There are over 20 Nazi organisations in the racist cuckold shithole known as the den of Swedes, but I am specifically talking about the so-called “Nordic Resistance Movement.” It is a Nazi terrorist group that aims to violently subject all of Scandinavia to a Swedish dictatorship and gas several million innocent Jews. They are a Swedish organization, but fortunately the neighbouring countries such as Denmark, Norway and Finland have all had the good taste to bann this Nazi organization, but Sweden still refuses to do anything about it. How can a country in 2019, be so cucked that they not only allow these bigots to exist, but even lets them march freely through their streets to the terror of Jews who live in the affected cities?
If you are not convinced these guys are terrorists, then watch how they bombed the US embassy last year: Americans, are you going to stand for some Swedecucks bombing your embassy? Well the Swedish authorities did nothing about it. Zero. Nothing.
They also openly broadcast shows on TV where actual Nazis are helped to find their perfect “Aryan” wives, and for entertainment purposes:
This is no joke people. It is an organization that contains several convicted murderers. They disrupt political meetings. They harass sex offenders that have served their penalty. They harass homosexuals. They want to create a dictatorship. But worst of all: they want to murder 20 million innocent Jews.
So WTF is wrong with Sweden? How can they allow such evil to exist in their own country?
These guys are becoming way too powerful. I know a good honest family here who had to move from Sweden because their hometown became full of nazi sympatizers. Never let evil take hold
Nice to see Sweden waking up. Keep it up Sven, the Synagogue of Satan will lose in the end, so it is written.
Connor Johnson
Your honesty is appreciated, atleast
Jayden Martin
so they lite off a few firecrackers and I'm supposed to be mad? look I'd love to get angry or w/e but my wallets feeling a bit light...
Oliver Anderson
It isnt banned here you vapid fuck
Jackson Morales
Isn't it weird that Sweden, who forcely oppose any anti-refugee speak, have so many Neo-nazis, while Denmark who have a strict refugee policy, virtually have no extreme right wing environment?
Joseph Fisher
>Evil satanic Jew digits. Look in wonder as the Jew attempts to manipulate you in real time.
Adam Brown
>(((American))) embassy I hope the Europeans kill every last Amerimutt in Europe, they are traitors spreading their poz to the peoples of Europe
Brandon Powell
And there using the internet to spread Nazi propaganda. That’s were the acid attack rumor came from. Nobody hires neo Nazis No business wants to deal with white suprematism people
Jonathan Sullivan
The Haganah?
Charles Rivera
>694 KB >694 KB JPG > There are over 20 Nazi organisations in the racist cuckold shithole known as the den of Swedes Good. Finally some are standing up to the kikery.
Nope Not at all That’s why Israel is our best allie, because of messed up countries like that.
Leo Nelson
>flag Stopped reading there.
Ian Bailey
>They harass sex offenders that have served their penalty
oy vey job is never done for shlomo
Michael Thomas
They are part of Diversity They where inspired by Israels immigration policies They have a less extreme position/opinion of jews than the migrants in the country.
Most crime is white supremacy people. Drugs, robbing and beating women. You can’t cover up the truth to much longer.
Kayden Campbell
Of course, shlomo, if course ....
Zachary Johnson
Not so strange. They are just prone to hate and bigotry. Imagine if there were no restrictions at all, then it would have been even worse. Danes are just more continental so they don't have racism in their blood
You missed the part where they shit-talked Donald Trump himself? Guess they don't want you to build a wall
Diversity leads to race. every study on the subject reveals this. the less people from other races you have to live with the racist you'll be. Fuck Scandinavians have racism against each other. Germans and Poles have always had racial tension.
Japan. Korea, and china, racial tension.
I'm sure blacks have racial tensions against other black tribes.
People think that when they go on vacation they get an "accurate" view of a place. No, you met the people who are there to make money off you. In the case of most 3rd world shit holes. It's the same as going to Beverly Hills and thinking that's it represents the whole USA.
Parker Morales
all I know is that they formed a new party and I laughed about it on twitter because some nigger squatting in sweden was crying because one of them handed him a party pamphlet and said 'you have to go back' to his face.
Ian Lopez
poof reading not my strong suit. >Diversity leads to racism. >every study on the subject reveals this. >the less people from other races you have to live with the less racist you are but the most races you live with the more racist you are.
Leo Thomas
I think that was the less radical nazi party. They got several degrees. Every Swede needs his own version of anti-semitism it seems. The immigrants are basically just joining their antisemitism to a population of unapologetic nazis. Sooner or later the USA will have to bomb the, you know
Nicholas Stewart
Yes. It proves accelerationism to be true.
