Attached: BloodyFash.jpg (680x383, 64K)

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Do you guys think a member of any antifascist group anywhere in the world has ever actually worked in road construction or maintenance?

Attached: road construction.jpg (3008x2000, 2.8M)

Oh a Komatsu. Nice.


Lol yall are gunna get stabbed up again if you keep attacking people with unequal force.

If I recall they tried to repair some road somewhere but used really shitty asphalt so someone had to dig it up and it fucked the road up even more
most of construction machines I see are Japanese

Checked, engrish teecha

Attached: Capture+_2019-06-30-11-40-12.png (1427x748, 799K)


I forgot to say Hitachi is better. CAT is king though.

Our streets

Attached: 1506053570605.jpg (1024x1024, 92K)

Hitachi are the best Jap excavators. Every time we had to rent a Komatsu something fucking major broke.

the old guy looks like this guy at the end of the vid

Actually yes. I'm guessing most of their muscle is hired out of unions.

Wow. Antifa is so tough beating up elderly people. And the Justice Department is too scared to prosecute them. It's definitely not political injustice or anything like lefties interfering with our Justice system.


Attached: WantedPoster.jpg (3121x3402, 1.36M)


Attached: pepperspray for webm.webm (1280x720, 2.54M)

Get in here, faggots: a possible happening. antifa plans acid attacks! RED ALERT RED ALERT COMMIES CHIMPING

Attached: 1536759880883.gif (400x300, 1.62M)

Fuck off, you've been memeing this bullshit all day. Glownigger threats which will never materialize take a backseat to actual political violence which really happened.

So they bloodied some boomer with a backpack? Was that guy just some bystander?

i know thats bullshit because i just got on after a 12 mile bike ride

Based heavy machinery

That has to be at least a lv. 45 neckbeard.

>do you guys think any antifa member has ever worked

Uh no I guess not

What did he use?

Looks like a bike lock

Depends which streets we're talking about. As far as I know, antifa has a few streets in portland and that's it

Attached: To_The_Richard.webm (1280x720, 1.9M)

caterpillar has been shit ever since they shortened the name

no country for old men.

50 dollar maks but can't but a cup for his balls.

I hope they keep beating up old men lmao


only thing bearable about living in arizona is the based phoenix PD, and burritos

Will you /o/ niggers shut the fuck up about heavy machinery? I *just* got off work, I have been dealing with that bullshit *all* day, and I want to be distracted by literally *anything* else right now to take my mind off the damn things.

You ever think that the biggest weakness to anarchy and anons is how easy they are to infiltrate?

I mean at least with conservatives you gotta go to church every week.

But nope all anyone has got to do is Don the "approved" uniform of anarchy call someone a facist and whang them in the face.
Heck the victim could be in on it.

But yeah violent riots and protests in Portland Seattle charelston the combat damage is getting worse.
The next conservative coming in to office is just another lurch towards another American revolution.

That's the weakness of America . It's desire for revolution. It is no surprise as it is a nation founded off of revolution rather than conquest or pure self determination. The spirit of youth, and political sentiment on both sides--while they all have different motives-- want rebellion, tea party to anarchy to social to racists.
A second great American revolution is great to every ambitious american with a world filled with their own ego. But guess what's going to really happen when the union breaks.
Hello Russia
Hello China
Hello Africa
Hello India

Europe will have their own time dealing with
Hello middle East

What a surreal scene. The police are barricading a Starbucks and the soi Bois are rioting to get in

why do the bots use redit spacing ?

Remember in the 90’s when the cops would just come in and beat the shit out of antifa and put them in paddie wagons or fuck them up until they packed up and went home?

Holy kek

Catapiller went to shit when they started Jew you on special tools.

punching an old bastard while antifa have been getting KOs for years...

Why is it always bots that accuse anons of being bots and using Reddit spacing?

That mask was more than 50. That looked like a decent gas mask.

The right is just getting decimated in every way it's almost embarrassing

Trump is still your president.

i don't know, because your post doesn't have any rhyme or reason, it's just a jumble of words then a bunch of random countries listed. so i just assumed the bots were malfunctioning again and saying weird shit with redit spaces

Not for long

Where's this guy when you nee him?

Attached: happy-stormtrooper.jpg (465x620, 37K)


Wasnt there a story about like 80% of German antifa being neets? Wonder what the employment stats are for US antifa. Most of them are shit stirrers, students, and college professors though