Amerimutts will somehow justify this
Amerimutts will somehow justify this
She should have aborted the retard son and saved even more.
WOW insulin costs only $25 for visitors in Australia
a-are things really this bad for mutts?
This woman is a drug trafficker and needs to be arrested immediately.
Not unless you're a welfare nigger with no insurance
should have traded it for food
Insulin is LITERALLY $25 at Walmart
well isn't that the whole issue that you're still paying too much for that shit anyway?
Post the grocery prices snow negro
Not me user, I have a great job and amazing insurance.
Make Teva Great Again!
this user is correct, insulin is LITERALLY 24.99 at walmart
>not me
I forgot you're the entire country lmao
insurance is a scam
costs have risen to such an absurd degree that almost nobody will ever get their money's worth out of it
you still end up paying for unhealthy fucks to get cheaper care anyway
based and eugenicspilled
how shocking so instead of fixing the kids health buy feeding him healthy foods mostly fruits she takes him to a fucking food court.
>paid 200+ dollars instead of just having insurance
Fuck off, we are doing things right - solve your own problems and BUY AMERICAN
Why should I give a fuck about anchor babies and niggers user?
You realize diabetes are also genetic and not as a result of life style?
imagine being so fucking stupid that you think feeding fruit to a diabetic is healthy
What's more common in America, Type-1 or Type-2?
Is it possible to order it online?
>Not unless you're a welfare nigger with no insurance
Sadly, welfare niggers have some of the best insurance around: Medicaid. It's a really, really good plan.
I've long since said this, but Insurance is in bed with Big-Pharma and other medical sectors. Everything is drastically overpriced to try and make Insurance more desirable, meanwhile Insurance gets the real price. Having "a healthcare system like other advanced nation" just hides the extortionate cost from the consumers (so they think it's working) while it turns an entire country into a source of guaranteed revenue through government spending.
So I travel 2 1/2 hours and buy it cheaper. Problem solved. Go fuck yourself.
found the fat fuck
they really know their demographic, don't they?
>be US
>pay R&D for every medicine on earth
youre welcome
And that's, like, your entire nation though?
what, and make it $61845 in Canada?
would we call that health justice or some shit?
The difference in the US is you can go to a different doctor.
In Gayland with your (((free healthcare))) you have to pray you get a competent European or Japanese doctor.
>what are type 1 diabetes
Found the retard
We pay 15x more for food, gas, n shiet.
>In Gayland with your (((free healthcare))) you have to pray you get a competent European or Japanese doctor.
do you actually believe this?
welfare niggers get medicaid, if you actually have a job you dont get shit
Now post what percentage we get to keep of our income.... Faggots....
>you know, for those of us who don't need a hip replaced
I have both Canadian and British friends from my missionary days.
They tell me things.
Diabetes, type 2, is wholly preventable by diet alone. Type 1, in about 50% of all cases.
Good job, mom. You sugar and buttered your son into an irreversible health condition.
The current system we have now limits choice for people on private insurance. They’re given a list of what types of hospital or clinic they can attend to.
yeah, insurance is just another government subsidy now
>Mexico would cost 3 bucks for the same thing
Okay leaf, you win this one but I’ll be back!
so move to canada then
get the fuck out of my country with your weak son
I buy insulin in Canada and trade it in the US for blowjob from single moms with faulty children. I even send her on the way with a lollipop for the little tyke. Pancreaslets BTFO.
Insulin is cheaper here than Canada.
Well I can tell you that you can switch your doctor whenever you want.
yeah a blood line that ate shit food and polluted its future blood line. its fixable by stop eating shit you never should eat. the human body is not a self damaging retard. its the retarded ego that is damaging it by filling it food the human body was never meant to eat.
lol France is ruled by a mob of doctors
Any medical error or stuff is consequence-free for the practician. Settlement for death is $100,000. That's the difference
There's alternatives to insurance like health share programs that give you a lot more freedom.
And really insurance is for major illnesses and brutal accidents, not for daily visits.
This, dumb libcunts kek
>Insulin is cheaper here than Canada.
so is our food
Sure, I don't doubt it.
But I'm willing to bet the Canadian and British systems have a lot more (((diversity))) than even Burgerland does.
I find that hard to believe when your country is what, 56% white?
A vial of insulin is $24.88 at Walmart, no prescription required. Novolin N, Novolin R, and Novolin 70/30. It's not fast-acting, so you have to plan your meals in advance, but it'll certainly keep you from dying or suffering any adverse effects of diabetes.
So why are these people bitching about the price of insulin, if it's so cheap? They want newer, brand-name, rapid-acting insulin (look at what she's holding). They want to shoot themselves up with a needle and pig out at an all-you-can-eat buffet twenty minutes later, and thus totally abandon the due diligence necessary to manage their condition at a level they can afford. It's not genuine need that drives them to demand "FREE INSULIN FOR ALL". It's gluttony and sloth.
I just thought I'd let you know.
annex canada to take control of their drug prices
AAAAnd I haven't been to the doctor in 19 years. I can see why you want me to be paying in though, sickboy.