You and Norwegians have far more ethnic and racial mixing because you force integration and other subhuman ideas to destroy the Nordic race
Joseph Young
I hope you take that 6 gorillion and shove up it your hooked nose jude SAGE jew bait
A permanent shithole indeed. I visited Sweden in the early 90s as a young man, wearing customary Jewish attire. Behind me I suddenly heard a voice shouting something in Swedish. I turned around and asked what he said. It was a total white trash with bomber jacket, boots, the whole shebang. He then answered in English: >"Out of the way Kike!" So I asled him confidently: >"Why do you say things like that?" But he just shouted as an answer: >"Sieg Heil! I'm a Nazi!" And then he marched off. He looked something like the guys on this picture. Same creepy bald headed Nordic trash look
Letting things develop naturally is not forcing. Is it better to have like in Sweden where the immigrants never even see a Swede except when visiting the welfare office? I applaud Denmark and Norway for actually making the immigrants part of society
Gavin Watson
they arent nazi until i start seeing some dead kikes piling up
until then eat a jewbaby dick kikeberg
Liam Fisher
>wearing customary Jewish attire with or without the Judenstern asking for a friend
Somehow I don't think it was the star that gave me away user
Dominic Williams
That's what you would expect, but I asked a policeman and the man had acted a bit quirky but not done anything illegal. They didn't have any hate speech rules back then
Grayson Wright
its cologne if there are no niggers around raping, the citizens will rape each other out of tolerance
HLA alleles have been determined in individuals from the Republic of Macedonia by DNA typing and sequencing. HLA-A, -B, -DR, -DQ allele frequencies and extended haplotypes have been for the first time determined and the results compared to those of other Mediterraneans, particularly with their neighbouring Greeks. Genetic distances, neighbor-joining dendrograms and correspondence analysis have been performed. The following conclusions have been reached: 1) Macedonians belong to the "older" Mediterranean substratum, like Iberians (including Basques), North Africans, Italians, French, Cretans, Jews, Lebanese, Turks (Anatolians), Armenians and Iranians, 2) Macedonians are not related with geographically close Greeks, who do not belong to the "older" Mediterranenan substratum, 3) Greeks are found to have a substantial relatedness to sub-Saharan (Ethiopian) people, which separate them from other Mediterranean groups. Both Greeks and Ethiopians share quasi-specific DRB1 alleles, such as *0305, *0307, *0411, *0413, *0416, *0417, *0420, *1110, *1112, *1304 and *1310. Genetic distances are closer between Greeks and Ethiopian/sub-Saharan groups than to any other Mediterranean group and finally Greeks cluster with Ethiopians/sub-Saharans in both neighbour joining dendrograms and correspondence analyses. The time period when these relationships might have occurred was ancient but uncertain and might be related to the displacement of Egyptian-Ethiopian people living in pharaonic Egypt.
>>Letting things develop naturally is not forcing. Is it better to have like in Sweden where the immigrants never even see a Swede except when visiting the welfare office? I applaud Denmark and Norway for actually making the immigrants part of society.
That's rich coming from you Shlomo. Why don't you let all the Africans and Arabs into Israel and make them part of "your society" instead?
>But worst of all: they want to murder 20 million innocent Jews.
You guys just raise your numbers when you want or is there a process each time?
Levi Sanchez
It's really simple: >Denmark: immigrants welcome and integrated into society = racial harmony and reputation as based. >Sweden: immigrants are sent to glorified open-air prisons outside of cities = hate crime and immigrant crime.
If Swedes can't learn democratic values on their own, then someone has to do it for them
Logan Gomez
who cares jew?
Nathan Russell
There is no fixed number. They want to kill every single Jew. I just wrote 20 million to give you an idea of the magnitude of the tragedy and crime that would be
Jace Wright
>If Swedes can't learn democratic values on their own, then someone has to do it for them Practice what you preach first in Israel, then we'll talk.
Lucas Turner
no such thing as hate crime. Only Nordic European civil rights movement
And Denmark is not seen as "based". And neither immigrants are welcome or integrated by MOST Danes. It's just that the government does more to prevent forming of ghettoes aka NO MORE ALL WHITE city communities.
Danes are irrelevant fags that have a subhuman nigger for a minister of immigration now. nothing based
Except more NordFront stuff in Denmark too
Christopher Johnson
Shut up Jew; Worry about the fact Palestinians are out breeding you, and Israel is going to fall to them.
Isaac Hall
Yeah..some bombing there. Fortunately, there are much bigger things to worry about than Jews.
Chase Edwards
>Inger Stojberg replaced fuck since when?
Parker Davis
>There are over 20 Nazi organisations in the racist cuckold shithole known as the den of Swedes, but I am specifically talking about the so-called “Nordic Resistance Movement.” It is a Nazi terrorist group that aims to violently subject all of Scandinavia to a Swedish dictatorship and gas several million innocent Jews.
