can Jow Forums ever recover from this?
Can Jow Forums ever recover from this?
Honestly I'm seething. How dare she(?) taint that fine Christian establishment with her bloodmoney. That's just hideous. The monies of an abortionist are in the coffers of these Knights undetectable. I bet she even made it a cash transaction so they couldn't find it even if they saw this Tweet. Horrible.
>Gives Nazis money
>Heh, that'll show 'em!!!
As long as it didn't come out of some faggots ass I'm sure they'll except the fag money too.
Little does she know, she just paid tithes.
>take my money, bigots!
you guys have to understand, from the viewpoint of liberals, chick fil a wants nothing to do with gays. they believe the company thinks gays are icky and gross, and that they dont want to sell food to them. liberals honestly dont understand even when chick fil a puts out a press release explaining their own viewpoints.
to a liberal, this is a "GOTCHA!" moment
Stop posting chick fil a threads on Sunday you goddamn niggers.
Isn't this the bitch that licked the plane toilet seat?
chick fil a is garbage
>tfw she just funded one gay conversion therapy session
Guys I found the nigger.
what does she mean? covered the bills in hiv positive blood?
>and everyone clapped
Thanks for financially supporting a christian company
Is this like the opposite of boycotting
It's 2019. "Peoplecotting".
>giving money to the company you hate.
Wow now that's peak intelligence
There's no such thing as lesbians!
My pleasure
Little does she know all USD is gay since it's official US policy to 'liberate' fags across the world.
This is a good post and you should feel good.
You're spot on. The quote they're so mad about is from some 80 year old Mormon saying he supports traditional marriage.
They try to strawman him into some kind of hate figure where there isn't one. They're so deep into polarizing propaganda that they can't or won't see reality.
They'll take that gay money and keep on donating it to anti-gay causes.
This is what triggers them the most and I love it. What a great restaurant.
I really dont understand the hype, the chicken is fucking nasty, rubbery, soggy, and bland. Also who the fuck decided two non dill pickles and one of their gross patties constitutes a decent chicken sandwhich.
I could give a fuck about the religion of the owner, their chicken is shit.
Ezells is the only decent fsst chicken chain change my mind.
No one even knows what that is. We aren't fly over like you
based and tenpercentpilled
Oh no that sucks!
money can't be gay. if it was gay, they would simply shock it a little before it was donated to a "defend marriage" campaign
little does this lesbo knows, she just betrayed entire lgbtqshit movement. :D
Well, money can't donate blood...
>gay money
3% of the money supply
78% inflation rate
I imagine she’s not the first gay person to pretend to be straight to get dat chikin
No link faggot.
>gay nigger
thats wonderufl
-be a restaurant that dont like fags
- fags try to one up me by coming to me and buy my stuff
- fags be like: haha the restaurant got money from a gay person
-me rolling in more money
>AN std
fuck can these people have used "an" right, but still good info. I recommend that everyone check out "A Queer Thing Happened to America" or libido dominondi
Didn't know they accepted Canadian or Euro's at Chick-fil-A.
I'll make this filthy dumb slut suck my dick. just watch.
Kys faggot.
They used "an" right. "An" comes before a vowel sound (not just a vowel), so since "STD" would be pronounced "Es Tee Dee", "an" still applies.
Wow. So brave. She didn’t even get beaten down by the Nazis. She gets 2 virtue points!
This chick fil a shit is weird. Is all this stemming from them funding people years ago or is Chick fil a still funding shit and it's an ongoing butthurt?