>AAAAnd I haven't been to the doctor in 19 years
Why doesn't she have insurance? I pay 25 bucks for 7 bottles of insulin and have been stockpiling it for years in case shtf. I'm in the insulin pump way better control then those old jacked up insulin pens. By the way I tested it insulin has a solid 2 year shelf life and is reliable as much as 3.5 years. After that I would toss it. If your a diabetic get insurance and try to stockpile this stuff. You need it to live.
if we practiced eugenics we wouldnt have to worry about healthcare costs
Lmao american "food" standards
>kill everyone with medical problems and there won't be medical problems
Hungry Man TV dinner, that's an American meal
meant for
Actually, the Reli-On insulin is just Novolin.
Walmart just negotiated prices down because the people buying it tend to pay out-of-pocket.
Drug companies jew insurance and medicare because they can.
Leaf, you're at like 60% white at best and plummeting fast.
I wouldn't start slinging shit when your county is more retarded than the US has ever been.
not my fault your parents are siblings
this is why I have insurance. Getting a new hip on the 9th and glad to have it done here by an arrogant, egotistical jerk who will do the best damn job possible, not some pajeet who may or may not have washed his hands first.
I think sister fucking is an American thing in the south.
too bad canada wont let you take it across the border
Or u could not feed your child mt. dew and doritos
Nah, 76% white.
When a 2016 Johns Hopkins study claimed medical errors could be responsible for more than 250,000 deaths per year, researchers warned the number was an educated guess. The death toll could be higher, they theorized, considering the secrecy that often shrouds fatal doctor mistakes. And according to other reports, it probably is.
Data from Patient Safety America (PSA) estimates the number to be much higher: 440,000. The study marked errors as vastly underreported given that physicians, medical examiners, and coroners rarely note medical errors on death certificates: the
Stop claiming you need Brand X Special Insulin for your little shit.
Even niggers can afford insulin.
Because it's not just anchor babies and niggers. Middle class white families are getting fucked by this too.
nope with insurance my dad only pays 15, it's good to have a job with full benefits.
Using the 2016 demographics?
Post the current numbers Leaf
yeah well theres tons of niggers down there i dont blame them
You don't take insulin for type 2 aka fat fuck diabetes.
Obama is that you?
Pretty sure there's tons of niggers all over America bud.
who wants to bet she's a welfare state mugg
Type 1 is caused either by genetics, or vaccines.
Wait for the next census, Mr. 56%er.
mostly beaners actually
You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. The only people who guaranteed CAN afford good insurance are niggers with no job, because they fall under the Medicaid income limit. EVERYBODY else now is subject to the just under 40 hour rule where employers are allowed to deny you health insurance, and you have to go pay thousands for Oniggercare. Also have to buy Oniggercare if you're an independent contractor/self-employed. Obama truly guaranteed that the only people who have health insurance are literal welfare niggers and the rich. And those boomers at cushy jobs where they get a guaranteed 40 hours and therefore receive health insurance. It is beyond fucked what that nigger did. I haven't had health insurance as a self-employed person in five years because I make too much for Medicaid but cannot afford even the most basic plan, all because of Onigger. Fuck him and fuck you for being so fucking stupid. How are people like you this dumb?
Pretty sure there's tons of niggers and spics all over America bud*
All the illegals here in Cali get it for free, only working class snow niggers have to pay to subsidize the beautiful brown people.
If you have a government job (like me) everything that isn't medically cosmetic is free.
Hilarious, they are literally a for-profit health care organization run by kikes that treat their practitioners and nurses like shit and acquire hospitals then run them into the ground for profit.
There's no justifying it. Practicing PA here. Insurance developed here as a benefit for hiring, much like getting a car when hired in the UK, it got expensive because kikes fucked with Medicare/Medicaid, and gummed up the system with so much shit that we now sit in a situation where there are literally 3 admin fucks to an MD in any modern hospital today and that is because the insurance market is asinine and retarded BY DESIGN.
Here's a great example; gramma breaks a hip, she does fine with therapy and is ready for discharge but she needs to go to rehab because she needs help for 3-4 weeks with daily living. Congress brilliantly decided that for any outpatient therapy to be covered under Medicare, she needs to qualify for a 3 day in hospital stay. Cool, she now sits in a bed costing $1,000 a night for 2 extra days at no benefit. She's ready for discharge, Oh WAIT, she had a Medicare Advantage plan, where you literally take your real money and replace it with monopoly money managed by a private company. She can't go to her preferred rehab, but thankfully they WILL pay for a nursing home, but they'll only take her if she gets stronger for another week at the hospital! Gramma gets a bill for $40k 2 months later. She can't pay it, she dies 2 years later from comorbidities after 2 readmissions for bedsores and infections at Ratchet Elderly Care home which we aren't reimbursed for. Her medical bills are easily over $200k, for what could have been an $8k overnight ER stay and a few weeks of rehab. We don't get reimbursed.
All by fucking design. All so the kikes can justify taxing you at 75% in a few years for MeDiCaRe FoR AlL!
This, to be completely honest.
pretty sure theres nothing but chinese in canada