanye/kim, taylor, and “snake”

So what? 9 months ago she committed an act of worship to her father, the devil.

Instead of repenting, she's crying in the press.



Stupid shiska.

why did she not purchase the rights of her music back herself?

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Based and redpilled

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Does this mean Tay is a literal slave to a Jew? That's pretty insane if that's real or if she cant get out of the contract, but it seems like she signed a deal with the devil

Serves her right, she trusted a Jew.

Play games...win prizes blah blah. Fuck her.

Now that I think about it. Trump has done the same thing.

>talk up LGBT like they should be respected
>call holocaust deniers "evil"

But the crimes are not the same, I'm afraid.

>voluntarily sign away your property
>boohoo why is ebul man stealing my money :(((((
fucking bitch

How will they get airtime, get promotion?

This bitch needed the jews, she signed her faustian pact and now the jews collect their pounds of flesh.Typical woman whining for white knights.

Read the fucking article, dickhead

Thats what you get for supporting faggotry, you stupid skank.

Taylor Swift is a whore, stop worshipping her.

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high iq!

Whats the big deal with one kike selling her music rights to another kike?
And why was Taylor under the delusion that she wasn't a piece of meat to be passed around?

>how are jews so lucky? So many just barely escaped the gas chamber
Well, on many occasions, due to the German's well-known engineering incompetence, they would be placed in the gas chambers and WATER would come out of the shower-heads.
Can you imagine?

Many Jews barely escaped with their lives due to this malfunction.

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the media is basically controlled by a small amount of companies and they use it to promote artists who signed the most one-sided deals with them (this is why the “360 deal” became a thing)
radio payola is still illegal in usa but spotify/apple music/etc. payola isn’t because those aren’t technically radio stations even though it’s obviously the successor to both radio and owning physical copies for most normies

recently interscope has been heavily promoting pic related as an indie/DIY that is so alternative and super talented when it’s literally just a girl from a wealthy LA suburb whose brother writes and produces Lorde-style pop songs with more of a Miami rap production sound, this is then marketed as next level artistry

also this girl has been putting on a fake ghetto accent for months now to help draw in the hip hop fans it’s fuckin hilarious

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People do that, but it doesnt generate money. You need the pr machine. You need someone to tell the nigger cattle that something is good before they think its good.

>9 months ago she committed an act of worship to her father, the devil
To keep her popularity she has probably offered up more than one sacrifice to Baal. She's getting about that age where the MKUltra programming breaks down and starts realizing human sacrifice just may not be a good way to get to heaven . Wait for her to soon be taken to a 'private facility' for 'exhaustion.'
>when the pearly gates have turned to gold you know you've lost your way

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Roastie BTFO! How can Jews be so based?

also here is what she looked like before dressing and talking like she is from the hood (2nd from left)

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OH NO, poor Taylor, she was always a rich and spoiled girl who wanted to be famous ''singer'' and her dad had conections that allowed it. Now she is crying because all the ''music'' that she did not wrote and all the instruments that she did not play were ''stolen'' from her? How sad, I guess all she can do is cry in her mansion with her millions.

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Trump curse

Cant say I feel bad for her


She’s past her prime, childless and alone. She’ll get fat and become a lesbian for attention

I bet this is something they have claimed before.

>women respecting a deal

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Are you implying she's had tons of abortions?

pic untrue but hilarious nonetheless

You could say.... she NEEDS TO CALM DOWN!

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>starts lgbt propaganda
>gets fucked over
did we meme this into reality pol? who is our next target?

let's see what kind of sodomite egyptian witchcraft she's pushing these days
>directed by (((DREW KIRSCH)))
off to a great start

Please let it be gen ys going rural.

six gorillion died in the chambers, but another two-three gorillion were born in those same rooms. They face lifelong problems based on their early addiction to zyklon B

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Lmao she still uses tumblr

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what happened?

This is known to be true that Germans are the worst engineers of all time. Their products crumble and fail within minutes of being used.

>shade never made anybody less gay
>we see you over there complaining about all the girls who are killing it
100% she got what she deserved.

>implying she's had tons of abortions?
> 88's Checked
Trannies eat the kids and drink the blood after the synagogue of satan kikes torture them, they can only give birth to pansexual-goat hybrids

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So Taylor Swift is a lesbian?

