I see a lot of posts calling for violence and for the "day of the rope". There's certainly a place for that. When whites are ready for it, it will happen. Right now however if you commit violence, whites will look at you with disgust. They will be on your jury and they will convict you and send you to life in prison for trying to flee from a riot.
So what can we do to make whites ready to take back what is theirs? We need to change their minds.
This can be accomplished by writing a popular song that holds your point of view. Writing a fiction novel. A book, a play. It can to a certain extent also be accomplished with a simple dialog, which is why they are so frantic to silence us.
Admit to yourself that you won't act without the support of the populace - without your friends and family behind you. Change their minds. Write a best seller and hide some redpills in it. Make funny youtube videos like soph is doing. She is bringing more change about than a thousand proud boys or spree shooters ever could.
I know this will just hit page 11 in a heartbeat, but hopefully we can get some of you guys enacting real change. You're funnier, wittier and more entertaining than a jew screenwriter or onions boy redditor ever could be.
nobody is calling for the day of the rope or violence.
However everyone is asking for the National Socialist Revolution
The fable of the elephant and the rope.
>As a man was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg. No chains, no cages. It was obvious that the elephants could, at anytime, break away from their bonds but for some reason, they did not.
>He saw a trainer nearby and asked why these animals just stood there and made no attempt to get away. “Well,” trainer said, “when they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that age, it’s enough to hold them. As they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they cannot break away. They believe the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free.”
>The man was amazed. These animals could at any time break free from their bonds but because they believed they couldn’t, they were stuck right where they were.
>Like the elephants, how many of us go through life hanging onto a belief that we cannot do something, simply because we failed at it once before?
>Failure is part of learning; we should never give up the struggle in life.
>Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.
Austin Hall
When the left says the biggest danger is white males, they're actually correct, just not in the way they think. Whites are the biggest danger to other whites, which is why both world wars where just about whites fighting other whites. No other ethnic group really mattered because if either of the sides went after a nonwhite population, it would end as soon as it started.
Grayson Lopez
>SHUTUP GLOWNIGGER whatever you say CIA
Christopher Hall
Yep. It's not time to fight yet. When it's time to fight, it will be over as soon as it starts. We need to get whites ready and willing to fight.
The very smallest part of that is street fights with anti-fa. It's better to not engage and instead provoke anti-fa into bad optics, such as scheduling white marches, not showing up and publicizing the resulting anti-fa chimpout. Or scheduling speaking engagements with one or two speakers and letting anti-fa and police clash. Anti-fa will not tolerate the slightest public dissent from their commie bullshit and that's one of their weaknesses.
Colton Harris
>National Socialist Revolution Socialism without ethnic homogeneity is just white oppression.
Justin Barnes
Ethnic solidarity cannot happen without a Socialist understanding which makes recognition of the value and necessity of homogeneity based on Ethnicity.
Whites will purposely ignore the necessity of homogeneity if they can avoid the consequences of social civilizational costs.
Without ethnic solidarity, national socialism is quickly sublimated into civic nationalism. It's one of its weakness.
Andrew Gonzalez
Been here since /new/, you leaf fag.
Michael Young
Does it really matter what color the people are when its already been mathematically proven that people are just going to create a robotic god that will inevitably destroy us all? Look up technological singularity and take the steel pill.
Easton Hall
ow my eyes hurt this thread is glowing so bright
Jaxon Perry
wrong. The civnats will never associate with anything remotely National Socialist or even Socialist.
That is the unique benefit of being a Revolutionary National Socialist. You either are or are not.
Hunter Davis
The singularity as most dweebs see it is scanning and "uploading" their consciousness. The thing they don't want to think about is their old consciousness gets a bullet in the back of the head. It's stupid as fuck.
Daniel Davis
I'm working on officially setting the standards for who is a Revolutionary National Socialist
Ethan Cox
National socialism is socialism but only for the people of our country. We need borders. Oh we need to fund our socialism, we'll just take the best and brightest Hindus as long as they assimilate. Ta Dah, national socialism becomes civic nationalism.
Jayden Morris
Thats it lmaoo
Brayden Gomez
that stuff is important too. people should contribute according to their talents. if someone who is hard as nails but uncreative decides to delete antifa members in minecraft, i'm not gonna complain and say they should have written a poem instead. it would have been cringe anyway, most likely. personally my strength is tech so i focus on that.
Isaiah White
Sebastian Long
I'm that's SERIOUSLY WHAT natsoc does tf...... new fag?
Kayden Moore
Let me rephrase that.
Socialism without ethnic homogeneity is just oppression of working class whites.
Luis Cooper
>oh i know ill call them kikes to prove im one of them glowie detected
Austin Morales
>their old consciousness gets a bullet in the back of the head 1st-gen uploading would probably require the brain to be frozen and salami-sliced anyway, so that's not so much of an issue
Henry Rodriguez
Yes that's hitlers take on natsoc have you read mein kampf?
>uh oh they know im a faggot govt agent ill double down
Jayden Carter
>have you read X Jesus christ name dropping books is how redditors argue. Dont' be a fucking soi boi and if you have a point, state it.