>>Denmark: immigrants welcome and integrated into society = racial harmony and reputation as based.
Lol, up until recently the Danes were stuffing the migrants on an Island used for chemical testing and confiscating their valuables. Even the Social Democrats there are towing an anti migrant line now and the average Dane hates them. That was very clear even when I was there 15 years ago.
>>Sweden: immigrants are sent to glorified open-air prisons outside of cities = hate crime and immigrant crime.
Lol, so the solution is they just have to be nicer to African and Arab rapists, import more of them and everything will be fine. Once again Shlomo, give back all the land you stole and declare open borders for Israel or STFU. Nobodys is buying your bullshit and double standards anymore.
But you fucked off to Israel, so it obviously worked.
Chase Brown
>up until recently the Danes were stuffing the migrants on an Island used for chemical testing and confiscating their valuables. Even the Social Democrats there are towing an anti migrant line now and the average Dane hates them which is still nothing since plenty of mongrels with EU passports come there to work and study for free.
unless all non-Nords and racetraitors are exiled - its all bullshit
Austin Lewis
And then the entire camp clapped
Landon Morgan
There are 14mil jews TOTAL worldwide
Gavin Taylor
The tolerant and civilized parties won last election in Denmark. 5th of June I believe.
They do, but I am not going to tell you where to find it.
Asher Reed
oven is that way ----------->
Connor Perry
I too know some innocent families that were literally shoad in Sweden. It’s time to punish the white goyim!
Eat shit kike..its their country not the rapeugees or yours
Hunter Brooks
this filthy jew is right. Nazis are always trying to get in the way of the jews parasitic plan to take over the globe and turn all other peoples into slaves to their satanic materialistic molochian machine. Nazis must be *stopped*.. let these jackals win, already
Caleb Ramirez
More people more criminals part and parcel also they put Mexican crime as white. If people actually knew the true statistics there wouldn’t be much love for Mexicans or blacks.
Jose Sanchez
>implying the average normalfag pays attention to statistics in the first place
Andrew James
Only because the news is a glorified home shopping network.
Thomas Clark
We try to save Sweden you idiots. You do not understand the horrors that would be unleashed upon the world if actual Nazis came to power in Sweden. As part of my work for various humanitarian NGO:s I spent a lot of time studying the roots of Swedish Nazism, and it goes way back. Before the 19th century Sweden was a terribly oppressive country to live in. Until the end of the 18th century Jews and others of different religion were not even allowed to enter the country, and it was only after the freedom of religion act was passed that positive influences from the outside could be brought into the country and turn it a little less barbaric. The German Nazis committed unspeakable atrocities, and their historical legacy looks egalitarian compared to that of the Swedes. Some examples of Naziesque policies Sweden practiced before the 19th century: >People who did not show up to church were publicly flogged. In the military they were executed(!) >Merely saying the name of G-d in an irreverent way could and would lead to execution. There were even cases where teenage girls were sentenced to death for just using vulgar language. >One of the last European countries to practice mass witch-burnings. In a single day in 1675, 71 people were burned. >Only European country to have practiced death penalty for adultery. >Unmarried women who had practiced premarital sex also faced a barbaric treatment. Their hair was cut off and they were forced to sit in the “whore-stool” in church (pic). Then the two lovers could choose between marriage or being executed, and the bride was not even allowed to wear a bride crown. Essentially misogynist slut shaming on an institutional scale. >People could be sentenced to public flogging for as menial offenses as arguing at home or failing the priest’s reading examinations. >Travelling within the country was forbidden. People were not even allowed to leave their own town without an official travel permit.
I approve of traditional morals, but these penaltise just seem sadistic. Swedes must have cuckoldry in their blood to have had submitted to such bizarre rules. My GF cheated on me once, and sure it really hurt a lot, but I would not have wanted her beheaded because of it
Caleb Smith
That explains a lot, but knowing their history of bigotry why have we even allowed them to still exist? People who create such nightmare socities will never truly be human
Isaac Hernandez
And good riddance
Parker Phillips
>g-d Can you post the passage that makes you do this? This is some Harry Potter shit.
John Gutierrez
It's not true that we have welcomed them. There were anti-refugee parties in the 80's here. And those who got here, mainly Muslims, in the 80's, haven't been integrated, because they don't want to be integrated. They want to stay as non-secular Muslims who makes demands while taking our money. Actually a lot of refugees, at least 600, have fled to France recently, because they are affraid to get deported if they stay here.
I don't know how Sweden deal with them.
Noah Nelson
Sorry Nazi, but I owe you no explanations
Dylan Brown
This is some low effort larping. Drop the VPN faggot, you're not very good at this.