What does Jow Forums think about this guy?

what does Jow Forums think about this guy?

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>smiles in British

unionically good journalism. Having a joke every 2 minutes is annoying as fuck though, but the information itself is solid

Dirty anglo rat that's probably partially jewish

he's really good at pwning idiots

dislike him generally, but his dig at Xi Jinping was spot-on

I think I would laugh out loud if the news reported he had terminal anal cancer.


He lives in the current year.

Surprisingly not Jewish

Not a jew.
Just a kikesucker.


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His shows are too "robotic" for me. It's like every joke is recycled and each statement has the same format.
"Let's talk about country X, a country so irrelevant that *points at map with country highlighted* you didn't notice it wasn't country X but country Y!"

He's a very talented entertainer.

>Cuckface personified.

hes a fucking cunt

He has one half of Yankistani clapping like seals and agreeing with everything he says and the other half get their knickers in a right old twist.
Glad to see we're still exporting our 'entertainers' to sow discord amongst the Amerangutans.

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I didn't know his hairline got that bad.


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>unionically good journalism.
>but the information itself is solid

unironically kill yourself

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>This many kike shills.

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gibsmedat-ing that one. cheers, guvnor.

He's irrelevant now.

he's a plant to make socialism seem funny and cool.
he's got more fucking strings than jon stewart.

I don't but faggots like you post threads about him here so his rat face haunts my dreams.

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get some new material

try harder, shill

says the fukking pole are you fucking kidding me m8 i swear most jews are polish stock get the fuck outta here

I can't imagine the people who see shills and conspiracies everywhere. Hope you can get out of that hole dude

you're so pathetic it's actually funny

I can’t wait to see him stripped of citizenship and put in a death camp.

he aight. bit hard to understand when he gets excitable though.

Cunt, vermin. Hope I get to see a video of him getting his head and smarmy face crushed in a vice.

I want him to die a slow and agonizing death.

I think straw man is used too often but that he's guilty of it at least 10 times per show

propagandist that hides the agenda over his comedy

I can think he's funny without agreeing with his politics. It would be a pretty boring world if I avoided all entertainment or entertainers that didn't align with my own political ideology.

His stand-ups are okay

It's funny how some bongs look like turbojews, even when they aren't. My jewdar went off the charts when I first saw Matthew Rhys in The Americans, but it turns out he's just Welsh.

Unfunny sell-out. Well partially funny but panders to the wrong crowd. He makes himself insufferable and I have no idea why.

He's a jew. he needs to be gassed.

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haha 10/10 bait user

t. partisan brainlet

>supporting an anti-white propagandist jew
>be Austrian
You're an utter disgrace to europe.

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He's jewish.

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>mutt that worships ((("comedy"))) jews
You don't have a dad because he was black. get fucked burger

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>jew telling (((journalism)))
holy shit how much of a sheep mutt are you!?

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They´re actually amusing at this point of the raid.
Sadly I need to hit the sack now.
Have fun with the reddi´tards.

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I would love a chance to straighten his teeth out.

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