>pic untrue but hilarious nonetheless

what part isnt true?

>based + redpilled
literally rants about jews and globalists
pretty sure its true, u go check up his skirt leaf
>MAGA hat
yup, he wears em
most rap is about rape and murder, so while not white-masculine, its definitely black-masculine
>internal monologue
pretty sure kanye has a half dozen voices in his head, AT LEAST
>woke on "them"
as stated before, has literally crashed his own concerts to interrupt and rant about the jews

>cringe + bluepilled
see her latest video, YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN, mega gay
again, pretty sure, u can go try to check, and get arrested, but i think we've all seen her in enough skin tight, camel toe showin' booty shorts to know for sure
>degenerate bdsm
yup, as demonstrated in half her music videos, shes obvy a jew shiska slave
>fake country/pop (gay)
again, yup, just watch her videos/listen to her music
>owned by "them"
as proven by the very article where she is complaing about jews owning her, that this thread is about

you dont have to like it, but kim kardashian will be the first female president of the united states and kanye will become our first First Husband aka "The First Ye"

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idk why people idolize her. Her top song (Blank Space) is literally about her experiences with Borderline PD, and the trauma she cuases to others as a result.

Why do people get off so much on glorifying mental illness? Same shit with House of Cards and sociopathy.

she didn't sacrifice a chicken in her backyard to moloch properly



>So Taylor Swift is a lesbian?

nope, taylor swift is pretty much proven to be either asexual or a paraphilic solely turned on by money and fame. all her relationships fail and she seems entirely devoted to making money on an almost jewish level.

she needs to calm down and shake it off

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It's unironically the explanation they've given in numerous books and documentaries.


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>she seems entirely devoted to making money

My kind of girl. How do I meat someone like this?

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I want to hunt down all the people who post celebrity gossip on Jow Forums and gouge their eyes out

I knew it.
t. Volkswagen owner.

This demonic lesbian can die in a fire for all I care, her crocodile tears over being misled and cheated by a jew are nothing but another cry for attention from a father who never paid her any attention.

>I bet this is something they have claimed before.
It is.
There used to be an entire Jewtube channel of former camp inmates that actually told the truth, and one of them said that they had been told (by rumor) that the shower rooms were gas chambers, so when they went in, she was expecting to be gassed. Water came out of the spigots instead.
The whole "shower rooms of death" meme started as rumors, probably a joke to scare the newcomers to the camps.
After the war, the need to demonize the Germans in order to divert attention away from the war crimes of the Soviets, caused the high command to try adopting the mass-murder lie. It went through several incarnations in terms of how so many could have been killed so quickly, with the first scenarios being too unbelievable and easily disproved (giant electrocution rooms, driving masses of people into lakes of acid, etc.), so they settled on "shower room gas chambers."

It still doesn't fly, though.

sux for her but at least she's redpilled on the jew now.

>not realizing Armenian jews are already higher up the scale than American presidents


All white women are like this - fail at relationships and only care about money.

Holy smokes, taytay is about to be Shoahed.

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Slow those questions down, big goy. You've had too much to think.

no one gives a fuck about your shitty e-celebs OP

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>All white women are like this - fail at relationships and only care about money.

ya but 99.9999% of them arent a billionaire like taylor swift. so they fail at relationships AND money. but it looks like the jews are about to start skinning the cat now that tay is hitting her mid 30s and finally gave in and went full WOKE. she deserves this and more for trusting them.

she was always "redpilled" on the jew but in bed with them anyways. look at her comments, she was thinking she'd never be associated or owned by them. but here she is.

this is problem with basing your morality off a movie made by transexual brother kikes. Being redpilled doesn't matter. It's about who you worship. God? Or Mammon?

>Not realizing how odd that timing is

Israel or Hollywood

Don't care about white roasties

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Taylor is money hungry ice queen herself. The men who make her music palatable and scouts who were kind enough to pick her and support her are all relied on behaviour such as this. Taylor is getting old and uppity.

>Scooter Braun

I remember this creature coming onstage at the Ariana Grande concert they televised to commemorate the Manchester bombing. Not even the vaguest trace of humanity to be detected. You made your bed, TayTay. Now lie in it.







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we must save her
there is still time anons

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country is cuck music owned by jews.

>"it was real, in my mind"

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