Grayson Ortiz
Fuck off kike. Take your calls to violence and shove them up your matzo ass.
Asher Moore
nice projection, i didnt even call for violence dumbass glowing nigger i will blow up your agency in minecraft
Ian Myers
If you're calling me a glow nigger for giving alternatives to violence to enact pro-white social change, then yes you're a fucking kike or a discord tranny.
Neck yourself.
Brayden Powell
kys faggot your thread sucks ass
Henry Collins
This won't work. (((They))) have infiltrated all media and will not allow red pills like they used too. The message can't even have covert red pills as they will be discovered and mercilessly ridiculed u til you have no more platform. What is necessary is to support alternative platforms, shill them to normies, be influential, and eventually you can use that platform to covertly spread the message. You have to use (((their))) tactics against them.
Carson Scott
If you make, for example, a popular web comic, you can host it yourself on your own domain. Penny-arcade is a good example.
Xavier Williams
Ah, a discord tranny. You'll never pass. You'll always be a man.
Mason Morgan
calling me a man is supposed to be an insult? you are the one telling everyone to create art and love each other to win a war faggot
Samuel Martin
Jaxson Nelson
My dear tranny. Even if you cut off your genitals you'll just become a eunuch. You will never pass.
>Right now however if you commit violence, whites will look at you with disgust. just wait for the democrats to get in power. they'll start enacting their wildest dreams: giving amnesty to illegals, threatening to turn important red states blue, amending whatever they need to abolish the electoral college, or the borders. perhaps they'll just do it in california or california itself will take initiative.
they're very open about wanting to do these things. we are not far from the death of the republican party and one-party rule.
you're right that all we can do is spread information and build ourselves up in preparation.
this way, when the big dominoes start falling, we can both act to protect ourselves and justify our actions. this is the way it has to be.
Christian Nelson
Much less cringy than the guys calling for fist fights against antifa.
Liam Myers
you penis grabbers dont understand the concept of SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED
Lincoln Garcia
The right to cut off your dick? You're one sick fucker.
Sebastian Peterson
Even with accelerationism, whites won't wake up without the correct mindset. They'll quietly keep ceding ground to la raza and hope no one calls them racist for moving away.
Joseph Reyes
Whites arent dying out. Get married and have white babies.
Ryder Gutierrez
None of what the ZOG elite can do can prevent a white man from marrying a white girl and making white babies with her. Save the White race with your penis, anons.
Dylan Peterson
That outlook results in white nations turning into Brazil. You will never outbreed brown people. Your kids will be brainwashed in government mandated indoctrination centers (aka school) and end up fucking niggers.
Carter King
Every person I meet, I wait until they're comfortable enough with me to bring up politics.
Anyways, I just tell them the lowdown on why the Federal Reserve is bad. That's a huge one and automatically puts people in a skeptical mindset. At some point I say that I'm skeptical of mass migration. I say that anything the Elites believe is probably suspect without needing evidence, which most people sort of believe and that that umbrella automatically covers things like populations being interchangeable in terms of culture and economics. I tell them that there's actually different philosophies when it comes to how to handle non-heterosexuals, if they even bring that up, so I show them about ideologies such as TERF-ism and integrationists within the homo rights movement, AKA the people that hate the LGBTBBQBLT shit.
I never say or show that I'm aligned with any ideology, pro-white, racist, etc. I never say nigger or racist shit unless it's clearly a joke and they're fine with that. I never tell them I support Trump fully because he's done good and bad shit and acknowledging that makes you seem high IQ. In any case, if you think your beliefs can be put into any one particular ideology, you might being lead on, and that applies to whether you like Hitler, Strasser, Marx, Trump, etc. I tell them I'm into politics, history, and philosophy, because I actually am. That's right, Jow Forumsniggers, I actually read and enjoy books, listen to history/philosophy podcasts on my commute. You should too, if you want to have any hope.
What you must avoid doing at all costs is trying to mention loony schizo or false-flag shit like anti-vaxxing, flat earth, Thule, etc. Hell, even the Holohoax is a "for much later" thing. Open up with that and you're fucked.
Brown peoples' birthrates plummet when their kids turn into globohomo degenerates. Why do you think they need constant influx in the first place? You're not doing anyone in the whole world by discouraging procreation and (((MGTOW)))-tier shit.
I guarantee you Hitler, Goebbels and oh-god-definitely Ernst Rohm visited a brothel and fucked some whore before they rose to power. They almost certainly had a puppy love fling or relationship as young kids.They probably regretted it, yeah? Eva Braun probably had maybe one cock in hers before Hitlers. Did that make any of them any less virtuous in later life? If anything, being exposed to and in the degeneracy will make an even better repentant person later. I'm not talking about Christcuck-tier forgiveness, I mean a drive to make up for it.
I am a Revolutionary National Socialist. Nothing change that but much will change because of it
Tyler Flores
I am a Revolutionary National Socialist. Nothing can ever change that, but much will change because of it.
Xavier Campbell
Low dose pilling, just like I do. But some people get a mental block when you start reaching the truth. It's also so fucking hard not to mention the Juice, especially when a lot of my frens are jews