Which one are you Jow Forums
Hard Mode: No lying. (Don't say Chad)
Which one are you Jow Forums
Hard Mode: No lying. (Don't say Chad)
also replace kyle with an emo kid pls
>no Ivan
a cross between tanner and chet. kek
tanners will literally pull out a bomb made with dish soap and bleach. dont underestimate tanners
Can someone make a KOF clone already?
Your boy Kyle's got you with the zero ultra and the blunt
Important question:
With enough Monster energy drinks, COULD Kyle punch a hole through a wall made of diamonds?
I'm not white. But cool projection leftyfag.
If only you knew how much non-white people hate you.
Fucking leaf man. Did you not read the picture!?! ANY WALL that means a wall of diamonds and a wall of INSTORE PRICES.
Tanner fucking hands down though.
cheddars unite
>I'm not white
minority AND on mobile
prolly kyle, would like to say tanner but eh
My core build is tanner, but I also have kyle's punching power and my special is meteor nut
unironically chad
None of these fit me, your picture is shit
Chad/Tanner hybrid reporting in
Kyle here. Don't you dare talk shit about my mom.
Tanner obviously. Chet relies on the system and is softer than baby shit. Kyle is a standard wigger loser and Chad peaked in high school.
I used to be kyle until I grew up.
Tanner, but I'm no fisherman and burn without a long sleeved shirt. Georgia general
I activate Chet and let others do my dirty work for me.
Anyone else is a delusional pleb.
Tanner, but I'm no fisherman, and burn without a long sleeve shirt. South Georgia general
If you aren't a Tanner in your youth you have no heart, if you aren't a Chet in old age, you have no brain - Ancient american proverb
kyle has the most heart.
I'll choose Chad and let him fuck me
My name is Orville Neville. I'm the son of a Louisiana plantation owner and a 3-time survivor of League Femdom.
Every single one of my friends is dead. I made sure they died after they found out my secret: all of the investments I made under the guise of growing my father's portfolio were actually just donations to increasingly obscure Call of Duty streamers. Among my favorites were those under 12 years of age, most of whom hadn't even purchased proper recording equipment; they merely pointed their cell phone cameras at the TV.
Sometimes, I struggle to fill out the captchas on this website. I'm ashamed to admit it, but it's true. I once spent 20 minutes trying to select all "images of mailbox"... only to fail when I simply gave up.
Would you like to guess how many times I've dreamt about leaving this bayou shithole? 703 times. Each time, my desperation grows. It's gotten to the point where I'd rather die than live with this incessant feeling of dread that my life is going nowhere.
>Which one are you
-Great physical shape
-Huge nut
-Quick to anger though merciful at heart
-Chewing tobacco eliminated stamina loss
-SPECIAL: Caucasian Wife and Son
is there a 5th one thats "completely disassociated with social hierarchy and this gay earth?"
>Has spent 8 hours a day on the internet since elementary school; doesn't negatively affect him
>Schizoid personality and constant dissociation; doesn't impede social functioning, still holds down a job
>Confused and exasperated by others' attachment to the arbitrary body and life they've found themselves inhabiting
>Special: Can go on borderline lethal benders and then return to normalcy as if nothing happened
I know many Irish Tanners.
Mix between Chet and Tanner with a bit of a Kyle past. Would have been Chad if I hadn't discovered pornography when I was young.
I see we've got another pale southern boy. Give me a wide brim hat, and I'll show you the South.
It's funny. Going from south Georgia to northwest Illinoise, I'm around many of the same kinds of people.
Hey fren, where ever you are there you are. Just spent the weekend in the largest black water swamp in North America. We'll make it anywhere. Non Tanner's are seething.
Irish or not the Euros are dying in low 90 degree heat. Ancestors were to scared to be free.
squeal piggy.
I'm most like Kyle. For sure.
Another swamp bro I hope. If not we'll make you squeal. Everything North of mid Georgia is Yankee land
Kyle here, don't you dare mention me mum and the bottle or u gon feel the fury of NOS style.
Don't you want to kys from the heat
Kyle's have been nerfed. The flat brim hat no longer gives buffs.
If they joined forces they would be unstoppable
It's just a thing. After a long day in the woods you probably want to kys. Like I said previously I just spent the weekend in the largest swamp in North America. I'm pale southern boy. Long sleeved shirt breathable pants and a wide brim hat. The Hispanic boy who came with us was dying because he didn't prepare. I felt bad enough to give him some towels to throw around his head and shoulders. It just comes down to living your whole life down here and knowing what heat stroke is. There is nothing more beautiful than the great Okefeokee, but if you don't respect it you'll probably die. The boy I'm taking about is dark as dark can be. But my pale ass was good to go. Know your environment and thrive.
kaintuck nigger.
Based sylvanimorph, I'm from the suburban northeast so I usually cringe like a vampire from non-moderate climates - but the air conditioner in my apartment has been broken for two weeks, and though I wanted to die during the first couple of days I did just get used to it over time. I have a greater appreciation for how nice it is that it gets cool at night. And if you're laying there are 2PM and it's 85° and it sucks you just kind of get over it and it isn't actively bothering you anymore
Also drunk. Too many typos. Just know that I hate all of you American Bros north of me and wish we'd secede from your degeneracy.
Ha I'd truly rape you down here if you called me a nigger. Not big, a true lank nigger, and I'd rape you.
I’m a little bit of Chet (ruthless, cold and cunning). Kyle (quick to anger but merciful at heart). Tanner (expert survivalist and chewing tobacco). Chad (physically strong). But sadly I’m a 38 year old virgin. What does that make me?
You've got it man. It's just a matter of getting acclimated to the climate. I feel bad for the boys going through a heat wave they're not used too. But it's just a thing man. I do tours down here and I always stress the more your covered in the sun the better you are. People think that it's hot better wear nothing. But the bigger your coverage from the sun the better you are. It doesn't help in your situation where you're hot inside. Sorry bro
>combination of Kyle and Tanner.
i am god
but I'd really appreciate a Chad to accompany me. We'd probably be good friends.
>mfw irish
>mfw fedgov imported my ancestors and a gorillion of their fellow whiskeyniggers to fight the south
America north of the Mason-Dixon is self-evidently the greatest tragedy to ever befall Western civilization though I'm fond of where I'm from and the people I grew up with but it's always been in the context of being around this other group of white people who are incomprehensibly narcissistic and evil. Yankee "individualism" and "universalism" are just smokescreens for unselfconscious sociopathy
Fucking memeflag, sage this shit.
But I’m a legit Chad/Chet.
College linebacker w/STEM.
A 38 year old virgin
Come home brother. I'm Irish southern and because of the war of northern aggression my ancestry gets cloudy because of the imposed poverty of the forced upon rebuild of the South. I live in a poor county. We drive an hour to work. We come back. I just spent the weekend shooting guns at Gators. Fucking around getting drunk in the true South. Miles away from any human besides the guys with me.
>no Isaac
Im a cross of chet and kyle, so i can punch theough anything, but no pussy ass rage shit
You think we care... Seriously?
You're a faggot.
My names Kyle so I guess I kind of have to go with that.
I'm physically scared of anything outside of my gated community.
chet. nobody wins except the jews and that include lolyers
i am all of them combined.
i am the ultimate huwyte male
tremble before me
My mother pays for me to go to private schools.
Make more. I don't see me. Kyle was funniest
STFU Kyle!
no you wouldnt nigger, you'd start to ape and i'd shoot about 18 holes in your ape ass big nuff to stick my lil pecker in, you might cry and beg some, but i figure prolly not. nigger.
Where is playing Vidya all day.
Where is Tyler?
>Where is playing Vidya all day.
this too, call him alex
Just 18 holes. Brother you're larping. Tell me exactly with want your shooting exactly 18 holes in me with your larping Yankee faggotry.
Also drunk so be more clear with your Larp please
Man I wish I knew how to have a mean green text reply.
Kyle, apparently.
My names billy I’m a real person step on my property and I’ve already told the cops I’m gonna fuck you up. You make the next choice
What the h e double fuck did you just say to me?
You're not funny when you drink.
Tanner. Me and some good old boys go innawoods and larp as YallQaeda
Says you
Sorry man. I really am.
Goodnight man. Remember the South will love you. Gotta sleep now.
You're a larping faggot. Real South Georgia swamp general here. Tour the largest black water swamp in North America. Kys Yankee I hate you
Im a Chad that got depressed after he realized that he hated everything about his normalfag life.
The Tanner. 100%
Nigger I'm southern central tennessee. Georgia has nothing but niggers
Mixing dawn with clorox makes mustard gas and is come considered a terrorist act.
Kyle is all of Jow Forums
*but without the wall punching ability
Tanner is whoopin all 3
g17 with extend mag floor plat one in the pipen is 21 total i figure i'll keep a few round can't give you everythang stankbeast
Kys fag
I'm a chet poorfags,
>what the fuck did you just say to me? I'll have you know that my dad makes in a day what your dad makes in a year.